







- He has a cynical attitude towards love and relationships.


- The politician's cynical remarks were met with outrage from the public.


- She gave a cynical laugh when her friend told her about her new job.




- Pessimistic(悲观的):指对未来持消极态度,认为事情会变得更糟。

- Skeptical(怀疑的):指对某件事持怀疑态度,需要更多证据才能相信。

- Cynical(愤世嫉俗的):指对人性和社会现实持冷嘲热讽的态度。

- Jaded(厌倦的):指因经历过太多不愉快的事情而失去兴趣和热情。

- Bitter(怨恨的):指因为受到伤害或不公平待遇而产生愤怒和仇恨


1. "cynical"的发音为 [ˈsɪnɪkəl],其中重音在第一个音节。这个词的发音较为简单,由三个音节组成,每个音节都有明确的发音规则。

2. 第一个音节 [ˈsɪ] 的发音为 [s],与英语中的字母 "s" 发出的声音相同。这是一个清辅音,发音时舌头靠近上颚,空气从舌头和上颚间挤出,形成尖锐的声音。

3. 第二个音节 [nɪ] 的发音为 [n]。这也是一个清辅音,与第一个音节相似。不同之处在于,舌头靠近上颚时略微张开一些。

4. 第三个音节 [kəl] 的发音为 [kəl]。这是一个浊辅音,与英语中字母 "g" 发出的声音相同。舌头靠近软腭时振动产生声响。

5. 总体来说,在 "cynical" 这个词中,每个元素都有清晰明确的发音规则,并且没有复杂的连读现象。因此,在正确掌握每个元素的发音规则后,整体发出来也就容易了。

6. 如果你想更准确地学习 "cynical" 这个词的发音,可以通过在线发音工具来进行练习。这些工具可以帮助你听到真实的发音,并且可以多次重复练习,直到你能够准确地模仿出来。

7. "cynical" 的同义词包括:skeptical、doubtful、suspicious、mistrustful 等。它们都有着类似的发音规律,因此学习 "cynical" 的发音也可以帮助你更容易地掌握这些同义词的发音。

8. 下面是一些例句,帮助你更好地理解 "cynical" 这个词的意思及用法:

- He has a cynical attitude towards love, believing that it is just a game.


- The politician's promises were met with cynical laughter from the audience.


- She has become more cynical about people's intentions after being betrayed by her best friend.


- His cynical remarks often make others uncomfortable.


- The reporter's cynical reporting style has gained him a large following.


9. 总结一下,"cynical" 这个词的发音较为简单,重音在第一个音节。它有着明确的发音规则,并且与其同义词有着相似的发音方式。通过练习,你可以轻松掌握这个词的发音,并且能够更加准确地使用它来表达自己的意思


1. cynical的意思


2. cynical的发音

cynical的发音为英 [ˈsɪnɪkl],美 [ˈsɪnɪkəl]。重音在第二个音节上。

3. cynical的同义词

cynical有许多同义词,如sarcastic, skeptical, scornful, sneering等。它们都表示对某事持怀疑、冷嘲热讽或鄙视的态度。

4. cynical的例句

(1) He has a cynical attitude towards love and marriage.


(2) She made a cynical remark about his new job.


(3) The politician's promises were met with cynical laughter from the audience.


(4) He is known for his cynical view of the world.


(5) Don't be so cynical, there are still good people in this world.


5. cynical的用法



1. cynical attitude: 愤世嫉俗的态度

2. cynical remarks: 愤世嫉俗的评论

3. cynical humor: 愤世嫉俗的幽默

4. cynical view: 愤世嫉俗的观点

5. cynical behavior: 愤世嫉俗的行为

6. cynical outlook: 愤世嫉俗的看法

7. cynical tone: 愤世嫉俗的语气

8. cynical nature: 愤世嫉俗的本性

9. cynical personality: 愤世嫉俗的个性

10. cynical skepticism: 愤世嫉俗的怀疑主义

11. cynicism and sarcasm: 冷嘲热讽和讥讽

12. a cynical remark on society: 对社会的愤世嫉俗评论

13. a cynical portrayal of human nature: 对人性的愤世嫉俗描绘

14. a cynic's perspective on life: 一个愤世嫉俗者对生活的看法

15. the cynicism of youth today: 当今年轻人的愤世嫉俗态度

16. a world full of cynics and skeptics: 充斥着愤世嫉俗者和怀疑论者的世界

17. the rise of cynicism in modern society: 现代社会中愤世嫉俗的兴起

18. a cynical outlook on love and relationships: 对爱情和关系的愤世嫉俗看法

19. the cynicism of politicians and leaders: 政治家和领导人的愤世嫉俗态度

20. a cynical approach to success: 对成功的愤世嫉俗态度


1. Pessimistic

同义词:negative, gloomy, cynical

例句:His cynical outlook on life made it difficult for him to trust anyone.

2. Skeptical

同义词:doubtful, suspicious, cynical

例句:She was skeptical of his promises, having been let down too many times before.

3. Distrustful

同义词:suspicious, cynical, wary

例句:The politician's actions only made the public more distrustful of his intentions.

4. Misanthropic

同义词:cynical, pessimistic, misanthropical

例句:His misanthropic views on humanity often caused conflict with those around him.

5. Sarcastic

同义词:ironic, satirical, cynical

例句:His sarcastic remarks often made others feel uncomfortable and defensive.

6. Disillusioned

同义词:disappointed, cynical, disenchanted

例句:After years of working in the industry, she became disillusioned with its corrupt practices.

7. Jaded

同义词:cynical, weary, tired

例句:The jaded journalist had seen too much corruption in politics to believe in any politician's promises.

8. Disparaging

同义词:critical, scornful, cynical

例句:Her disparaging comments about her colleagues showed her cynical attitude towards their work.

9. Bitter

同义词: resentful,cynical,sarcastic

例句: After being betrayed by his best friend, he became bitter and distrusting towards others.

10. Contemptuous

同义词: disdainful,cynical,sarcastic

例句: Her contemptuous attitude towards those less fortunate showed her cynical view of the world.

11. Doubtful

同义词: skeptical, uncertain, cynical

例句: His doubtful expression showed his cynical thoughts about the success of the project.

12. Disbelieving

同义词: skeptical, doubtful, cynical

例句: The disbelieving look on her face revealed her cynical attitude towards the speaker's claims.

13. Ironic

同义词: sarcastic, satirical, cynical

例句: His ironic sense of humor often masked his underlying cynicism towards society.

14. Pessimistic

同义词:cynical, negative, gloomy

例句:Her pessimistic outlook on life made it difficult for her to see the good in any situation.

15. Disenchanted

同义词:disillusioned, cynical, disappointed

例句:After years of working in the corporate world, he became disenchanted with its cutthroat nature and left to pursue a more fulfilling career.

16. Sardonic

同义词:sarcastic, mocking, cynical

例句:His sardonic remarks often made others feel uncomfortable and exposed their own insecurities.

17. Suspicious

同义词:distrustful, doubtful, cynical

例句:His suspicious nature made it difficult for him to form close relationships with others.

18. Mistrustful

同义词:distrustful, suspicious, cynical

例句:The mistrustful tone in his voice revealed his cynical thoughts about the company's intentions.

19. Satirical

同义词:sarcastic, ironic, cynical

例句:The satirical article exposed the corruption and greed within the political system from a cynical perspective.

20. Discontented

同义词:dissatisfied, cynical, disgruntled

例句:The discontented employees voiced their cynical opinions about the company's management during the meeting
