


1. 发音:[ˈkʌntri],英式音标为/kʌntri/,美式音标为/ˈkʌntri/

2. 拼写:country,单词的拼写为C-O-U-N-T-R-Y,共有7个字母。

3. 同义词:nation、state、kingdom、realm等

4. 例句:

- What country are you from? (你来自哪个国家?)

- She has traveled to many countries in Europe. (她去过欧洲的许多国家。)

- The United States is a large country in North America. (美国是北美洲一个大国。)





除了基本的含义和发音外,我们还可以通过一些同义词来更好地理解“country”的意思。比如,“nation”、“state”、“rural area”都可以与之替换。例如,“China is a developing country.”(中国是一个发展中国家),“I grew up in the countryside.”(我在农村长大)。

当然,在不同的语境下,“country”的含义也可能有所不同。比如,在美国,“country music”指的是乡村风格的音乐;在政治上,“the country's leader”则指的是国家领导人



那么,country到底是什么意思呢?它的主要意思是指“国家”或者“乡村”。比如说,“I love my country.”(我爱我的国家。)或者“My grandparents live in the countryside.”(我的祖父母住在乡村。)当然啦,它还有其他一些含义,比如指某种特定类型的音乐(country music)、某种特定的地区(the country of origin)等等。



1. country是什么意思?


a. 国家:指一个独立的政治实体,通常由一块陆地和周围的海域组成。

b. 农村:指乡村地区,与城市相对。

2. country怎么读?


3. country同义词及例句

a. nation: 指一个国家或民族,例如:The two nations signed a peace treaty.

b. rural: 指农村地区,例如:She grew up in a small rural town.

4. country的用法

a. 在描述国家时,country通常与介词in连用,例如:I live in a beautiful country.

b. 在描述农村时,country通常与介词in连用,例如:He enjoys spending time in the country.

5. 双语例句

a. The country has been facing economic challenges for years.


b. She moved to the countryside to escape the hustle and bustle of the city.



1. rural country - 农村地区

2. developed country - 发达国家

3. developing country - 发展中国家

4. foreign country - 外国

5. home country - 故乡/祖国

6. neighboring countries - 邻国

7. coastal country - 沿海国家

8. island country - 岛国

9. landlocked country - 内陆国家

10. democratic country - 民主国家

11. communist country - 共产主义国家

12. war-torn country - 饱受战争蹂躏的国家

13. third-world countries - 第三世界国家(指经济落后、发展不平衡的发展中国家)

14. Western countries - 西方国家(指欧美发达国家)

15. Eastern countries - 东方国家(指亚洲、非洲等地区的发展中国家)

1. nation:一个nation通常指一个独立的政治实体,具有自己的政府和领土。例如:China is a great nation with a long history and rich culture.

2. state:state也可以指一个独立的政治实体,但更强调其政治机构和权力。例如:The United States is a federal state with a democratic government.

3. land:land可以指一个国家的土地或领土,也可以指一个国家的农业和农村地区。例如:Australia is known for its vast land and beautiful landscapes.

4. territory:territory通常指一个国家的特定领土或行政区域。例如:Puerto Rico is an unincorporated territory of the United States.

5. realm:realm强调一个国家的范围或领域,也可以指某个特定领域的专业知识。例如:The realm of politics can be complicated and unpredictable


1. Nation - A country is a nation, a group of people who share the same culture, language, and history. Example: China is a nation with a rich history and diverse culture.

2. State - A country can also be referred to as a state, which is a political entity with its own government and borders. Example: The United States is a federal state with 50 individual states.

3. Land - Country can be used to describe the physical land or territory of a nation. Example: The vast land of Russia covers over 17 million square kilometers.

4. Homeland - This term emphasizes the emotional connection and sense of belonging to one's country. Example: Many immigrants long for their homeland and often visit their home country.

5. Motherland - Similar to homeland, this term evokes strong feelings of love and pride for one's country. Example: Soldiers are willing to sacrifice their lives for their motherland.

6. Territory - This word refers to the geographical area controlled by a particular country or government. Example: The disputed territory between India and Pakistan has caused tension between the two countries for decades.

7. Realm - This term can be used to describe a kingdom or empire, but it can also refer to a country as a whole. Example: The British Empire was once one of the largest realms in history.

8. Domain - Similar to realm, this word can also refer to the territory or land under control of a particular country or ruler. Example: The Roman Empire expanded its domain through military conquests.

9. Commonwealth - This term describes an independent country that has close ties with other countries within the same organization or alliance. Example: Australia is part of the Commonwealth with ties to other former British colonies.

10. Republic - A republic is a type of government where power is held by elected representatives rather than by a monarch or ruler. Example: France is known as the French Republic, with a president as the head of state
