
The pronunciation of leagues



1. Leagues的意思是什么?

首先,让我们来看看“leagues”的基本含义。它可以表示“联盟”、“协会”或者“组织”,通常用来指代由一群人或者团体组成的集体。例如,“The two teams are in the same league.”(这两支球队处于同一个联盟。)

此外,“leagues”也可以表示“距离”的单位,相当于3英里或者3.45公里。“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”(千里之行始于足下。)所以,“leagues”也可以用来形容很长的距离。

2. Leagues怎么读?


3. Leagues的同义词有哪些?


4. Leagues的例句有哪些?

- She is a member of the local football league.


- The two countries formed a military alliance to defend against their common enemy.


- The distance between our houses is at least 20 leagues.


How to pronounce leagues

1. What does "leagues" mean?

- "Leagues" is a noun that refers to a unit of distance, equal to about three miles or 4.8 kilometers. It can also refer to a group or association of people, especially for a particular purpose.

2. How do you pronounce "leagues"?

- The word "leagues" is pronounced as [liːɡz] in British English and [liːɡs] in American English.

3. Synonyms for "leagues"

- Some synonyms for "leagues" are: distance, alliance, federation, confederation, union, coalition, society, group, organization.

4. Example sentences using "leagues"

- The two teams are separated by several leagues in the standings.

- The company has joined forces with other businesses to form a powerful league.

- She is the president of the local women's league.

- The players were divided into different leagues based on their skill levels.

- The two countries formed a trade league to strengthen their economic ties

Usage and examples of leagues

1. Meaning of leagues

Leagues is a noun that refers to a unit of distance, typically used in nautical measurements. It is equivalent to approximately three miles or 4.8 kilometers.

2. Pronunciation of leagues

Leagues is pronounced as "leegz" with a long "e" sound and a silent "s" at the end.

3. Synonyms for leagues

Some synonyms for leagues include distance, span, range, and stretch.

4. Examples of usage in sentences

- The ship traveled many leagues before reaching its destination.

- The two teams were separated by several leagues in terms of skill level.

- She walked for leagues through the forest before finally reaching the cabin.

- The kingdom was divided into different leagues based on geographical regions.

- He was determined to swim a league in under an hour.

5. Common phrases using leagues

- In league with: to be in partnership or alliance with someone or something.

Example: The two companies were in league with each other to dominate the market.

- Out of one's league: beyond one's level or ability.

Example: As a beginner, that advanced yoga class is out of my league.

- A whole new league: something completely different and on another level.

Example: This new technology is a whole new league compared to what we had before.

6. Idioms using leagues

- In a different league: far superior or better than others in the same category.

Example: His skills on the basketball court are in a different league than his teammates'.

- Leap by leaps and bounds: making rapid progress or improvement.

Example: With her dedication, she has been improving by leaps and bounds every day.

7. Common collocations with leagues

- Professional/Amateur/Youth Leagues

- Football/Baseball/Basketball Leagues

- International/National/Local Leagues

In conclusion, leagues can refer to a unit of distance or be used in various phrases and idioms to convey different meanings. It is important to understand the context in which it is used to properly interpret its meaning

Phrases with leagues

1. "In a league of its own" - 独一无二,超群出众。例句:This restaurant's food is in a league of its own.

2. "Leagues ahead" - 非常出色,远远领先。例句:Her performance was leagues ahead of the other actors.

3. "Out of one's league" - 高攀不起,不在同一水平。例句:I can't afford to shop at that designer store, it's out of my league.

4. "Join the big leagues" - 加入重要的团体或组织。例句:After years of hard work, she finally joined the big leagues and became a CEO.

5. "Swim in different leagues" - 处于完全不同的水平。例句:Their skills are so different, they swim in completely different leagues.

6. "A league apart" - 完全不同,不能比较。例句:Their personalities are a league apart, they could never get along.

7. "Within one's league" - 在某人能力范围内。例句:I only date within my own league, I don't want to get hurt by someone out of my reach.

8. "A whole new league" - 全新的水平或领域。例句:This job promotion is a whole new league for me, I'm excited for the challenge.

9. "Leagues behind" - 远远落后于。例句:Our team is leagues behind the other teams in terms of skill and strategy.

10. "The major leagues" - 最高级别的职业或竞争。例句:He finally made it to the major leagues after years of playing in minor leagues

Synonyms for leagues with examples

1. Meaning of leagues:

- Definition: a group of sports teams that play against each other in a competition

- Example: The football players were excited to join the local leagues and compete against other teams.

2. How to pronounce leagues:

- Pronunciation: /liːɡz/

- Example: The word "leagues" is pronounced as "leegz."

3. Synonyms for leagues:

- Alternatives: associations, alliances, federations

- Example: The two clubs formed an alliance and decided to join forces in the upcoming leagues.

4. Examples of using synonyms for leagues:

- Associations: The association of basketball teams organized a charity event to raise funds for underprivileged children.

- Alliances: The alliances between different soccer clubs have led to some intense and exciting matches.

- Federations: The federation of hockey teams has strict rules and regulations for fair play.

5. Other words with similar meaning as leagues:

- Unions, confederations, coalitions

- Example: The unions of different sports organizations have helped in promoting unity and teamwork among players.

6. Examples of using these words in sentences:

- Confederations: The confederation of rugby teams has announced the schedule for the upcoming matches.

- Coalitions: The coalition of cricket clubs worked together to improve the facilities at their home ground.

7. Conclusion:

In conclusion, "leagues" can be used interchangeably with words like associations, alliances, federations, unions, confederations, and coalitions when referring to groups or organizations in sports. These synonyms add variety and depth to our vocabulary and can be used effectively in different contexts. So next time you hear someone talking about joining a league or being part of an alliance, you'll know exactly what they mean!
