

1. 指定、委派:appoint的主要含义是指定某人担任某项职务或任务,也可以用来表示委派某人做某件事情。

2. 约定、安排:此外,appoint也可以用来表示事先约定或安排好的时间、地点等。


3. 指明、规定:在法律文件中,appoint也可以表示指明、规定某项条款或细节。

4. 任命、委任:在商业领域,appoint也可以指代任命或委任某人担任高层职位。

5. 同义词:designate, assign, name, delegate, schedule等。

6. 例句:

- The company has appointed a new CEO to lead its expansion into international markets.

- We have appointed a meeting for next Tuesday at 10 am.

- The contract clearly appoints the responsibilities of each party involved.

- The government has appointed a new ambassador to represent the country in foreign affairs.

- Can you please appoint someone to take care of this project while I'm away?


1. 发音:[əˈpɔɪnt],读作uh-point。

2. 读法:appoint的发音可以分为三个音节,分别是“uh”、“point”、“t”,其中“uh”为弱读,重点在于读出“point”的清晰发音,最后的“t”要轻轻吐出。

3. 同义词:指派、任命、安排、约定。

4. 例句:

(1) The company will appoint a new CEO next month.


(2) She was appointed as the head of the department.


(3) The teacher appointed a group leader for the project.


(4) We have to appoint a time for our meeting tomorrow.


5. 词性变化:


动词形式:appointing, appointed



1. appoint的意思是“任命”或“指定”,常用于描述某人被选为某个职位或担任某项任务。

例句:The company has appointed a new CEO to lead its expansion into international markets. (这家公司任命了一位新的CEO来领导其进军国际市场。)

2. appoint的同义词包括designate、nominate、select等,它们都可以表示“指定”或“任命”的意思。

例句:The committee designated John as the project leader based on his experience and skills. (委员会根据约翰的经验和技能指定他为项目负责人。)

3. 另外,appoint也可以表示“约定”或“安排”的意思,常用于描述预约会议、时间等。

例句:We need to appoint a time for our next meeting. (我们需要安排下次会议的时间。)

4. 与appoint相关的短语还有appoint someone to do something,表示“指派某人做某事”。

例句:The manager appointed me to handle the new project. (经理指派我负责处理这个新项目。)

5. 最后,appoint也可以作为名词使用,意为“约会”或“预约”。

例句:I have an appoint with my dentist tomorrow morning. (我明天早上有一个和牙医的预约。)


1. Designate

- 意思:指定,任命

- 例句:The company has designated her as the new CEO.


2. Nominate

- 意思:提名,任命

- 例句:The committee nominated him for the position of chairman.


3. Select

- 意思:选择,挑选

- 例句:They have selected a new leader for the project.


4. Choose

- 意思:选择,挑选

- 例句:We need to choose a date for the meeting.


5. Elect

- 意思:选举,推选

- 例句:The people will elect their new president next month.


6. Delegate

- 意思:委派,授权

- 例句:The manager delegated the task to his assistant.


7. Commission

- 意思:委任,授权

- 例句:The company has commissioned her as their official translator.


8. Appraise

- 意思:评定,评价

- 例句: The board will appraise all applicants before making a decision.


9. Empower

- 意思:授权,赋予权力

- 例句:The new law empowers the government to take action against corruption.


10. Delegate

- 意思:授权,委派

- 例句:The manager delegated the task to his assistant.



1. Appoint as: 被任命为

例句:She was appointed as the new CEO of the company.

2. Appoint to: 被任命到

例句:He was appointed to the position of project manager.

3. Appoint someone to do something: 任命某人做某事

例句:The board of directors appointed him to lead the new project.

4. Appoint a date/time: 确定日期/时间

例句:We need to appoint a date for our next meeting.

5. Appoint a meeting: 安排会议

例句:The manager appointed a meeting with the team to discuss the new project.

6. Appoint an official: 任命官员

例句:The president has the power to appoint officials in his administration.

7. Appoint a successor: 任命继任者

例句:The retiring CEO appointed his successor before leaving the company.

8. Appointed position/role: 被指定的职位/角色

例句:She was offered an appointed position in the government.

9. Self-appointed: 自封的,自立的

例句:He declared himself as the self-appointed leader of the group.

10. Appointed time/place: 指定的时间/地点

例句:Please arrive at the appointed time and place for your interview.

11. Appointment book/calendar: 预约本/日历

例句:She checked her appointment book before scheduling any new meetings.

12. Appointment letter: 任命信,委派书

例句:He received an appointment letter from his new employer confirming his job offer.

13. Appointment reminder: 预约提醒

例句:The doctor's office sent her an appointment reminder for her check-up.

14. Appointment system: 预约系统

例句:The restaurant has an online appointment system for making reservations.

15. Make an appointment: 预约,安排

例句:I need to make an appointment with my dentist for next week.

16. Keep/miss an appointment: 遵守/错过预约

例句:She always keeps her appointments with her clients.

17. Cancel/postpone an appointment: 取消/推迟预约

例句:He had to cancel his appointment due to a sudden emergency.

18. Appointment of power: 权力委任

例句:The president's appointment of power was met with opposition from the opposition party.

19. Appointment politics: 任命政治

例句:Many people believe that the government's appointments are based on political favors rather than qualifications.

20. Appointee: 被任命者,被委派者

例句:The new appointee is expected to bring positive changes to the company

appoint是一个非常常用的单词,它的意思是指定、任命。它的发音也很简单,只要记住音标中的“p”发音就可以了。在日常生活中,我们经常会用到appoint这个词,比如我们可以说“我被任命为公司的经理”,也可以说“我被指定为这次会议的主持人”。除此之外,appoint还有许多同义词,比如designate、name等等。如果你想进一步提高自己对appoint的掌握程度,可以多多使用相关短语和搭配,比如appoint a time for、be appointed to等等。最后,我是网站编辑小张,在这里分享关于英语学习的知识和技巧是我的最大乐趣。如果你喜欢我的文章,请关注我哦!