你是否曾经听说过“cry for”这个词汇?它是什么意思呢?或许你会想到哭泣,但实际上它还有其他的含义。在本文中,我将为你详细介绍“cry for”的含义及用法,并带你一起探索它的同义词和相关短语。让我们一起来看看吧!

The meaning of "cry for"

1. "Cry for"的含义

cry for是什么意思,cry for同义词及例句

"cry for"是一个常用的短语,通常指向某种需求或请求。它可以用作及物动词,也可以用作名词。作为及物动词时,它的意思是“为...而哭泣”或“向...呼喊”。作为名词时,它指的是一种强烈的需求或请求。

2. "Cry for"的同义词

"Cry for"有许多同义词,包括:call for、demand、beg、plead、implore等。这些词都可以用来表达强烈的需求或请求,并且与“cry for”具有相似的意思。

3. "Cry for"的例句

- She cried for help when she got lost in the forest.


- The children were crying for their mother to come back.


- The country is crying for a strong leader to guide it out of the crisis.


4. "Cry for"与其他短语的区别

"Cry for"与其他类似含义的短语有些不同。例如,“cry out for”指的是迫切需要某样东西,“cry over”指的是为某事哭泣,而“cry on”则指的是在某人肩膀上哭泣。因此,虽然这些短语都包含“cry”,但它们的含义并不相同。

5. "Cry for"的常见用法

除了作为及物动词和名词外,"cry for"还可以用作形容词短语。例如,“a cry for help”指的是请求帮助的呼声,“a cry for attention”指的是渴望被关注的呼喊。此外,"cry for"也可以与其他动词结合使用,如“cry out for”、“cry over”等。


How to pronounce "cry for"

Are you struggling with the pronunciation of "cry for"? Don't worry, you're not alone! This phrase can be a bit tricky to say correctly, but with a little practice, you'll be able to nail it every time.

First of all, let's break down the meaning of "cry for". It is often used to describe a strong desire or need for something. For example, if you say "I'm crying for a slice of pizza right now", it means that you really want some pizza and can't stop thinking about it.

Now, let's move on to the pronunciation. The key is to emphasize the "r" sound in "cry" and make sure your mouth forms a slight smile shape. Say it with me: cry for. Remember to keep your lips slightly rounded and don't forget that strong "r" sound.

If you're still having trouble, try saying it slowly and exaggerating the "r" sound at first. Once you get comfortable with that, speed up your pronunciation and make it more natural.

As for synonyms, there are a few different ways to express the same meaning as "cry for". You could say "longing for", "yearning for", or even "craving". For example, instead of saying "I'm crying for a vacation", you could also say "I'm longing for a vacation".

So there you have it! Now you know how to pronounce "cry for" and have some alternative words to use as well. Keep practicing and soon enough, you'll be able to use this phrase effortlessly in your conversations. Happy speaking!

Usage and examples of "cry for"

1. Definition of "cry for"

"Cry for" is a common English phrase that means to express a strong desire or need for something. It can also mean to call out or shout for help or attention. This phrase is often used in a figurative sense to convey a sense of desperation or longing.

2. Synonyms of "cry for"

- Beg for: to ask for something in an urgent or desperate manner

- Plead for: to make an emotional appeal or request

- Crave: to have an intense desire or longing for something

- Yearn for: to have a strong feeling of wanting something

- Long for: to have a deep desire or wish for something

3. Examples of "cry for"

- The protesters were crying out for justice and equality.

- The child was crying out for his mother when he got lost in the store.

- The starving dog was crying out for food.

- The singer's emotional performance made the audience cry out in appreciation.

- The abandoned puppy's sad eyes were a cry for love and attention.

4. Usage of "cry for"

This phrase is often used in situations where there is a strong emotional need or desire, such as pleading, begging, longing, or yearning. It can also be used in situations where someone is calling out or shouting loudly, either literally or figuratively.

5. Additional notes

When using this phrase, it is important to consider the context and tone of the situation. Depending on the tone and emphasis placed on the word "cry," it can convey different levels of desperation, urgency, or emotion.

6. Conclusion

In conclusion, "cry for" is a versatile phrase that can be used in various contexts to express a strong desire, need, plea, or callout. It is commonly used in everyday speech and writing and has several synonyms that convey similar meanings. Remember to use this phrase appropriately and consider the tone and context to effectively convey your intended message

Phrases using "cry for"

1. Beg for: This phrase is similar to "cry for" and means to ask for something in a desperate or pleading manner. Example: "He's been begging for forgiveness since he made that mistake."

2. Plead for: Another synonym for "cry for", this phrase also conveys a sense of desperation or urgency in asking for something. Example: "The people are pleading for help after the disaster."

3. Call out for: This phrase can be used to mean "cry out for" and suggests a loud or urgent request. Example: "The child called out for his mother when he got lost in the store."

4. Yearn for: While not exactly the same as "cry for", this phrase expresses a strong desire or longing for something. Example: "She yearns for her childhood home every time she visits her parents."

5. Longing cry: This phrase combines both words and conveys a deep, emotional yearning or desire that is expressed through crying. Example: "The dog let out a longing cry when his owner left on vacation without him."

6. Desperate plea: Similar to "cry out" or "beg", this phrase emphasizes the desperation behind the request or cry. Example: "The refugees made desperate pleas for help as they fled their war-torn country."

7. Scream out for: This phrase can be used interchangeably with "cry out" and suggests a loud, urgent call or request. Example: "The audience screamed out for an encore after the amazing performance."

8. Shout out in need of: Similar to other phrases, this one also emphasizes the urgency of the request or cry, but adds an element of needing assistance from others. Example: "The hiker shouted out in need of help when he got lost in the woods."

9. Wail in search of: This phrase adds a sense of searching or seeking while crying out. Example: "The cat wailed in search of her lost kitten."

10. Plea for mercy: This phrase is often used in a legal context and means to ask for leniency or forgiveness. Example: "The defendant made a plea for mercy before the judge sentenced him."

Synonyms of "cry for" with examples

1. Beg for - To desperately ask for something, often in a pleading manner.

Example: The child cried for his mother to buy him a toy at the store.

2. Plead for - To earnestly request or beg for something.

Example: The protesters cried out for justice and pleaded with the government to take action.

3. Implore - To beg or plead with great intensity and emotion.

Example: The refugees cried out for help, imploring anyone who would listen to provide them with shelter and food.

4. Crave - To have a strong desire or longing for something.

Example: The addict cries out for drugs, craving the high that they provide.

5. Yearn - To have a strong feeling of longing or desire.

Example: The artist's work cries out for recognition, as he yearns to be appreciated for his talent.

6. Call out - To cry or shout in a loud voice, often in distress or need.

Example: The hiker got lost in the woods and had to cry out for help when she couldn't find her way back.

7. Scream - To cry out loudly and sharply, usually due to fear, pain, or excitement.

Example: The rollercoaster ride was so thrilling that I couldn't help but scream out in excitement.

8. Wail - To cry loudly and mournfully, often as an expression of grief or pain.

Example: The mother wailed over her son's grave, crying out for him to come back to her.

9. Shriek - To make a loud, high-pitched cry or scream, often due to fear or surprise.

Example: When the spider crawled onto her arm, she shrieked and cried out for someone to get it off of her.

10. Roar - To make a deep, loud cry or shout that can be heard from far away.

Example: As the lion roared, the other animals in the jungle cried out in fear and ran for cover.

11. Clamor - To make a loud noise or outcry, often in protest or demand.

Example: The citizens cried out for their rights to be heard, clamoring for change and reform.

12. Shout - To cry out loudly and forcefully, usually to get someone's attention or to express strong emotions.

Example: The coach shouted at the players, crying out for them to give it their all on the field.

13. Appeal - To make a sincere request for help or support.

Example: The charity organization cried out for donations, appealing to the public's generosity to help those in need.

14. Impetrate - To earnestly beg or plead for something.

Example: The prisoner cried out for mercy, impetrating the judge to reduce his sentence.

15. Supplicate - To humbly beg or pray for something.

Example: The devotees cried out for blessings, supplicating to their deity with fervent prayers

In conclusion, "cry for" is a commonly used phrase that expresses a strong desire or need for something. Its pronunciation is [kraɪ fɔːr] and it can be used in various situations, such as expressing emotions, making requests, or showing support. Some common phrases using "cry for" include "cry for help," "cry for attention," and "cry for justice." Synonyms of "cry for" include beg, plead, and implore. For example, one could say "I beg you to help me" or "I implore you to listen to my cry for justice." As the editor of this website, I hope this article has helped clarify the meaning of "cry for" and provided useful examples. If you found this article helpful, please consider following me as I continue to share more language tips and tricks. Thank you for reading!