


1. 什么是bilateral?


2. bilateral怎么读?


3. bilateral的同义词有哪些?


4. bilateral的例句有哪些?

(1) The two countries signed a bilateral trade agreement.


(2) The meeting was held to discuss the issues of mutual concern between the two countries.


(3) The two leaders had a bilateral meeting to strengthen their diplomatic relations.


5. bilateral的详细解释






1. 发音

bilateral的发音为[bahy-lat-er-uh l],其中重音在第二个音节上。

2. 读法

根据英语的发音规则,可以将bilateral拆分为两个部分来读:[bahy-lat]和[-er-uh l]。第一个部分[bahy-lat]读作“bai-læt”,其中“ai”发长“a”的音,类似于单词“buy”的发音;而第二个部分[-er-uh l]读作“-er-ul”,其中“er”发轻声的“r”,类似于单词“hunger”的发音。

3. 同义词


4. 例句

a) The two countries have signed a bilateral agreement to promote trade and investment.


b) The bilateral talks between the two leaders were successful in resolving the border dispute.


c) The company has established a bilateral partnership with a local organization to expand its business in the region.



1. bilateral的意思是双边的,指两个国家或组织之间的关系或协议。

例句:The two countries have signed a bilateral trade agreement. (这两个国家已签署了双边贸易协定。)

2. bilateral也可以用来形容某物具有两侧对称的特征。

例句:The bilateral symmetry of the butterfly's wings is a wonder of nature. (蝴蝶翅膀的双侧对称性是大自然的奇迹。)

3. 同义词:two-sided, double-sided, reciprocal

例句:The two countries have a reciprocal trade relationship. (这两个国家有一种互惠贸易关系。)

4. 在医学领域,bilateral也可以指两侧都发生了同样的病变或手术。

例句:The patient underwent bilateral knee replacement surgery. (患者接受了双侧膝关节置换手术。)

5. 在数学中,bilateral指具有两个方向或两个变量的问题。

例句:The equation has a bilateral solution. (这个方程式有一个双向解决方案。)

6. 除了作为形容词使用外,bilateral也可以作为名词,表示一种协议或协定。

例句:The two countries are currently negotiating a new bilateral agreement on defense cooperation. (这两个国家目前正在就新的国防合作双边协议进行谈判。)

7. bilateral也可以用来指一种双向交流或交易。

例句:The bilateral exchange program allows students to study abroad for a semester. (这个双边交流项目允许学生出国留学一个学期。)

8. 在外交领域,bilateral也可以指两国之间的关系或会谈。

例句:The two leaders discussed ways to improve bilateral relations. (两位领导人讨论了改善双边关系的途径。)

9. 与bilateral相反的词是unilateral,指单方面的或单边的。

例句:The company announced a unilateral decision to raise prices. (该公司宣布单方面决定提高价格。)

10. 在政治上,bilateral也可以指两个政党或政治团体之间的合作关系。

例句:The two parties have formed a bilateral alliance to win the upcoming election. (这两个政党已经形成了一个双边联盟,以赢得即将到来的选举。)


1. Double-sided: This word can be used to describe something that has two sides or aspects, similar to the meaning of bilateral.

Example: The contract was written in double-sided format for easy reading.

2. Mutual: This word refers to something that is shared or experienced by two parties, just like the idea of bilateral communication or agreements.

Example: The two countries have a mutual understanding and respect for each other's cultures.

3. Reciprocal: This word describes a relationship or action where both parties are equal and receive the same benefits, similar to the concept of bilateral trade.

Example: The two companies have a reciprocal agreement to share resources and knowledge.

4. Two-way: This phrase can be used to express the idea of bilateral communication or exchange between two parties.

Example: The two-way dialogue between the students and their teacher was very engaging.

5. Dual: This word can be used to describe something that has two parts or components, similar to the meaning of bilateral relations.

Example: The company has dual headquarters in both New York and London.

6. Paired: This word refers to things that come in pairs, just like the idea of bilateral symmetry in biology or mathematics.

Example: The earrings she wore were paired perfectly with her dress.

7. Corresponding: This word means something that is related or corresponds to something else, similar to the concept of bilateral agreements between countries.

Example: The corresponding documents were sent out yesterday for review


1. 双边关系(bilateral relations)

例句:The two countries have maintained strong bilateral relations for decades.

2. 双边协议(bilateral agreement)

例句:The two leaders signed a bilateral agreement to promote trade and investment between their countries.

3. 双边贸易(bilateral trade)

例句:The two nations have seen a significant increase in bilateral trade in the past year.

4. 双边合作(bilateral cooperation)

例句:The two organizations have established a framework for bilateral cooperation in the field of education.

5. 双边会谈(bilateral talks)

例句:The leaders of the two countries held bilateral talks to discuss issues of mutual concern.

6. 双边投资(bilateral investment)

例句:The government is working to attract more bilateral investment from foreign companies.

7. 双边交流(bilateral exchange)

例句:Students from the two universities participated in a cultural exchange program as part of their bilateral exchange agreement.

8. 双边关税(bilateral tariffs)

例句:The two countries have agreed to reduce bilateral tariffs in order to boost trade between them.

9. 双边援助(bilateral aid)

例句:The government has provided bilateral aid to support the development of infrastructure in the neighboring country.

10. 双边冲突(bilateral conflict)

例句:Efforts are being made to resolve the ongoing bilateral conflict between the two nations through diplomatic means
