
What does mind mean?

1. 概念解释



2. 发音及读音


3. 同义词及例句

(1) Synonyms of mind: brain, intellect, intelligence, consciousness, thought.

例句:A healthy mind is essential for a happy life. (健康的头脑对于幸福生活至关重要。)

(2) Synonyms of mind (as a verb): care about, pay attention to, take notice of.

例句:Please mind your manners when you are at the dinner table. (用餐时请注意你的举止。)

4. 用法示例

(1) Mind可以作为名词使用。

例句:She has a brilliant mind and can solve any problem easily. (她头脑灵活,可以轻松解决任何问题。)

(2) Mind也可以作为动词使用。

例句:Do you mind if I open the window? (我打开窗户你介意吗?)

5. 衍生词汇

(1) mindful (形容词): 注意的,留心的,关心的。

例句:She is always mindful of her health and exercises regularly. (她总是注意自己的健康,定期锻炼。)

(2) mindless (形容词): 愚蠢的,不理智的。

例句:The mindless decision caused a lot of problems for the company. (那个愚蠢的决定给公司带来了很多问题。)

(3) mindfulness (名词): 注意力,专注。

例句:Practicing mindfulness can help reduce stress and increase focus. (实践专注可以帮助减轻压力,提高注意力。)

How do you pronounce mind?

1. What does "mind" mean?

- "Mind" can be used as both a noun and a verb. As a noun, it refers to the element of a person that enables them to be aware of the world and their experiences, to think, and to feel. It can also refer to the consciousness or intellect of a person. As a verb, it means to be careful or cautious about something.

2. How do you pronounce "mind"?

- The word "mind" is pronounced as /maɪnd/ (rhymes with "find"). It has one syllable and is stressed on the first syllable.

3. What are some synonyms for "mind"?

- Some synonyms for "mind" as a noun include brain, intellect, consciousness, thought, and psyche. As a verb, some alternatives are pay attention to, take care of, heed, and mind out.

4. Can you give some examples of how to use "mind" in a sentence?

- Sure! Here are some examples:

- Noun: She has a brilliant mind and always comes up with creative solutions.

- Verb: Please mind your manners when you're at the dinner table.

- Noun: He's lost his mind after experiencing such trauma.

- Verb: I don't mind waiting for you if you need more time.

- Noun: The book explores the mysteries of the human mind.

- Verb: Mind your own business and stop interfering in mine.

5. Are there any idiomatic expressions using "mind"?

- Yes, there are many idiomatic expressions using "mind". Here are just a few:

- Mind over matter: The power of one's will over physical obstacles or difficulties.

- A sound mind in a sound body: A healthy body leads to a healthy mind.

- To have something on your mind: To be preoccupied or worried about something.

- To speak your mind: To express one's thoughts or opinions freely.

- To change your mind: To alter a decision or opinion.

- To keep an open mind: To be willing to consider new ideas or opinions.

In conclusion, "mind" is a versatile word with multiple meanings and uses. It is important to pay attention to its pronunciation and context in order to use it accurately in both spoken and written English

Examples and usage of mind

1. What does "mind" mean?

- "Mind" can refer to the part of a person that thinks, feels, and perceives, including their intellect, thoughts, and emotions.

- It can also refer to one's consciousness or awareness.

- In a broader sense, "mind" can also mean the collective human consciousness or the universal intelligence.

2. How do you pronounce "mind"?

- The word "mind" is pronounced as /maɪnd/ (rhymes with "find").

- It is a one-syllable word with a short vowel sound.

3. Synonyms for "mind"

- Brain: refers to the physical organ responsible for mental processes

- Intellect: refers to one's ability to think and understand

- Psyche: refers to one's mind or soul

- Cognition: refers to the process of acquiring knowledge through thought and experience

- Consciousness: refers to one's awareness of their thoughts and surroundings

4. Example sentences using "mind"

- I couldn't get her out of my mind all day.

- He has a sharp mind and can solve complex problems easily.

- She lost her mind when she found out she won the lottery.

- Can you read my mind? I was just about to say that!

- The movie blew my mind with its stunning special effects.

5. Idioms using "mind"

- Have something on your mind: to be worried or preoccupied about something

Example: She has been quiet all day, I think she has something on her mind.

- Mind your own business: don't interfere in other people's affairs

Example: Stop asking so many questions, just mind your own business!

- Slip someone's mind: forget something

Example: I'm sorry I didn't call you back yesterday, it completely slipped my mind

Phrases with mind

1. "Keep in mind" - 意思为“记住”,常用于提醒他人不要忘记某件事情。例如:Please keep in mind that the deadline for this project is next week.

2. "Speak your mind" - 意思为“直言不讳”,表示坦诚地表达自己的想法和意见。例如:I appreciate it when people speak their minds and don't hold back.

3. "Change your mind" - 意思为“改变主意”,表示改变之前的决定或看法。例如:I was going to go to the party, but I changed my mind at the last minute.

4. "In my opinion" - 意思为“在我看来”,用于表达个人观点或看法。例如:In my opinion, this is the best restaurant in town.

5. "Have a one-track mind" - 意思为“一心一意”,指一个人只专注于一件事情,不会被其他事情分散注意力。例如:She has a one-track mind when it comes to her career.

6. "Open-minded" - 意思为“开明的,心胸宽广的”,指接受不同观点和想法,不固执己见。例如:It's important to be open-minded and listen to different perspectives.

7. "Slip one's mind" - 意思为“忘记了”,表示某事曾经记得但现在忘记了。例如:I'm sorry, it completely slipped my mind that we had a meeting today.

8. "Peace of mind" - 意思为“内心的平静”,指心灵得到安宁和放松。例如:Yoga always helps me find peace of mind after a stressful day.

9. "Blow one's mind" - 意思为“惊动,震惊”,表示某事让人感到非常惊讶或兴奋。例如:The special effects in that movie really blew my mind.

10. "Put one's mind to something" - 意思为“全力以赴,专注于某事”,表示付出全部精力去做某件事情。例如:If you put your mind to it, I know you can achieve your goals

Synonyms of mind with examples

1. Synonyms for "mind":

- Brain: The brain is the organ inside your head that controls your thoughts, feelings, and movements.

Example: She hit her head hard and hurt her brain.

- Intellect: Intellect refers to a person's ability to think and understand things.

Example: He has a great intellect and can solve complex problems easily.

- Psyche: The psyche is the human mind or soul, including its functions, processes, and emotions.

Example: He was struggling with his inner psyche and couldn't make a decision.

- Cognition: Cognition refers to the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses.

Example: Her cognition skills were tested in the IQ exam.

2. Examples of "mind" in sentences:

- Can you read my mind? (understand what I am thinking)

- She has a sharp mind. (quick thinking)

- I don't mind staying late. (don't care)

- He always speaks his mind. (speak honestly)

- My mind went blank during the exam. (couldn't think)

3. Other ways to say "mind":

- Thoughts: Thoughts are ideas or opinions that come into our minds.

Example: I can't stop thinking about him. My thoughts are consumed by him.

- Consciousness: Consciousness is the state of being aware of one's thoughts, feelings, sensations, and surroundings.

Example: He regained consciousness after being unconscious for an hour.

- Attention: Attention is the act of focusing one's mind on something or someone.

Example: She couldn't pay attention in class because she was too distracted by her phone.

4. Examples of synonyms in sentences:

- His brain is full of creative ideas. (synonym for "mind")

- Her intellect helped her solve the puzzle easily. (synonym for "mind")

- His psyche was affected by the traumatic experience. (synonym for "mind")

- Her cognition skills were tested in the IQ exam. (synonym for "mind")

- I can't get you out of my thoughts. (synonym for "mind")

- His consciousness was altered by the medication. (synonym for "mind")

- She needs to pay more attention in class. (synonym for "mind")

In summary, mind is a versatile word that can be used as a noun, verb, or adjective. It can refer to one's thoughts, feelings, or opinions, as well as one's ability to think and reason. It is pronounced as "mīnd" and has various synonyms such as intellect, brain, and consciousness.