
What does duck mean?

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而当duck作为动词时,则有多重含义。首先,它可以表示“闪避”、“低头”或者“躲避”的意思。例如,“He had to duck to avoid being hit by the ball.”(他不得不低头躲避球)此外,duck也可以表示“快速移动”的意思,例如,“She ducked into the store to avoid the rain.”(她迅速进入商店避雨)此外,duck还可以作为俚语使用,表示“消失、离开”的意思。


- As soon as he saw the angry dog, he ducked behind a tree.


- The little girl giggled at the ducks swimming in the pond.


- He always ducks his responsibilities and never takes them seriously.


How to pronounce duck

Duck is a common word in English, but do you know how to pronounce it correctly? In this article, we will explore the meaning of duck, its pronunciation, synonyms, and provide some example sentences to help you better understand this word.

1. What does duck mean?

Duck can be used as a noun or a verb. As a noun, it refers to a type of waterbird with a broad flat beak and webbed feet. It can also refer to the meat of this bird when eaten as food. As a verb, it means to lower your head or body quickly to avoid something.

2. How do you pronounce duck?

The correct pronunciation of duck is /dʌk/. The "u" is pronounced like the "u" in "cup" and the "ck" is pronounced like the "k" sound.

3. Synonyms for duck

Some synonyms for duck as a noun include: waterbird, fowl, quacker, and mallard. As a verb, some synonyms include: dodge, evade, avoid, and dip.

4. Example sentences

- I saw a beautiful duck swimming in the pond.

- Can you pass me the roasted duck for dinner?

- Be careful not to get hit by that ball! Duck!

- She always ducks her head when she walks through doorways.

- He managed to duck out of work early today.

In conclusion, now you know the meaning of duck and how to pronounce it correctly. You can also use some synonyms in your writing or conversations to add variety. Keep practicing your pronunciation and expand your vocabulary!

Usage and examples of duck in sentences

1. What does "duck" mean?

- "Duck" has multiple meanings, but in this context, it refers to a type of bird with a flat bill and webbed feet.

- "Duck" can also be used as a verb meaning to lower your head or body quickly to avoid something.

2. How do you pronounce "duck"?

- The word "duck" is pronounced as /dʌk/.

3. Synonyms for "duck"

- Some synonyms for "duck" are waterfowl, mallard, and quack.

4. Example sentences:

- I saw a beautiful duck swimming in the pond.

- If you see a bee flying towards you, just duck!

- The duck waddled across the grass.

- My friend loves to hunt ducks during hunting season.

- She always orders the Peking duck at her favorite Chinese restaurant

Phrases with duck

1. "Duck out" - 意思是逃避或躲避某种责任或困难。例句:I can't believe he ducked out of helping us with the project.

2. "Sitting duck" - 意思是易受攻击或捕获的目标。例句:The car broke down in the middle of nowhere, leaving us sitting ducks for any passing predators.

3. "Lame duck" - 意思是无能为力的人或事物,通常指政治领导人。例句:The president's low approval ratings have turned him into a lame duck for the remainder of his term.

4. "Like water off a duck's back" - 意思是某件事情对某人毫无影响。例句:He can say whatever he wants, it's like water off a duck's back to me.

5. "Duck and cover" - 意思是避免危险,通常用于指导孩子们在紧急情况下寻找掩护物。例句:In case of an earthquake, remember to duck and cover under a sturdy table.

6. "Dead as a dodo/duck" - 意思是完全死亡或消失。例句:After the company went bankrupt, their once popular product became dead as a dodo.

7. "Duck soup" - 意思是轻而易举的事情。例句:With my experience, this project will be duck soup for me.

8. "Duck and weave" - 意思是躲避或回避某人或某事。例句:He's been ducking and weaving the press ever since the scandal broke out.

9. "Lucky duck" - 意思是幸运的人。例句:She won the lottery twice in a row, what a lucky duck!

10. "Duckface" - 意思是一种嘴型表情,通常用于自拍照片中。例句:Stop making that duckface, it's not a good look for you

Synonyms for duck with examples

1. Waterfowl

- Definition: a bird that lives near water and has webbed feet, a broad flat bill, and feathers that are waterproof

- Example: The lake was filled with various waterfowl, including ducks, geese, and swans.

2. Fowl

- Definition: a bird kept for its eggs or meat, especially a young one

- Example: The farm had a variety of fowl, including chickens, ducks, and turkeys.

3. Quack

- Definition: the sound made by a duck; also used to describe someone who talks foolishly or dishonestly

- Example: The duck let out a loud quack as it waddled across the pond.

4. Waddle

- Definition: to walk with short steps while moving from side to side; often used to describe the way ducks walk

- Example: The baby ducklings waddled behind their mother as she led them to the water.

5. Puddle Duck

- Definition: a type of duck that prefers shallow waters such as ponds or puddles; also used to describe someone who is clumsy or awkward in their movements.

- Example: The children enjoyed feeding the puddle ducks at the park.

6. Mallard

- Definition: a type of wild duck that is common in both North America and Europe; known for its distinctive green head and brown body.

- Example: We spotted several mallards swimming in the pond during our nature walk.

7. Drake

- Definition: an adult male duck; can also be used in slang to refer to someone who is smooth-talking or charming.

- Example: The drake proudly led his flock of female ducks around the pond.

8. Dabbling Duck

- Definition: a type of duck that feeds by upending itself in shallow water and sifting through mud and debris for food.

- Example: The dabbling duck's unique feeding method makes it easy to spot in the water.

9. Patois

- Definition: a dialect or language spoken by a particular group or region; also used to describe someone who speaks with a strong accent.

- Example: The farmer spoke in a thick patois, making it difficult for the city tourists to understand him.

10. Decoy

- Definition: an imitation of a bird used to attract real birds for hunting or observation; can also be used figuratively to describe someone who is used to deceive or distract others.

- Example: The hunters set up several duck decoys on the lake shore before hiding in their blinds.

11. Diving Duck

- Definition: a type of duck that feeds by diving underwater for food; has specialized features such as webbed feet and streamlined bodies.

- Example: The diving duck quickly disappeared under the water in search of food.

12. Wigeon

- Definition: a type of wild duck with colorful plumage and a distinctive whistling call; often found in wetlands and grassy areas.

- Example: The wigeon's beautiful feathers caught the attention of bird watchers at the wildlife refuge.

13. Teal

- Definition: a small freshwater duck with colorful markings and fast flying abilities; known for their quick turns and agility.

- Example: The teal darted across the sky, impressing onlookers with its speed and grace.

14. Webfoot

- Definition: having feet that are connected by skin or webbing, commonly found in aquatic animals such as ducks, geese, and otters.

- Example: The webfooted ducks were perfectly adapted for swimming and diving.

15. Poultry

- Definition: domesticated birds raised for their eggs or meat, including chickens, turkeys, ducks, and geese.

- Example: The farmer had a large poultry farm with various types of birds, including ducks for their eggs and meat
