

1. helmsman的定义:helmsman是指船舶或飞机上的掌舵人,也可以指领导或决策者。这个词源自英语中的“helm”,意为“舵”,加上后缀“-sman”表示人,因此helmsman字面意思为“舵手”。

2. helmsman的词源:helmsman一词最早出现在英国海军中,用来指挥和掌控船只的人员。后来扩展到其他领域,如飞行员、领导者等。在英语中,helmsman也可以用作动词,意为“掌舵”或“引导”。


3. helmsman的同义词:在不同语境下,helmsman可以有不同的同义词。比如在航海领域,可以用captain、skipper或pilot来替代;在管理层级中,可以用leader、director或manager来替代。

4. helmsman的例句:a) The helmsman skillfully steered the ship through the stormy waters.

b) The CEO is the helmsman of the company, making all major decisions.

c) As a pilot, he is trained to be a skilled helmsman in the air








1. helmsman的含义:指船舶或飞行器的驾驶员,也可以指领导者或决策者。

例句:The helmsman skillfully navigated the ship through the stormy seas.


2. helmsman的发音:[helm-zmən],重音在第一个音节。

例句:Can you ask the helmsman to steer the ship towards the harbor?


3. helmsman的同义词:steersman, pilot, captain, leader

例句:As a helmsman of the company, he made many successful decisions.


4. helmsman的用法:

a. 指船舶或飞行器的驾驶员:

- The helmsman guided the ship safely into port.


- The helicopter's helmsman had years of experience flying in difficult conditions.


b. 指领导者或决策者:

- She is considered as a great political helmsman by her supporters.


- The helmsman of the project made some crucial decisions that led to its success.


5. helmsman的例句:

- Who is the helmsman of this company?


- The helmsman of the plane was praised for his quick thinking during the emergency landing.


- As a helmsman, it is important to have a clear vision and make strategic decisions.



1. Captain - 船长,指船上的领导者,与helmsman同义,常用于海上航行中。

例句:The captain and his helmsman worked together to steer the ship through the rough waters.

2. Navigator - 领航员,负责指引船只的方向和航线,与helmsman有相似的职责。

例句:The navigator and the helmsman worked in tandem to ensure the safe navigation of the ship.

3. Pilot - 领航员,同样负责指引飞机或船只的方向和航线。

例句:The pilot and the helmsman communicated through radio to navigate the ship safely through the narrow channel.

4. Steersman - 舵手,也是指掌控舵轮的人,与helmsman同义。

例句:The steersman skillfully maneuvered the ship through the crowded harbor, following the instructions of the captain.

5. Rudder - 舵手,指掌控舵轮来改变船只方向的工具,在某些情况下也可用作helmsman的同义词。

例句:The rudder responded quickly to the helmsman's commands, allowing for precise navigation of the ship.

6. Helmer - 舵手,是helmsman的缩写形式,在口语中常用作同义词。

例句:The helmer skillfully guided the ship through rough seas, earning praise from both passengers and crew members.

7. Shipmaster - 船长,与helmsman同义,指船上的主要领导者。

例句:The shipmaster and his helmsman worked together to navigate the ship safely through the stormy weather.

8. Skipper - 船长,也可用作helmsman的同义词,指船上的领导者。

例句:The skipper and his helmsman had years of experience navigating the treacherous waters of the open sea


1. helmsman的常见翻译

- 中文含义:舵手;领导者;指挥官

- 英文含义:a person who steers a ship or boat; a leader or commander

- 法语:barreur(舵手);chef de file(领导者);commandant(指挥官)

- 德语:Steuermann(舵手);Führer(领导者);Kommandant(指挥官)

- 日语:舵取り(steersman);リーダー(leader);司令官(commander)

2. helmsman的意思搭配

- 航海方面:作为舵手,helmsman负责掌舵,保持船只方向稳定,并根据指示调整航向。

例句:The captain gave the helmsman strict instructions to steer the ship away from the storm.


- 比喻意义:helmsman也可以用来比喻为领导者或决策者,负责引领团队或组织前进。

例句:As the helmsman of the company, he made bold and successful decisions that led to its growth.


3. helmsman的同义词

- steersman:指船只的掌舵者,与helmsman含义相同。

例句:The steersman was praised for his skillful maneuvering of the ship through the narrow channel.


- leader:指引领或领导团队或组织的人,与helmsman比喻意义相似。

例句:She is a natural leader, always able to inspire and motivate her team to achieve their goals.


- commander:指军队或舰队的最高指挥官,也可以用来比喻为强有力的领导者。

例句:The commander of the army led his troops to victory in the battle.


4. helmsman在文学作品中的使用

- 在海洋冒险小说《海底两万里》中,helmsman是主角们在潜水艇内掌舵的人。

- 在科幻小说《星际迷航》系列中,helmsman是指控制飞船方向和速度的人员。

- 在经典文学作品《老人与海》中,helmsman是老渔夫的忠实助手,负责掌舵并帮助他捕鱼。


helmsman是一种指挥船只的舵手,其词源可追溯至古英语中的“helm”和“man”。正确的发音为[helms-muh n],在句中常作主语或宾语。例如:“The helmsman skillfully guided the ship through the rough waters.”除了helmsman外,还有舵手、舵取、掌舵等同义词可供选择。常见的翻译有驾驶员、领导人、指挥者等,并可与不同的意思搭配使用。我是网站编辑小李,希望本文能帮助您更好地了解helmsman,并且对您有所启发。如果喜欢我的文章,请关注我获取更多精彩内容吧!