

1. 含义

Leave作为一个动词,有多种含义。最常见的含义是“离开”、“出发”、“去某处”,例如:I have to leave for work now. (我现在得去上班了。) 除此之外,leave还可以表示“留下”、“遗留”、“把...给予某人”等含义。


2. 词源


3. 同义词

Leave有许多同义词,包括depart、go、exit、quit、vacate等。这些词都可以表示“离开”的意思。例如:She decided to depart for Paris next week. (她决定下周去巴黎。)

4. 例句

a) I'm going to leave the party early because I have to work tomorrow morning.


b) Please don't leave your belongings unattended in public places.


c) He left his entire fortune to his daughter.


d) The teacher asked us to leave our phones in our lockers during class.




1. 发音:leave的发音为/liːv/,读作“利夫”。

2. 读音:在英语中,有时候相同的单词会有不同的读音。在这里,我们来讨论一下“leave”的两种不同的读音。



3. 同义词:除了“leave”外,还有其他一些单词可以表示“离开”的意思。比如:

- depart: /dɪˈpɑːt/,“远离”,也可以表示乘坐交通工具离开。

- exit: /ˈegzɪt/,“退出”,通常用于指离开某个场所。

- quit: /kwɪt/,“放弃”,也可以表示停止做某件事情。

- go away: /ɡəʊ əˈweɪ/,“走开”,比较随意的表达方式。

4. 例句:下面是一些例句,帮助你更好地理解“leave”的含义:

- She left the party early because she wasn't feeling well.(她因为身体不舒服,提前离开了派对。)

- The train will depart from platform 3 at 9 o'clock.(火车将在9点从3号站台出发。)

- Please exit the building in an orderly manner.(请有序地离开建筑物。)

- I've decided to quit my job and travel around the world.(我决定辞职,周游世界。)

- Can you please go away and leave me alone?(你能不能走开,让我一个人呆会儿?)


1. Leave的意思


2. Leave的读音


3. Leave的同义词

留下:remain, stay, keep, retain

离开:depart, go away, exit, move on

放弃:abandon, give up, relinquish, renounce

允许:permit, allow, authorize, let

4. Leave用法及例句

(1) 离开:

- He left the house early in the morning. (他早上早早离开了家。)

- Don't leave without saying goodbye. (别不告而别。)

(2) 留下:

- She left a note on the table for her roommate. (她在桌子上留了张便条给她的室友。)

- The teacher left some challenging questions for the students to solve. (老师留下了一些挑战性问题供学生解决。)

(3) 放弃:

- He decided to leave his job and start his own business. (他决定辞职开始自己的事业。)

- The team had to leave the match due to injuries. (因为受伤,这支球队不得不放弃比赛。)

(4) 允许:

- My boss won't leave me take a day off this week. (我的老板不允许我这周休息一天。)

- Please leave your bags at the front desk. (请把你的包留在前台。)

5. Leave的常用搭配

- leave behind: 忘记带上,留下

- leave out: 省略,遗漏

- leave for: 出发去,前往

- leave off: 停止,中断

6. Leave的常见短语

- take one's leave: 辞别,告别

- have a lot on one's plate: 有很多事情要处理

- take it or leave it: 接受或拒绝(通常指某种条件或建议)

7. Leave的常见表达方式

- Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. (如果您有任何问题或疑虑,请随时与我联系。)

- I'm sorry, I'll have to leave early today for a doctor's appointment. (抱歉,今天我必须早点离开去看医生。)

- Can you please leave some feedback on our service? (您可以给我们的服务留下一些反馈吗?)

8. Leave的相关词汇及例句

leaver (n.):离开者,退役者

- The company will hold a farewell party for all the leavers. (公司将为所有离职员工举办欢送会。)

left (adj.):剩余的,左边的

- I only have a few dollars left in my wallet. (我的钱包里只剩下几块钱了。)

- Turn left at the traffic light. (在红绿灯处左转。)

leave-taking (n.):告别,离别

- It was an emotional leave-taking for everyone at the airport. (在机场,每个人都感慨万千地告别。)



1. leave behind: 留下,忘记带走

例句:Don't forget to leave your keys behind when you leave the house.


2. take leave: 请假,离开

例句:I need to take leave from work next week for a family emergency.


3. leave out: 省略,遗漏

例句:You can't just leave out the most important details of the story.


4. leave for: 前往,出发

例句:We need to leave for the airport in an hour, so let's finish packing quickly.


5. leave off: 停止,中断

例句:Can we please just leave off this argument and enjoy our dinner?


6. take one's leave: 辞别,告别

例句:Before I take my leave, I would like to thank everyone for their support.


7. on leave: 休假中

例句:He is currently on a month-long paternity leave to spend time with his newborn son.


8. leave a mark: 留下印记,产生影响

例句:Her performance in the play left a lasting mark on the audience.


9. leave it at that: 就此打住,不再继续谈论

例句:Let's just leave it at that and agree to disagree.


10. leave someone in the lurch: 让某人陷入困境

例句:I can't believe you would just leave me in the lurch like this!



1. Depart - 离开,出发

例句:I will depart from the airport at 9am tomorrow.


2. Quit - 放弃,辞职

例句:He decided to quit his job and travel the world.


3. Vacate - 离开,空出

例句:The room must be vacated by 11am.


4. Abandon - 抛弃,放弃

例句:The ship was abandoned by its crew during the storm.


5. Withdraw - 撤离,退出

例句:The troops were ordered to withdraw from the battlefield.


6. Exit - 离开,出口

例句:Please use the emergency exit in case of fire.


7. Departure - 出发,离开

例句:Her departure from the company was unexpected.


8. Absent - 缺席,不在场

例句:He has been absent from work for a week due to illness.


9. Evacuate - 撤离,疏散

例句:The residents were evacuated from the area due to the flood.


10. Retreat - 撤退,后退

例句:The army was forced to retreat after heavy losses.

