今天,我们将探讨一个行业中常用的词汇——agree on。这个词汇在口语和书面语中都十分常见,但你是否真正了解它的意思和用法呢?接下来,我将为你揭开这个词汇的面纱,带你一起探索它的发音、含义、用法和同义词示例。让我们一起来看看吧!

agree on是什么意思,agree on同义词及例句

agree on的发音

1. 发音: [əˈgriː ɒn],重音在第二个音节。

2. 同义词:concur, accord, consent, approve。

3. 例句:

- We finally agreed on a date for the party.


- The two sides are still trying to agree on the terms of the contract.


- We all agreed on the importance of protecting the environment.


小标题:agree on的意思


1. 意思:agree on是一个短语动词,意为“就某事达成一致意见”或“同意某人或某事物”。其反义词为disagree,意为“不同意”或“持不同意见”。

2. 同义词解释:

- concur: 表示同意或赞同某人或某事物,强调与他人的一致性。例如:I concur with your opinion.


- accord: 意为“给予”,可以用来表示对某人或某事物的赞同。例如:His actions do not accord with his words.


- consent: 意为“允许”或“答应”,指对别人提出的请求表示同意。例如:I cannot consent to your proposal.


- approve: 意为“赞成”或“认可”,强调对某人或某事物的肯定。例如:I do not approve of his behavior.


小标题:agree on的用法


1. agree on + 名词:表示就某事达成一致意见。例如:We agreed on the time for our meeting.


2. agree on + 动词-ing形式:表示就某事达成一致意见。例如:They agreed on changing the venue for the event.


3. agree on + 从句:表示就某事达成一致意见。例如:They finally agreed on what to do next.


4. agree on + 介词短语:表示同意或赞同某人或某事物。例如:She does not agree on his decision.


小标题:agree with与agree on的区别


1. 同义词关系不同:

- agree with是及物动词,后面接宾语,表示“与…相符合”或“与…保持一致”。例如:I completely agree with your opinion.


- agree on是不及物动词短语,后面接介词短语或从句,表示“就某事达成一致意见”或“同意某人或某事物”。

2. 用法不同:

- agree with可以用来表示对某人或某事物的赞同,也可以用来表示与某人或某事物相符合。例如:I agree with your decision. (赞同) His actions do not agree with his words. (相符合)

- agree on主要用来表示就某事达成一致意见,强调双方的一致性。例如:We agreed on the plan for the project. (就计划达成一致) They agreed on the need for change. (就变革的必要性达成一致)

3. 意义有所不同:

- agree with更倾向于表达个人的意见、观点或看法,强调个人的认可和赞同。

- agree on更倾向于表达双方之间的共识和协商,强调双方的一致性和共同目

agree on是什么意思

1. 概念解释

agree on是一个英语短语,可以分解为两部分:agree和on。其中,agree的意思是“同意”,on的意思是“在……上”。因此,agree on可以理解为“在某件事情上达成一致”。

2. 同义词

agree on有许多同义词,包括:

- agree upon:与agree on相同含义,也可以用于替换。

- come to an agreement:指双方达成协议或一致意见。

- reach a consensus:表示双方就某一问题达成共识。

- be in accord with:表示与某人或某事物保持一致。

3. 例句

下面列举几个使用agree on的例句,帮助读者更好地理解这个短语的用法:

- We finally agreed on a date for the meeting.(我们最终就会议日期达成了一致。)

- The two countries have agreed on a trade deal.(这两个国家已就贸易协定达成了一致。)

- We need to agree on the terms of the contract before signing it.(我们需要在签署合同之前就条款达成一致。)

- After much discussion, they finally agreed upon a solution.(经过多次讨论,他们最终就解决方案达成了一致。)

4. 衍生用法

除了作为动词短语使用,agree on还可以衍生出其他用法,例如:

- agree on something:就某一问题达成一致。

- agree on doing something:就做某事达成一致。

- agree on someone/something:对某人/某事物达成一致看法。


agree on的用法和双语例句

1. "agree on"的意思

"agree on"是一个动词短语,意为“就某事达成一致意见”或“同意某事物”。它通常用于表示双方或多方在讨论、谈判或辩论后,最终达成共识或一致意见的情况。

2. "agree on"的同义词

1) reach an agreement:达成协议

2) come to a consensus:达成共识

3) concur:赞同,同意

4) settle on:决定,确定

3. "agree on"的例句及中英对照

1) We finally agreed on a date for the meeting.


2) The two sides have agreed on the terms of the contract.


3) After much discussion, we managed to agree on a solution.


4) The committee members need to agree on the budget for next year.


5) It's difficult for us to agree on anything when we have such different opinions.


1)We have reached an agreement on the terms of the contract.


2)After hours of discussion, we finally came to a consensus on the issue.


3)The board members concurred with the decision made by the chairman.


4)We have settled on a location for the new office.


agree on的词组

1. Reach an agreement - 达成协议

例句:After much discussion, we were finally able to reach an agreement on the terms of the contract.

2. Come to a consensus - 达成一致意见

例句:It took us a while, but we were able to come to a consensus on the best course of action.

3. Concur with - 同意

例句:I completely concur with your proposal and think it's the best solution for our problem.

4. Be in accord with - 与...一致

例句:Our opinions are in accord with each other, so there shouldn't be any issues with reaching an agreement.

5. See eye to eye - 意见一致

例句:We don't always see eye to eye, but in this case, we agree on what needs to be done.

6. Find common ground - 找到共同点

例句:It can be difficult to agree on everything, but we need to find common ground in order to move forward.

7. Have a meeting of minds - 心有灵犀

例句:We had a meeting of minds and were able to come up with a solution that satisfied everyone.

8. Be of one mind - 意见一致

例句:Despite our different backgrounds, we were all of one mind when it came to this issue.

9. See things the same way - 看法相同

例句:We may have different perspectives, but ultimately we see things the same way and can agree on a course of action.

10. Be on the same page - 心有灵犀一点通

例句:Let's make sure we're all on the same page before we continue our discussion

agree on的同义词示例

1. Reach an agreement: 达成一致

例句:After much discussion, the two sides finally reached an agreement on the terms of the contract.

2. Concur: 同意

例句:I concur with your opinion that we should focus on improving our customer service.

3. Come to a consensus: 达成共识

例句:It took several rounds of negotiations, but eventually we were able to come to a consensus on the new company policy.

4. See eye to eye: 意见一致

例句:We don't always see eye to eye, but in this case, I agree with your proposal.

5. Be in accord: 一致同意

例句:The board members were all in accord with the decision to expand our business into international markets.

6. Agree upon: 同意某事物

例句:The team agreed upon a budget for their upcoming project.

7. Share a common view: 拥有共同观点

例句:Although we come from different backgrounds, we share a common view on the importance of education.

8. Give one's approval: 给予批准

例句:I will only give my approval if you can provide a detailed plan for how this project will benefit our company.

9. Be of one mind: 志同道合

例句:Despite our different opinions at first, we were able to come together and be of one mind in the end.

10. Be on the same page: 意见统一

例句:Let's make sure we're all on the same page before presenting this proposal to the client

agree on是一个常用的短语,它的意思是“达成一致”,在日常生活中我们经常会用到。通过本文的介绍,相信大家已经对agree on有了更深入的了解。希望本文能够帮助到大家,让大家在使用英语时更加准确地表达自己的意思。如果您对本文有任何疑问或建议,请随时联系我,我会尽力为您解答。最后,我是网站编辑XXX,喜欢就关注我吧!谢谢阅读!