
What does almighty mean?


1. What does almighty mean?


"Almighty"是一个形容词,意为“全能的、万能的”。它通常用来形容某个人或者事物拥有无穷无尽的力量和能力。比如,“God is almighty”(上帝是全能的),“The almighty dollar”(万能的美元)等。

2. How do you pronounce almighty?


3. Synonyms for almighty


- All-powerful: 意为“全能的”,也可以用来形容某人或者某事拥有无穷无尽的力量。

- Omnipotent: 意为“全知全能的”,通常用来形容上帝。

- Supreme: 意为“至高无上的”,也可以表示某人或者某事物在某方面具有最高的地位或者权力。

4. Examples of almighty


- The almighty dollar is the most important thing in his life.


- She believes that God is almighty and can do anything.


- The president has been described as the most powerful and almighty leader in the world.


How to pronounce almighty?

1. 简介


2. 发音


3. 同义词

在英语中,有许多与almighty意思相近的同义词。例如:all-powerful (全能的)、omnipotent (全能的)、omnipresent (无所不在的)、omniscient (无所不知的)等。

4. 例句

(1) God is almighty and can do anything.


(2) He is known as the almighty leader of the company.


(3) The almighty dollar has a strong influence on people's actions.


Definition and usage of almighty with examples

As a language model AI, I am here to provide you with a detailed explanation of the word "almighty". In this section, I will define the meaning of almighty and provide you with examples of how it is used in sentences.


The word "almighty" is an adjective that describes someone or something as having unlimited power or authority. It can also be used as a noun to refer to a deity or God.


1. When used as an adjective, "almighty" can be used to describe someone who is extremely powerful and influential. For example, "The CEO of the company is considered almighty, as he has complete control over all business decisions."

2. It can also be used in a more lighthearted manner to describe something as being extremely impressive or amazing. For instance, "The new superhero movie was almighty! The special effects were out of this world."

3. As a noun, "almighty" is often used in religious contexts to refer to God. For example, "We must always remember that the almighty is watching over us."


Some synonyms for "almighty" include all-powerful, omnipotent, and supreme.


1. The almighty ruler of the kingdom was feared by all his subjects.

2. The storm was so powerful that it seemed like the almighty himself was unleashing his wrath.

3. Many people turn to prayer when they are in need of guidance from the almighty.

4. The CEO's almighty decision changed the course of the company's future.

5. Despite facing numerous challenges, she remained strong and determined with her faith in the almighty.

In conclusion, "almighty" can be used both formally and informally to describe someone or something with great power and authority. It is often associated with religious beliefs but can also be used in a more casual manner. I hope this explanation has helped clarify the meaning and usage of this word for you

Phrases related to almighty

1. Definition of almighty: The word "almighty" refers to someone or something having unlimited power or authority.

2. How to pronounce almighty: [ˌɔːlˈmaɪti]

3. Synonyms for almighty: all-powerful, omnipotent, supreme, invincible, omnipresent

4. Example sentences:

- "The almighty ruler of the kingdom was feared and respected by all."

- "She prayed to the almighty for strength and guidance."

- "The almighty force of nature could not be tamed by humans."

- "In the face of adversity, she relied on her own almighty willpower to overcome challenges."

- "His wealth and influence made him feel like an almighty being among his peers."

Synonyms for almighty with examples

1. The meaning of almighty

- Definition: having complete power or authority; all-powerful.

- Example: God is often referred to as the almighty, as He is believed to have ultimate power over everything.

2. How to pronounce almighty

- Pronunciation: [awl-mahy-tee]

- Example: Some people may find it difficult to pronounce the word "almighty", but with practice, it becomes easier.

3. Synonyms for almighty

- Other words with similar meanings: all-powerful, omnipotent, supreme, divine, sovereign.

- Example: The almighty being is often seen as a divine and all-powerful force in many religions.

4. Examples of using almighty in a sentence

- "The almighty ruler of the kingdom was feared by all his subjects."

- "She prayed to the almighty for guidance and strength during her difficult times."

- "The storm was so powerful, it felt like the almighty himself was unleashing his wrath upon us."

5. Alternative ways to say almighty

- Instead of using the word "almighty", you can also use phrases such as "all-knowing", "all-mighty", or "all-glorious".

- Example: The all-knowing deity is believed to have complete knowledge of everything that happens in the universe.

6. Almighty synonyms in different languages

- Spanish: todopoderoso

- French: tout-puissant

- German: allmächtig

- Italian: onnipotente

- Chinese: 全能的 (quánnéng de)

- Japanese: 全能の (zennō no)

7. Conclusion

In conclusion, the word almighty refers to someone or something with ultimate power and authority. It can be pronounced as [awl-mahy-tee] and has synonyms such as all-powerful, divine, and sovereign. It is often used in religious contexts to refer to a deity or God

In summary, almighty is a powerful and all-knowing being, often associated with a deity or god. It can also be used to describe something or someone as having great power or influence. The correct pronunciation of almighty is "awl-mahy-tee". As the editor of this website, I hope this article has provided you with a clear understanding of the meaning and usage of almighty. If you found this article helpful, please consider following our website for more interesting and informative content. Thank you for reading!