标题:leaving是什么意思? 内容:['líːvɪŋ', 'ˈliːvɪŋ', 'leaving指什么?这个词有哪些用法?让我们一起来探究一下。', 'leaving的拼音', 'leaving怎么读?你可能会想到“离开”的意思,但实际上它还有其他含义。', 'leaving的用法和双语例句', '在不同场景中,leaving都可以有不同的用法,让我们通过例句来更加深入地了解它吧。', 'leaving的词组', '除了单独使用,leaving还可以和其他词组合成不同的表达方式,让我们一起来学习一下。', 'leaving同义词示例'] 导语: 你是否曾经遇到过这样一个词——“leaving”?它的发音可能让你感到困惑,但它却有着丰富多彩的含义。除了最常见的“离开”,它还可以表示其他意思。现在就让我们一起来探究一下这个神秘的词吧!从拼音、用法、例句、词组以及同义词示例,让我们一步步揭开“leaving”的面纱。


leaving的拼音是lí yǐng,它是英语中的一个动词,意为“离开”,也可以表示“出发”、“去往”等含义。在汉语中,我们也可以用“离开”、“走了”等词来表达leaving的含义。但是,leaving不仅仅指的是身体上的离开,还可以指情感上的离开,比如离别、分手等。



1. “I'm leaving for Paris tomorrow.”(我明天要去巴黎了。)这里使用了leaving表示身体上的出发或者去往某地。

2. “The train is leaving the station.”(火车要出站了。)这里使用了leaving表示火车即将离开车站。

3. “She's leaving her job to start her own business.”(她要辞职去创业了。)这里使用了leaving表示某人要放弃原来的工作或生活状态。

4. “I can't believe he's leaving me for someone else.”(我不敢相信他要和别人分手了。)这里使用了leaving表示某人要和另一个人断绝关系。

5. “Leaving this place brings back so many memories.”(离开这个地方让我想起很多回忆。)这里使用了leaving表示离开某个地方带来的情感上的变化


1. "leaving"的发音为[ˈliːvɪŋ],其中重音在第一个音节。

2. "leaving"是动词"leave"的现在分词形式,意为“离开”、“出发”、“遗留”等。

3. 在口语中,有时也可以用作名词,指“离开的行为”或“离开的状态”。例如:“His leaving was unexpected.”(他的离开出乎意料。)

4. "leaving"在英语中还有其他一些常见的用法,如:

a. leave somebody/something doing something:让某人/某物继续做某事。例如:“I left him working in the garden.”(我让他继续在花园里工作。)

b. leave to do something:允许做某事。例如:“He left to go on a business trip.”(他获准出差。)

c. leave for someplace:动身去某地。例如:“I'm leaving for New York tomorrow.”(我明天要去纽约了。)

d. leave behind:遗留、忘记带走。例如:“Don't forget to leave your keys behind.”(别忘了把钥匙留下来。)

5. 在英语中,"leave"和"leaving"还有一些常见的搭配用法,如:

a. leave a message:留言

b. leave a mark:留下印记

c. leave a legacy:留下遗产

d. leave someone alone:不打扰某人

e. leave it to someone:把事情交给某人处理

6. 总的来说,"leaving"是一个常见的动词形式,在口语和书面语中都有广泛的使用。熟练掌握其发音和用法,能够帮助我们更准确地表达自己的意思


1. Leaving的含义

Leaving是leave的现在分词形式,意为“离开”,常用于表示某人或某物离开某处或某种状态。例如:I am leaving for the airport tomorrow.(我明天要去机场了。)

2. Leaving的用法


- 动词:表示离开的动作或状态。例如:She is leaving her hometown to pursue her dream.(她正在离开家乡追寻自己的梦想。)

- 名词:表示离开的行为或结果。例如:Her leaving caused a lot of sadness among her friends.(她的离开给她的朋友们带来了很多悲伤。)

- 形容词:表示具有离开特征的事物。例如:The train is departing from the station, leaving behind a trail of smoke.(火车从站台出发,留下一道烟尘。)

3. 双语例句

- She is leaving for Europe next week, so we had a farewell party for her yesterday.(她下周要去欧洲了,所以我们昨天给她举办了告别派对。)

- The company's financial troubles led to many employees leaving their jobs.(公司的财务困难导致许多员工辞职。)

- The feeling of leaving home and starting a new life in a foreign country is both exciting and scary.(离开家乡,在异国他乡开始新生活的感觉既兴奋又害怕。)

- The train leaving the station was delayed due to technical difficulties.(离开车站的火车因技术故障而延误。)


1. "leaving behind" - 留下

例如:He is leaving behind a legacy that will be remembered for years to come.(他留下了一个将被人们铭记多年的遗产。)

2. "leaving out" - 遗漏

例如:I can't believe you're leaving out such an important detail in your presentation.(我无法相信你在演讲中遗漏了这么重要的细节。)

3. "leaving for" - 出发去

例如:She is leaving for Paris tomorrow morning.(她明早就要出发去巴黎了。)

4. "leaving behind a mark" - 留下印记

例如:His performance in the game was outstanding, leaving behind a mark on the team's history.(他在比赛中的表现非常出色,给球队历史留下了一笔宝贵的财富。)

5. "leaving it up to" - 由...决定

例如:I'm not sure what to do, so I'm leaving it up to you to make the final decision.(我不确定该怎么做,所以我把最后决定权交给你。)

6. "leaving no stone unturned" - 不遗余力

例如:The detective was determined to solve the case, leaving no stone unturned in his investigation.(侦探决心要解决这个案件,在调查中不遗余力。)

7. "leaving someone hanging" - 让某人悬而未决

例如:Don't leave me hanging, tell me the rest of the story!(别让我悬而未决,把故事的剩下部分告诉我!)

8. "leaving someone in the dust" - 把某人甩在后面

例如:With her determination and hard work, she left her competitors in the dust.(凭借她的决心和努力,她把竞争对手甩在了后面。)

9. "leaving a bad taste in one's mouth" - 留下不愉快的印象

例如:The company's unethical practices have left a bad taste in their customers' mouths.(公司不道德的做法给顾客留下了不愉快的印象。)

10. "leaving room for improvement" - 留有改进空间

例如:Although his performance was good, there is still room for improvement.(虽然他的表现不错,但还有改进的空间。)


1. Departure

- Definition: the act of leaving a place or situation.

- Example: His sudden departure from the company surprised everyone.

2. Exit

- Definition: the action of leaving or going out of a place.

- Example: The emergency exit is located at the back of the building.

3. Withdrawal

- Definition: the process of leaving or removing oneself from a situation or activity.

- Example: After years of working, she decided to take an early retirement and enjoy her withdrawal from the corporate world.

4. Departing

- Definition: leaving a place, especially to start a journey.

- Example: The train will be departing from platform 3 in 10 minutes.

5. Moving on

- Definition: to leave one situation and start another one.

- Example: After her divorce, she decided it was time to move on and start a new chapter in her life.

6. Vacating

- Definition: leaving a place or position empty.

- Example: The tenant will be vacating the apartment next month.

7. Parting

- Definition: leaving someone or something behind.

- Example: Saying goodbye to her family at the airport was one of the hardest partings she had ever experienced.

8. Retiring

- Definition: stopping work, especially because you have reached a certain age.

- Example: He has been working for 40 years and is looking forward to retiring and traveling around the world.

9. Abandonment

- Definition: leaving something behind permanently.

- Example: The city was left in ruins after its abandonment during the war.

10. Emigration

- Definition: leaving one's own country to live permanently in another country.

- Example: She decided to emigrate to Canada for better job opportunities and quality of life.

11. Absence

- Definition: being away or not present in a particular place for a period of time.

- Example: His absence from the meeting was noticed by his colleagues.

12. Departure

- Definition: the act of leaving a job or position.

- Example: After years of working as a lawyer, she decided it was time for her departure and to pursue her passion for painting.

13. Evacuation

- Definition: the act of leaving a place quickly in order to escape danger.

- Example: The town was under threat of a hurricane and an evacuation order was issued for all residents.

14. Exodus

- Definition: a mass departure of people.

- Example: The exodus of refugees from war-torn countries has become a global crisis.

15. Escape

- Definition: getting away from something or someone dangerous or unpleasant.

- Example: She managed to escape from her kidnappers and call for help
