
The pronunciation of lens

Lens is a common word in the English language, but do you know how to pronounce it correctly? In this article, we will explore the correct pronunciation of lens and provide some synonyms and examples of its usage.

1. How to pronounce lens?


The word "lens" is pronounced as "lenz" with a short "e" sound. It rhymes with words such as "fence" and "hence". Remember to emphasize the "s" sound at the end.

2. What does lens mean?

Lens has multiple meanings, but its most common definition refers to a curved piece of glass or plastic used in glasses, cameras, or other optical instruments to focus light. It can also refer to a transparent cover over a light source or the eye's transparent structure.

3. Synonyms for lens

Some synonyms for lens include:

- Optic: This is often used in scientific or technical contexts.

- Spectacle: This refers specifically to eyeglasses.

- Prism: This is another type of optical instrument used for bending light.

- Ocular: This term is more commonly used in medical contexts.

4. Examples of using lens

Here are some examples of how the word lens can be used in sentences:

- I need to get new lenses for my glasses because my prescription has changed.

- The photographer carefully adjusted the lens on her camera before taking the shot.

- The lighthouse was equipped with a powerful lens that could be seen from miles away.

In conclusion, now you know how to pronounce lens correctly and have learned some synonyms and examples of its usage. Next time you come across this word, remember its correct pronunciation and impress your friends with your knowledge!

How to pronounce lens





如果你还是觉得有些难以理解,那么不妨听一听例句吧。比如,“I need to clean my camera lens before taking photos.”(我需要在拍照前清洁相机镜头。)或者,“The doctor used a special lens to examine my eyes.”(医生使用了特殊的透镜来检查我的眼睛。)通过听例句,相信你会更容易掌握这个单词的发音。


The usage and examples of lens

1. What does "lens" mean?

- "Lens" refers to a piece of curved glass or plastic used in cameras, glasses, and other optical devices to focus light and form an image.

- "Lens" can also be used figuratively to describe a particular perspective or way of looking at something.

2. How do you pronounce "lens"?

- The word "lens" is pronounced as /lenz/, with the stress on the first syllable.

3. Synonyms for "lens"

- Some synonyms for "lens" include:

- Optic: This term is often used in scientific or technical contexts.

- Glass: This can refer specifically to the material used in lenses.

- Spectacle: This word is commonly used to describe eyeglasses.

- Perspective: As mentioned earlier, this can be a figurative synonym for "lens."

4. Examples of usage

- In photography, different lenses can produce different effects on an image.

- The glasses I bought have anti-glare lenses.

- From my lens, this situation looks completely different.

- The journalist's article provides a unique lens into the lives of refugees

Phrases with lens

1. Through the lens of: 通过...的视角

例句:Through the lens of history, we can better understand the present.

2. A different lens: 不同的视角

例句:Looking at the issue through a different lens can provide new insights.

3. Rose-colored lenses: 玫瑰色眼镜

例句:She always sees things through rose-colored lenses and ignores reality.

4. A wide-angle lens: 广角镜头

例句:Using a wide-angle lens, the photographer captured the entire landscape in one shot.

5. A fresh pair of lenses: 新鲜的视角

例句:Let's approach this problem with a fresh pair of lenses and see if we can find a solution.

6. The lens of perception: 感知的视角

例句:Our experiences shape the lens of our perception and how we view the world.

7. A magnifying lens: 放大镜

例句:With the help of a magnifying lens, we were able to see the tiny details on the butterfly's wings.

8. The lens of truth: 真相的视角

例句:Journalists strive to see through the lens of truth and report accurate information to the public.

9. Rose-tinted lenses: 玫瑰色眼镜 (与rose-colored lenses意思相同)

例句:He tends to view everything through rose-tinted lenses and doesn't see any flaws in his ideas.

10. A distorted lens: 扭曲的视角

例句:Her past experiences have given her a distorted lens through which she sees relationships

Synonyms of lens with examples

1. Definition of lens: A transparent curved object that is used to refract light and form an image.

2. How to pronounce lens: /lenz/

3. Synonyms of lens:

- Optic: The optic of a camera is responsible for capturing images.

- Glass: The glass in a pair of glasses helps to improve vision.

- Spectacle: The spectacle on the microscope magnifies the objects being viewed.

4. Examples:

- The camera's optic was damaged, so the images appeared blurry.

- She cleaned her glasses, but still couldn't see clearly through the glass.

- The scientist put a specimen under the microscope's spectacle to study it closely
