

1. 拼写:



2. 发音:


3. 同义词:

- Agreement:指双方就某事达成的一种协议或共识。

- Pact:指双方签订的正式协议或条约。

- Deal:指双方就某事达成的交易或协议。

- Compact:指双方就某事达成的简洁而明确的协议。

4. 例句:

- I have signed a contract with the company to work for two years.


- The two countries have reached a trade agreement.


- They made a pact not to reveal the secret to anyone.


- We have made a deal with the supplier to lower the price.


- The two sides are expected to sign a compact on climate change at the summit.



1. contract的含义


2. contract的定义


3. contract怎么读


4. contract同义词

- Agreement:意为“协议”,与contract相似,但通常更强调双方达成共识。

- Pact:意为“条约”,通常用于指国家之间达成的协议。

- Deal:意为“交易”,通常用于商业交易中。

- Compact:意为“契约”,与contract同义,但更加正式和庄重。

5. contract例句

- We have signed a contract for the sale of our house.


- The contract clearly states the terms and conditions of our partnership.


- The two companies have entered into a contract to collaborate on a new project.




1. contract的意思


2. contract的发音


3. contract的同义词

(1) agreement:指双方或多方达成的共识并签署的文件。

例句:They have reached an agreement on the terms of the contract. (他们就合同条款达成了一致。)

(2) deal:指双方或多方达成的交易协议。

例句:We have made a deal with the supplier for the purchase of raw materials. (我们已经与供应商达成了原材料采购协议。)

(3) pact:指国家之间或组织之间签署的协议。

例句:The two countries have signed a pact to strengthen their economic ties. (这两个国家已经签署了一项加强经济关系的协议。)

4. contract的用法

(1) 订立合同

例句:We need to contract with a new supplier for our project. (我们需要与一家新供应商签订项目合同。)

(2) 缩小、收缩

例句:The muscles in his arm contracted as he lifted the heavy weights. (他举起沉重的杠铃时,手臂的肌肉收缩了。)

(3) 被动语态中表示被约束或受限制

例句:The company was contracted by the government to provide construction services for the new airport. (该公司被政府委托为新机场提供建筑服务。)

5. contract的例句

(1) The contract clearly states that all payments must be made within 30 days of receiving the invoice. (合同明确规定,所有付款必须在收到发票后的30天内完成。)

(2) We have a strict policy against signing contracts with untrustworthy suppliers. (我们有严格的政策,不与不可信赖的供应商签订合同。)

(3) The company's profits have been steadily contracting over the past few years due to increased competition in the market. (由于市场竞争加剧,公司利润在过去几年里稳步缩小。)

(4) The two parties have finally reached a mutually beneficial contract after months of negotiations. (经过数月的谈判,双方最终达成了一项互利合同。)


1. Agreement: 合同,契约

例句:We signed a contract to rent the apartment for a year.


2. Pact: 协议,条约

例句:The two countries reached a trade pact to reduce tariffs.


3. Deal: 协议,交易

例句:They made a deal to split the profits evenly.


4. Arrangement: 安排,协议

例句:We have an arrangement with the supplier for monthly deliveries.


5. Compact: 合同,契约

例句:The two companies signed a compact for joint research and development.


6. Treaty: 条约,公约

例句:The peace treaty was signed by the leaders of both countries.



1. Contract agreement - 合同协议

2. Breach of contract - 违约

3. Contract negotiation - 合同谈判

4. Contract renewal - 合同续签

5. Contract terms - 合同条款

6. Contract dispute - 合同纠纷

7. Employment contract - 劳动合同

8. Sales contract - 销售合同

9. Service contract - 服务合同

10. Contract management - 合同管理

11. Legal contract - 法律合同

12. Written contract - 书面合同

13. Verbal contract - 口头合同

14. Void contract - 无效合同

15. Valid contract - 有效合同

16. Executed contract- 已执行的合同

17.Contract breach- 违约行为

18.Contract termination- 终止合约

19.Contract amendment- 修改合约

20.Contract extension- 延长合约

21.Contract signing- 签署合约

22.Contract fulfillment- 履行合约

23.Contract cancellation- 取消合约

24.Contract dispute resolution- 解决合约纠纷

25.Contract review and approval- 审查和批准合约
