

1. 发音:lea的发音为[liːə],其中的“ea”发音为长母音/iː/,而末尾的“a”发音为短母音/ə/,读起来类似于“lee-uh”的形式。


2. 拼写:lea的拼写为l-e-a,是一个三个字母的单词。它源自古英语单词leah,意为“草地、牧场”,后来也引申为“居住地、家园”的意思。

3. 同义词:lea的同义词包括field、pasture、meadow等,都指代开阔的草原或牧场。在不同语境下可以互相替换使用。

4. 例句:

a) The cows were grazing peacefully on the lea, enjoying the fresh grass.


b) The couple built their dream house on a beautiful lea surrounded by rolling hills.


c) The shepherd led his flock to a new lea, where they could graze and rest for the night.



1. 定义


2. 含义


- 植物的一部分:lea主要指树木上的叶子,是植物生长过程中不可或缺的一部分。它们通过光合作用吸收二氧化碳和水分,在光照下产生能量,并释放出氧气。

- 薄片状物体:除了指树木上的叶子外,lea也可以用来形容其他薄片状的物体,比如纸张、金属等。

- 一段时间:在某些方言中,lea也可以表示一段时间。比如在英国北部地区,人们会说“in a lea”来表示“一会儿”。

3. 同义词


- foliage:指植物茂盛的叶子或整个植物群。

- leafage:指树木茂密的枝叶。

- greenery:指绿色植被或多种植物构成的景观。

4. 例句


- The tree is full of lea in summer.


- She picked up a dry leaf and showed it to me.


- Could you pass me a sheet of paper? I need it to write something down.


- I'll be back in a lea, just wait for me here.



1. lea的意思:

Lea是一个英语单词,通常用作名词,有两种不同的含义。第一种含义是指“草地”或“牧场”,特别是指用来放牧的开阔地区。例如:The sheep grazed peacefully on the lea.(羊在草地上平静地吃草。)第二种含义是指“女孩”或“女人”,通常用作古老或诗歌风格的称呼。例如:The fair maiden danced gracefully in the lea.(美丽的少女在草地上优雅地跳舞。)

2. lea的发音:


3. lea的同义词:


4. lea的例句:

- The cows were grazing peacefully on the green lea.


- The shepherd led his flock to a new lea for grazing.


- The young lady walked through the flowery leas, enjoying the beautiful scenery.


5. lea的双语例句:

- The children were playing happily on the lea, chasing each other and laughing.


- 孩子们在牧场上快乐地玩耍,互相追逐着笑个不停。(中文)

- The poet described the fair maiden dancing in the lea with vivid imagery.


- 诗人用生动的想象描绘了美丽的少女在牧场上跳舞。(中文)

- The shepherd led his sheep to the lush green lea for grazing.


- 牧羊人把他的羊群带到茂密翠绿的牧场上吃草。(中文)


1. Interpretation - 例:The interpretation of "lea" can be quite confusing for non-native speakers.

2. Definition - 例:Could you give me the definition of "lea" in simpler terms?

3. Meaning - 例:I'm still not sure about the meaning of "lea". Can you explain it to me again?

4. Significance - 例:The significance of "lea" in this context is often overlooked.

5. Implication - 例:What are the implications of using "lea" in this sentence?

6. Connotation - 例:The connotation of "lea" can vary depending on the speaker's tone.

7. Sense - 例:I can't make sense of the word "lea" in this sentence.

8. Explanation - 例:Can you provide a brief explanation for the word "lea"?

9. Translation - 例:The translation for "lea" in my native language doesn't seem accurate.

10. Definition - 例:Can you give me a clear definition for the term "lea"?
