学习是一种持续不断的过程,它可以让我们不断进步,不断成长。但是,有时候我们可能会遇到一些难以理解的词汇,比如“learn from”。它到底是什么意思呢?怎么正确地读音呢?别担心,接下来我将为你揭开这个行业标题的神秘面纱。除此之外,我还会分享一些与“learn from”相关的词组和同义词示例。让我们一起来学习吧!

learn from的拼音

learn from的拼音为[lərn frɒm]。

learn from是什么意思,learn from同义词及例句

学习是一种持续不断的过程,我们可以从各种各样的事物中学习。在英语中,“learn from”一词可以理解为“从...中学习”。下面是一些与“learn from”同义的表达及例句,让我们一起来学习吧!

1. Take a lesson from

例句:We should take a lesson from our mistakes and try to improve.

2. Learn by heart

例句:She learned the poem by heart in just one day.

3. Gain knowledge from

例句:You can gain knowledge from books, but experience is also important.

4. Absorb information from

例句:Children have the ability to absorb information from their surroundings.

5. Acquire skills from

例句:I acquired my cooking skills from my grandmother.

6. Educate oneself through

例句:He educated himself through reading and self-study.

7. Be inspired by

例句:I am always inspired by successful people and learn from their experiences.

8. Follow the example of

例句:We should follow the example of those who have achieved success in their lives.

无论是从自身经验中学习,还是通过他人的经验来汲取知识,我们都可以从中获益。希望以上同义词及例句能够帮助你更好地理解和运用“learn from”这个短语。记住,永远保持学习的心态,不断进步!

learn from怎么读

在英语中,“learn from”是一个常用的短语,意为“从...学习”,是由动词“learn”和介词“from”组合而成。它的同义词包括:take lessons from, derive knowledge from等。

例如,我们可以说:“We can learn from our mistakes.”(我们可以从错误中学习。)或者:“I learned a lot from my teacher.”(我从我的老师那里学到了很多。)

当然,除了这些常见的同义词外,还有一些更加俏皮幽默的表达方式,比如:“take a page out of someone's book”、“pick up pointers from someone”等等

learn from的用法和双语例句

1. 什么是learn from?

Learn from是一个短语,意为“向……学习”。它可以指从他人的经验、行为或错误中吸取教训,也可以指借鉴他人的成功或方法来提升自己。

2. learn from的同义词有哪些?

- Take a lesson from:从……中吸取教训

- Learn a lesson from:从……中学到教训

- Take after:效仿,模仿

- Follow the example of:效仿……的榜样

3. learn from的例句:

- We should learn from our mistakes and not repeat them in the future.


- It's important to learn from successful people and follow their examples.


- He takes after his father in terms of work ethic.


learn from的词组

1. Take a lesson from

例句:We should take a lesson from our mistakes and learn from them.


2. Learn by example

例句:Children often learn by example, so it is important for adults to set a good one.


3. Gain knowledge from

例句:Traveling is a great way to gain knowledge from different cultures and customs.


4. Acquire skills from

例句:She acquired her cooking skills from her grandmother who was an excellent cook.


5. Get inspired by

例句:Many artists get inspired by nature and create beautiful works of art.


6. Follow in the footsteps of

例句:He has always admired his father's successful career and wants to follow in his footsteps.


7. Emulate

例句:She tries to emulate her favorite singer's style and stage presence in her own performances.


8. Take a cue from

例句:Businesses can take a cue from successful companies and implement their strategies for growth.


9. Learn from the best

例句:To improve in any skill, it is important to learn from the best in that field.


10. Absorb knowledge from

例句:Books are a great way to absorb knowledge from experts and expand your understanding.


learn from同义词示例

1. Take lessons from

例句:We should take lessons from our mistakes and learn from them.

2. Draw inspiration from

例句:Artists often draw inspiration from their surroundings to create their masterpieces.

3. Gain knowledge from

例句:Students can gain knowledge from textbooks, lectures, and hands-on experiences.

4. Acquire skills from

例句:Interns have the opportunity to acquire skills from experienced professionals in the industry.

5. Absorb information from

例句:Children have the ability to absorb information from their environment at a rapid pace.

6. Be influenced by

例句:Our beliefs and values are often influenced by our family, culture, and society.

7. Emulate

例句:Many aspiring musicians try to emulate the style of their favorite artists.

8. Follow the example of

例句:Successful leaders are often admired for their qualities and many aspire to follow their example.

9. Model after

例句:The new product was modeled after its predecessor but with added improvements.

10. Mirror

例句:Children often mirror the behaviors and attitudes of their parents or role models.

11. Replicate

例句:Scientists were able to replicate the results of the experiment in multiple trials.

12. Mimic

例句:Parrots can mimic human speech with surprising accuracy.

13. Adapt/adopt techniques/methods/ideas from

例句: Companies must adapt/adopt new technologies and strategies in order to stay competitive in the market.

14. Incorporate

例句: The designer decided to incorporate elements of traditional art into her modern designs.

15. Learn through observation

例句: Many animals learn through observation of others in their group or species

learn from是一个非常重要的词汇,在学习和生活中都有着广泛的应用。通过学习,我们可以不断进步,不断成长,不断改善自己。希望大家能够认真学习并应用learn from这个词汇,从中受益并取得更大的成就。如果你喜欢本文,请关注我,我将为大家带来更多有趣、实用的知识。我是网站编辑,感谢大家的阅读。