



1. 作为动词,leave意思是“离开”、“出发”。例如:I have to leave for work now.(我现在得出发去上班了。)此外,leave还可以表示“留下”。例如:Don't forget to leave a tip for the waiter.(别忘了给服务员留下小费。)

2. 作为名词,leave意思是“假期”、“休假”。例如:She is taking a leave from work next month.(她下个月要休假。)此外,leave还可以指“遗产”、“遗赠”。例如:He inherited a large sum of money from his uncle's leave.(他从叔叔的遗产中继承了一大笔钱。)

3. 另外,leave还有一些常见的短语搭配,比如:“take leave”表示“请假”,“on leave”表示“休假中”,“take one's leave”表示“告别”。

4. 哦对了,还有一个常用的俚语表达是“give someone the slip”,意思是“甩掉某人”,相当于中文里的“甩掉某人的鞋带”。








(1) 作为及物动词时,后面通常跟着名词或代词作宾语。例如:

- He left the room. (他离开了房间。)

- She left her bag on the bus. (她把包忘在公交车上了。)

(2) 作为不及物动词时,后面不需要跟宾语。例如:

- I have to leave early tomorrow. (我明天必须早点离开。)

- They left for the airport at 8 o'clock. (他们八点钟就去机场了。)


(1) leave for:前往某地

例如:They are leaving for Paris next week. (他们下周要去巴黎。)

(2) leave behind:遗留、忘记带走

例如:I can't believe I left my keys behind! (我真不敢相信我把钥匙忘在那里了!)

(3) leave out:遗漏、省略

例如:You should not leave out any important details. (你不应该遗漏任何重要的细节。)

(4) leave off:停止、结束

例如:Let's leave off here for today and continue tomorrow. (今天就到这里,明天再继续。)


(1) take leave of:告别、离开

例如:He took leave of his family and set off on a journey. (他向家人告别,开始了一段旅程。)

(2) leave someone alone:不打扰某人、让某人独处

例如:I need some time to think, please leave me alone. (我需要一些时间思考,请让我一个人静一静。)

(3) leave it at that:就此打住、不再谈论

例如:We have different opinions on this matter, let's just leave it at that. (我们对这件事有不同的看法,就此打住吧。)


(1) 近义词:

depart、go away、exit

(2) 反义词:



(1) 错误用法:“leave from”

正确用法:“leave for”

(2) 错误用法:“leave back”

正确用法:“go back”或“come back”


- I'm leaving now. (我现在要走了。)

- Don't forget to leave your keys on the table. (别忘了把钥匙留在桌子上。)

- Can I leave my bag here? (我可以把包放在这里吗?)

- She left her job to travel the world. (她辞掉工作去环游世界。)


1. leave的基本含义

Leave一词在英语中有多种含义,可以作为动词或名词使用。作为动词时,它的基本意思是“离开”、“出发”、“遗留”等。例如:I'm leaving for Paris tomorrow. (我明天要去巴黎了。) She left her umbrella at home. (她把伞忘在家里了。) Leave还可以表示“允许”、“让某人做某事”,如:My boss left me to handle the project. (老板让我来处理这个项目。)

2. leave的双语例句

1) I have to leave now, or I'll be late for my appointment.


2) He left his hometown and never returned.


3) Please don't leave your luggage unattended.


4) My parents always leave the door unlocked when they go out.


5) The teacher asked us to leave our phones in our bags during class.


- leave behind: 忘记、遗忘;留下、抛弃

- leave out: 省略、遗漏

- leave off: 停止、中断

- take leave: 辞别、告别

- leave a message: 留言

- leave it to sb.: 把事情交给某人处理


1. leave behind: 留下,遗留

2. leave out: 省略,遗漏

3. leave in: 保留,留在内部

4. leave off: 停止,放弃

5. leave for: 出发去某地

6. leave to: 把...交给,委托给

7. leave alone: 不干涉,不打扰

8. leave behind a legacy: 留下遗产/传统

9. take one's leave: 辞别,告别

10. parental leave: 产假/育儿假

11. sick leave: 病假

12. annual leave: 年假/休假

13. bereavement leave: 丧假

14. unpaid leave: 无薪假期

15. compassionate leave: 探亲假/事假

16. study leave: 在职学习假期

17. maternity/paternity leave: 产假/陪产假

18. extended leave of absence: 长期休假

19.leave a mark/impression on someone/something:在某人/某事上留下印象

20.leave something to chance:听其自然,听天由命

21.leave no stone unturned:不遗漏任何细节;千方百计

22.leave someone high and dry:抛弃某人;让某人处于困境中

23.leave it at that:就这样吧;不再做更多

24.leave someone in the lurch:抛弃某人;让某人处于困境中

25.leave someone to their own devices:让某人自生自灭;不加干涉

26.leave a sour taste in one's mouth:留下不愉快的回忆/印象

27.leave nothing to be desired:完美无缺,无可挑剔

28.leave someone speechless:让某人无言以对;惊呆了

29.leave a lot to be desired:令人失望,有待改进

30.leave well enough alone:勿多事,顺其自然


1. Depart - 指离开某个地方或者人群,通常用于正式场合或者文学作品中。例如:He departed from the party early.

2. Go away - 指离开某个地方,可以用于口语和书面语中。例如:Please go away and leave me alone.

3. Exit - 指从某个地方出去,通常用于指离开建筑物或者公共场所。例如:The emergency exit is located at the back of the building.

4. Withdraw - 指撤退、退出或者离开某个位置,也可以指撤回某项计划或决定。例如:The troops were forced to withdraw from the battlefield.

5. Retreat - 指撤退、后退或者逃跑,也可以指放弃原来的立场。例如:He decided to retreat from his argument and apologize.

6. Vacate - 指空出、腾出或者离开某个位置,通常用于指搬家或者暂时离开工作岗位。例如:They vacated their apartment and moved to a bigger house.

7. Absent oneself - 指自行离开、缺席或者不在场,通常用于正式场合。例如:He absent himself from the meeting without any explanation.

8. Take off - 指暂时离开工作岗位、休假或者度假,也可以指起飞飞机。例如:She took off for a week to visit her family.

9. Departure - 指离开或者启程,通常指长期或者永久性的离开。例如:His sudden departure surprised everyone.

10. Part - 指分开、分手或者分离,也可以指结束某段关系。例如:After a heated argument, they decided to part ways
