

1. bilateral的拼音是bī lá tè lā,其中bī读作/baɪ/,lá读作/lɑː/,tè读作/tə/,lā读作/lɑː/。


2. bilateral一词源自拉丁语“bilateralis”,由bi-(双重)和lateralis(侧面的)组成,意为“两侧的”或“双边的”。

3. 在英语中,bilateral一般用作形容词,指两个国家、组织或个人之间有关系或交流的。例如:bilateral trade(双边贸易)、bilateral agreement(双边协议)、bilateral talks(双边会谈)等。

4. 除了用作形容词外,bilateral也可以用作名词,指双方之间达成的协议、协定或条约。例如:The two countries signed a bilateral to promote cultural exchange.(这两个国家签署了一项促进文化交流的双边协议。)

5. 在医学领域,bilateral也有特定的含义,指两侧都发生同样疾病或症状。例如:She has bilateral pneumonia, which affects both of her lungs.(她患有双侧性肺炎,影响了她的两个肺部。)

6. 另外,在数学中,bilateral也可以表示对称的或双边的。例如:a bilateral figure(对称图形)、bilateral symmetry(双边对称)等。

7. 总的来说,bilateral是一个常用的词汇,可以用于不同领域,但都与“两个”、“双方”或“对称”的概念有关。因此,在学习和使用英语时,掌握bilateral这一词汇及其拼音是很重要的


1. "双边的"还是"两国的"?——解析bilateral的含义


2. "bai-later-al"还是"bye-lateral"?——正确读音揭秘


3. 为什么要学习正确发音?——让你更加自信地使用英语


4. 来试试吧!——练习发音小技巧


5. 用幽默感学习——"双边的"还是"两国的"?


1. bilateral的定义


2. bilateral的用法

Bilateral可以作为形容词或副词使用,常见搭配有bilateral agreement(双边协议)、bilateral trade(双边贸易)等。

3. 双语例句

- The two countries have signed a bilateral trade agreement to promote economic cooperation.


- The president's visit aims to strengthen the bilateral relations between the two countries.


- The meeting was held to discuss the current state of bilateral cooperation.


- The two leaders held a bilateral talk on issues of mutual concern.


- This event serves as a platform for promoting bilateral cultural exchange between the two countries.



1. Bilateral agreement: 双边协议

2. Bilateral trade: 双边贸易

3. Bilateral relations: 双边关系

4. Bilateral cooperation: 双边合作

5. Bilateral investment: 双边投资

6. Bilateral talks: 双边谈判

7. Bilateral trade agreement: 双边贸易协定

8. Bilateral trade deficit: 双边贸易逆差

9. Bilateral trade surplus: 双边贸易顺差

10. Bilateral trade balance:双边贸易平衡

11. Bilateral negotiations:双边谈判

12. Bilateral ties:双边关系

13. Bilateral meeting:双边会议

14.Bilateral aid:双边援助

15.Bilateral summit:双边峰会

16.Bilateral trade volume:双边贸易额

17.Bilateral economic cooperation:双边经济合作

18.Bilateral military exercise:双边军事演习

19.Bilateral visa waiver agreement:双方签署的免签协议

20.Bilateral cultural exchange:双方文化交流


1. Two-sided - This is a common synonym for bilateral and refers to something that has two sides or two parts.

2. Reciprocal - This word also means "mutual" or "shared by both parties" and can be used in place of bilateral in certain contexts.

3. Dual - Like bilateral, this word also indicates two parts or sides but can also refer to having two functions or roles.

4. Symmetrical - This term is often used in science and mathematics to describe something that is balanced or equal on both sides.

5. Mutual - Similar to reciprocal, this word means "shared by both parties" and can be used interchangeably with bilateral in some cases.

6. Two-way - This phrase is commonly used to describe a type of communication or exchange that goes both ways, similar to the meaning of bilateral.

7. Double-sided - This term specifically refers to something that has two sides, often in a physical sense such as a double-sided coin or double-sided tape.

8. Bi-lateralized - This adjective emphasizes the idea of having two sides and is often used in medical contexts to describe conditions affecting both sides of the body.

9. Both-sided - Another way to express the idea of something having two sides, this term can be used as an alternative for bilateral in certain situations.

10. Paired - This word suggests a matching set or pair, similar to the concept of bilateral symmetry found in biology
