

BRICS,是由五个新兴经济体首字母组成的缩写词,分别为巴西(Brazil)、俄罗斯(Russia)、印度(India)、中国(China)和南非(South Africa)。它也被称为“金砖五国”,是指这五个国家在经济发展、政治影响力和地缘战略等方面都具有重要地位和潜力。





BRICS,全称为Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa,是指五个新兴市场国家的首字母缩写。它的发音为/briks/,读作“布里克斯”,而不是直接念出每个字母。





1. BRICS是什么意思?


2. BRICS怎么读?


3. BRICS同义词


4. BRICS双语例句

- The annual BRICS summit is an important platform for the leaders of these five countries to discuss cooperation and development strategies.


- China and India, as two major members of BRICS, have been promoting trade and investment cooperation between the two countries.


- The establishment of the New Development Bank has greatly enhanced the financial cooperation among BRICS countries.



1. 金砖国家

2. 金砖五国

3. 新兴经济体联合体

4. 五国集团

5. 新兴大国集团

1. "BRICS" stands for Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.

2. "BRICS" is pronounced as "bricks".

3. Other synonyms for BRICS include:

- Emerging economies: This term refers to countries that are experiencing rapid economic growth and development, such as the BRICS nations.

- Developing countries: These are countries that are in the process of industrialization and modernization, with a focus on improving their economic and social conditions.

- Major emerging markets: This term is often used to describe countries with large and rapidly growing economies, such as the BRICS nations.

- G20 developing nations: The G20 is an international forum for governments and central bank governors from 19 countries plus the European Union, including all BRICS nations.

- Non-Western powers: This term refers to countries outside of Western Europe and North America that have significant political and economic influence in the world, such as the BRICS nations.

4. Example sentences using synonyms for BRICS:

- The leaders of the five major emerging economies (BRICS) met at the annual summit to discuss global economic issues.

- The G20 developing nations (including BRICS) have called for more representation in international organizations.

- As one of the non-Western powers (BRICS), China has become a key player in global trade and investment.

- The group of developing countries (BRICS) has seen significant growth in their economies over the past decade.

- The major emerging markets (BRICS) are expected to continue driving global economic growth in the coming years.

In conclusion, BRICS is an acronym that stands for Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. It is often used to refer to the group of five major emerging economies, also known as the "BRICS nations". Other synonyms for BRICS include emerging economies, developing countries, major emerging markets, G20 developing nations and non-Western powers. These terms are often used interchangeably to describe the countries that make up BRICS and their growing economic influence in the world


1. BRICS的意思:BRICS是指巴西、俄罗斯、印度、中国和南非这五个新兴经济体国家的首字母缩写,代表着这些国家在全球经济中的重要地位和影响力。

2. BRICS的发音:BRICS读作“布里克斯”,可以简称为“砖国家”。

3. BRICS同义词:新兴市场国家、发展中国家、新兴经济体等。

4. BRICS例句:

- The annual BRICS summit is a platform for the leaders of these countries to discuss global economic issues.


- China's rapid economic growth has made it an important member of the BRICS group.


- The cooperation between BRICS countries has brought about significant benefits for their economies.

