


1. 定义


2. 词源


3. 同义词


4. 例句

a) It is your duty to take care of your parents when they get old.


b) As a citizen, it is our duty to pay taxes.


c) He feels a sense of duty towards his country and is willing to serve in the military.







1. responsibility - 责任

例句:It is our duty/responsibility to take care of the environment.

2. obligation - 义务

例句:As a citizen, it is our duty/obligation to pay taxes.

3. task - 任务

例句:Finishing this report is my duty/task for today.

4. job - 工作

例句:It's my duty/job to make sure everything is running smoothly.

5. role - 角色

例句:As a parent, it is your duty/role to guide your children.

6. function - 职能

例句:The main duty/function of this machine is to cut wood.



1. duty的意思


2. duty的读音


3. duty同义词

- Responsibility:指应该承担的责任或义务。

- Obligation:指应当遵守或履行的法律、道德或社会上认可的义务。

- Task:指要完成的工作或任务。

- Commitment:指对某事物或某人有责任感,并愿意承担相应责任。

- Chore:指乏味、枯燥但必须做的家务活或琐碎工作。

4. duty用法示例

- It is my duty to take care of my family. (照顾家庭是我的责任。)

- As a citizen, it is our duty to obey the laws. (作为公民,遵守法律是我们的义务。)

- She has a lot of duties to fulfill as a manager. (作为经理,她有很多职责要履行。)

- It's your duty to report any suspicious activities to the police. (向警方报告任何可疑活动是你的责任。)

- I have to finish my household duties before I can go out with my friends. (我必须先完成家务活才能和朋友出去。)

5. duty常见搭配

- Duty-bound:有义务的,应尽的

- Duty-free:免税的

- Duty roster:值班表

- Jury duty:陪审团义务

- Parental duty:父母责任

6. 例句解析

a) It is my duty to take care of my family.


b) As a citizen, it is our duty to obey the laws.


c) She has a lot of duties to fulfill as a manager.


d) It's your duty to report any suspicious activities to the police.


e) I have to finish my household duties before I can go out with my friends.

这句话中,“household duties”指代家务活,表示必须先完成家务活才能有空和朋友出去


1. Fulfill one's duty: 履行职责

例句:As a citizen, it is our duty to fulfill our civic duties and contribute to the society.

2. Neglect one's duty: 忽视职责

例句:The employee was fired for neglecting his duty and causing a major mistake in the company.

3. Sense of duty: 责任感

例句:She has a strong sense of duty towards her family and always puts their needs before her own.

4. Duty-free: 免税的

例句:We can buy some souvenirs at the duty-free shop before we leave the airport.

5. Call of duty: 职责所在,使命感

例句:The soldiers bravely answered the call of duty and fought for their country.

6. Perform one's duties: 履行职责

例句:It is important for teachers to perform their duties with dedication and passion.

7. Duty roster: 值班表

例句:Please check the duty roster to see when you are scheduled to work next week.

8. Jury duty: 陪审团职责

例句:I have been summoned for jury duty next month, I hope it won't interfere with my work schedule.

9. Duty-bound: 有责任的,有义务的

例句:As a doctor, she felt duty-bound to help those in need during the natural disaster.

10. Off-duty: 下班的,休假的

例句:The police officer was off-duty when he witnessed a crime and immediately took action to stop it


1. Responsibility

同义词:obligation, duty, accountability, liability


- It is our responsibility to take care of the environment.


- As a parent, it is your obligation to provide for your children.


- The manager has a duty to ensure the safety of his employees.


- The company will not accept any liability for damages caused by the product.


2. Obligation

同义词:responsibility, duty, commitment, promise


- It is our obligation to help those in need.


- As a citizen, it is your duty to vote in elections.


- He made a commitment to finish the project on time.


- I gave my promise that I would always be there for you.


3. Commitment

同义词:dedication, loyalty, devotion, allegiance


- She showed great commitment to her job and was promoted quickly.


- The soldiers had unwavering loyalty to their country.


- His devotion to his family was evident in everything he did.


- The citizens pledged their allegiance to the new leader.


4. Responsibility

同义词:duty, obligation, accountability, liability


- It is our responsibility to take care of the environment.


- As a parent, it is your obligation to provide for your children.


- The manager has a duty to ensure the safety of his employees.


- The company will not accept any liability for damages caused by the product.


5. Accountability

同义词:responsibility, duty, obligation, answerability


- As a leader, you must be accountable for your team's actions.


- We all have a duty to hold ourselves accountable for our mistakes.


- The company has an obligation to be accountable for its impact on the environment.


- The politician avoided answering questions and was criticized for his lack of answerability.


我们可以了解到duty是一种责任、义务,它源自于古英语中的“dēaw”一词。正确的发音是[djuːti]。在日常生活中,我们常用的短语有“do one's duty”、“on duty”等。除此之外,duty还有许多同义词,如obligation、responsibility等,在不同语境下都可以替换使用。例如,“It is my obligation to take care of my family.”作为网站编辑,我希望通过这篇文章能够帮助大家更好地理解和运用这个词汇。如果你喜欢我的文章,请关注我,我会继续为大家带来更多有趣的知识。谢谢阅读!