





如果你觉得这些符号很难理解,没关系!我来给你举个例子。想象一下你正在跑步,突然有人问你:“Are you okay?”(你还好吗?)这时候如果你想夸张地回答,“Oh, I'm dying!”(哦,我快要死了!),那么你就可以用“exaggerate”这个词来形容你的回答。









1. 动词用法:

- 意思:夸大,夸张

- 例句:Don't exaggerate your achievements, just be honest about them.(不要夸大你的成就,只需诚实地说出来。)

- 例句:She always exaggerates her problems and makes them seem worse than they actually are.(她总是夸大自己的问题,让它们看起来比实际情况更糟糕。)

2. 名词用法:

- 意思:夸张的陈述或描述

- 例句:His story was full of exaggerations and I couldn't tell what was true and what was not.(他的故事充满了夸张之处,我无法分辨出什么是真实的,什么是虚构的。)

3. 形容词用法:

- 意思:夸大的,过分渲染的

- 例句:The advertisement was very exaggerated, the product didn't live up to its claims at all.(广告非常夸张,产品根本不符合其宣传所说。)

4. 副词用法:

- 意思:过分地,极端地

- 例句:She always speaks very exaggeratedly, it's hard to take her seriously sometimes.(她总是说话非常夸张,有时很难把她当回事。)


1. Blow out of proportion: 夸大其词

例句:She always blows things out of proportion and makes everything seem like a big deal.

2. Stretch the truth: 拉长事实

例句:He tends to stretch the truth when telling stories to make them more interesting.

3. Make a mountain out of a molehill: 小题大做

例句:Stop making a mountain out of a molehill, it's just a small mistake.

4. Embellish the facts: 装饰事实

例句:The politician was caught embellishing the facts to make himself look better.

5. Fabricate stories: 编造故事

例句:She has a habit of fabricating stories to get attention from others.

6. Exaggerate for effect: 夸张效果

例句:He often exaggerates for effect in his comedy routines, making the audience laugh even harder.

7. Overstate the situation: 夸大情况

例句:Don't overstate the situation, we can handle this problem calmly.

8. Hyperbolize the truth: 夸张真相

例句:The media tends to hyperbolize the truth to sell more newspapers.

9. Magnify the details: 放大细节

例句:She has a tendency to magnify the details and make them seem more important than they are.

10. Aggrandize oneself: 自我吹嘘

例句:He is constantly aggrandizing himself and his accomplishments, making others feel inferior


1. 近义词:

- Overstate:夸大,言过其实。例如:He tends to overstate his achievements in order to impress others.

- Embellish:装饰,修饰。例如:She likes to embellish her stories with elaborate details.

- Magnify:放大,夸张。例如:The media tends to magnify small issues and make them seem more important than they actually are.

2. 反义词:

- Understate:轻描淡写,低估。例如:He tends to understate his abilities and accomplishments.

- Minimize:最小化,贬低。例如:She always tries to minimize her mistakes and shift the blame onto others.

- Downplay:淡化,不予重视。例如:The government is trying to downplay the severity of the situation in order to avoid panic
