

The pronunciation of "minority"

1. The Meaning of "Minority"

"Minority" is a noun that refers to a small group of people who are different from the larger group in terms of race, religion, culture, or beliefs. It can also refer to a smaller number or amount compared to the majority. In general, it carries a connotation of being less influential or having less power compared to the majority.

2. How to Pronounce "Minority"

The word "minority" is pronounced as /maɪˈnɒrəti/ in British English and /məˈnɔːrəti/ in American English. It has four syllables with the primary stress on the second syllable (/nɒr/ or /nɔːr/). The "i" in the third syllable is pronounced as /ə/ and the final syllable is pronounced as /ti/. You can listen to its pronunciation on popular online dictionaries such as Oxford Learner's Dictionary or Cambridge Dictionary.

3. Synonyms for "Minority"

Some synonyms for "minority" include:

- Minority group: This refers to a specific group within a society that is smaller in number compared to the dominant group.

- Minority population: This term is often used in demographic studies and refers to the percentage or number of people belonging to a minority group within a larger population.

- Marginalized group: This term refers to a minority group that experiences social, economic, or political disadvantages due to their differences from the dominant group.

- Underrepresented group: This term refers to a minority group that has less representation or visibility in certain areas such as politics, media, or education.

4. Examples of Using "Minority"

- In this country, women are still considered as a minority in politics.

- The government needs to take measures to protect the rights of ethnic minorities.

- The company has a policy of hiring a certain percentage of employees from minority groups.

- The film aims to shed light on the struggles faced by sexual minorities in our society.

In conclusion, "minority" is a commonly used word that refers to a smaller group of people compared to the larger group. Its pronunciation is /maɪˈnɒrəti/ in British English and /məˈnɔːrəti/ in American English. It has several synonyms such as minority group, marginalized group, and underrepresented group

Is "minority" an idiom?

Is "minority" an idiom?这个问题可能会让你感到困惑,因为在我们日常生活中,我们经常会听到这个词,但是它真的是一个习语吗?让我来给你解答吧!

1. minority的意思是什么?


2. minority怎么读?


3. minority的同义词及例句

除了minority之外,还有一些近义词可以用来表示少数派,比如“small group”,“underrepresented group”,“minor part”等等。下面给出几个例句来帮助你更好地理解这些词汇:

- The minority of students in the class were able to solve the difficult math problem.


- Women are often considered a minority in male-dominated industries.


- The small group of protesters gathered outside the government building.


4. minority是否是一个习语?

现在,让我们回到最初的问题,is "minority" an idiom?答案是:不是。Minority并不是一个习语,它只是一个普通的英语单词,用来表示少数派。因此,在使用这个词时,并不需要特别地注意它是否符合某种习惯用法

Usage and examples of "minority"

As a language model AI, I am here to provide you with the usage and examples of the word "minority".

1. What does "minority" mean?

In simple terms, "minority" refers to a smaller or less dominant group within a larger community or society. It can also refer to a group that is different from the majority in terms of race, religion, culture, etc.

2. How do you pronounce "minority"?

The correct pronunciation of "minority" is [muh-nawr-i-tee]. Remember to stress on the second syllable and not the first one.

3. Synonyms for "minority"

- Small group

- Underrepresented group

- Marginalized community

- Non-dominant group

4. Examples of using "minority"

- The minority population in this city has been facing discrimination for years.

- Women are still considered as a minority in many male-dominated industries.

- The company aims to promote diversity by hiring more employees from minority groups.

- The government has implemented policies to protect the rights of ethnic minorities.

- As a member of the minority community, I understand the struggles and challenges we face every day.

In conclusion, understanding the meaning and usage of "minority" is crucial in promoting diversity and inclusivity in our society. Let's celebrate our differences and embrace each other's uniqueness

Antonyms and synonyms of "minority"

1. Antonyms of "minority"

- Majority: refers to the larger part or greater number of a group, community, or population. It is the opposite of minority, as it represents the larger portion.

Example: The majority of the students preferred online learning over traditional classroom learning.

- Plurality: refers to a number that is larger than any other but not more than half. It can also refer to a group that holds the largest number but still less than half.

Example: The plurality of voters chose the independent candidate in the election.

- Majority group: refers to a group that holds more power and influence in society compared to other groups. It is often used in discussions about social or political issues.

Example: The majority group in this country has been oppressing minority groups for years.

2. Synonyms of "minority"

- Small number: refers to a limited or reduced amount or quantity. It can be used interchangeably with minority when referring to a smaller portion.

Example: A small number of people attended the protest.

- Minority group: refers to a group that is smaller in size compared to another dominant group in society. It can also refer to a marginalized or underrepresented community.

Example: This organization aims to support and empower minority groups in our society.

- Underrepresented: refers to groups or communities that are not adequately represented or included in certain areas such as education, politics, or media.

Example: Women and people of color are still underrepresented in leadership positions.

3. Examples using "minority"

- In some countries, ethnic minorities face discrimination and unequal treatment based on their race or ethnicity.

- The company's policies only catered to the needs of the majority, neglecting the concerns of minorities within their workforce.

- Despite being a minority in terms of numbers, indigenous communities have been fighting for their rights and preservation of their culture for centuries.

In conclusion, "minority" is a term used to describe a smaller or lesser portion of a group, community, or population. Its antonyms include majority, plurality, and majority group, while its synonyms include small number, minority group, and underrepresented. It is important to recognize and address the needs and concerns of minority groups in order to promote equality and inclusivity in society

Explanation of "minority"

As a language model AI, I may not have personal experiences or emotions, but I can provide you with accurate and detailed information about the term "minority". So let's dive into the world of "minority" and understand its meaning, pronunciation, synonyms, and examples.

1. What does "minority" mean?

In simple terms, "minority" refers to a small group of people who are different from the majority in terms of race, culture, religion, or any other characteristic. This term is often used in the context of discrimination and inequality.

2. How to pronounce "minority"?

The word "minority" is pronounced as /məˈnɔːrəti/ (muh-nawr-i-tee). It is important to note that the stress is on the second syllable.

3. Synonyms for "minority"

Other words that can be used interchangeably with "minority" are:

- Minority group

- Marginalized community

- Non-dominant population

- Underrepresented group

4. Examples of using "minority"

Here are a few sentences to help you understand how this term is used in different contexts:

- The government should take steps to protect the rights of minorities.

- In this country, Christians are considered a minority.

- The company has a diverse workforce with employees from various minorities.

- As a member of the LGBTQ+ community, I have faced discrimination as part of the minority.

So there you have it - an explanation of what "minority" means, how to pronounce it correctly, some synonyms for this term, and examples of its usage. I hope this has been helpful in expanding your understanding of this word. Remember to always treat others with respect regardless of their minority status

