

1. adored的含义



2. adored的发音


3. adored的同义词


4. adored的例句

(1) She is the most adored actress in Hollywood.


(2) The little girl was adored by everyone in the village.


(3) He adores his new car and takes care of it like a baby.


5. adored一词源于拉丁语中的“adorare”,意为“尊敬,崇拜”。在英语中,它最早出现在14世纪,表示对神的尊敬和崇拜。随着时间的推移,它也被用来形容对人或物的强烈感情


1. 发音:[əˈdɔːrd]

2. 读音:uh-DOHR-d

3. 同义词:beloved, cherished, treasured, loved, admired

4. 例句:

- She adored her new puppy and spent all her free time playing with him.


- The singer was adored by her fans and had a huge following.


- He adored his grandmother and always made sure to visit her every week.



1. adored的意思是“被崇拜的”、“被爱慕的”,它是动词adore的过去分词形式。

2. adored的发音为[əˈdɔːrd],重音在第二个音节。

3. adored的同义词包括beloved、cherished、treasured等,它们都表示被深深喜爱或珍视的意思。

4. 例句1:She was adored by everyone for her kind heart and generous nature.


5. 例句2:The little girl's adored puppy followed her everywhere she went.


6. 例句3:He was the adored leader of the community, always willing to lend a helping hand.


7. 例句4:The actress was adored by her fans for her talent and beauty.


8. 例句5:The old couple's love for each other was evident in the way they adored each other's company.



1. Beloved

同义词:loved, cherished, treasured


- She was adored by all who knew her.

- The adored couple walked hand in hand along the beach.

- The little girl's adored teddy bear was her constant companion.

2. Idolized

同义词:worshiped, revered, admired


- The singer was idolized by her fans.

- He was idolized for his bravery and leadership.

- The young actress quickly became idolized by the public.

3. Admired

同义词:respected, esteemed, looked up to


- She was greatly admired for her intelligence and talent.

- The adored leader was admired for his strong moral values.

- The adored artist's work is widely admired in the art world.

4. Revered

同义词:venerated, honored, esteemed


- The adored religious figure was revered by his followers.

- The ancient temple is still revered by many as a sacred place.

- His wisdom and kindness earned him a revered status in the community.

5. Cherished

同义词:treasured, valued, prized


- Her grandmother's ring was a cherished possession that she wore every day.

- He cherished the memories of their time together.

- The adored child was cherished by his parents and siblings.

6. Esteemed

同义词:highly regarded, respected, admired


- She was an esteemed member of the academic community.

- He is an esteemed professor at the university.

- The adored author is highly esteemed for her insightful writing.

7. Treasured

同义词:valued, appreciated, held dear


- This photo album is a treasured possession that holds many precious memories.

- The adored pet was treasured by its owner and given the best care.

- The antique vase was a treasured heirloom passed down through generations.

8. Precious

同义词:dear, beloved, cherished


- The adored child was the most precious thing in their parents' lives.

- The precious moments spent with loved ones are to be cherished forever.

- Her grandmother's necklace was a precious family heirloom.

9. Reverenced

同义词:honored, respected, venerated


- The adored leader was reverenced for his wisdom and compassion.

- The ancient artifact was reverenced by historians and archaeologists alike.

- His selfless actions were reverenced by all who knew him.

10. Respected

同义词:admired, esteemed, looked up to


- She was a respected member of the community for her charitable work.

- He is highly respected in his field of expertise.

- The adored teacher is greatly respected by her students for her dedication and knowledge


1. be adored by (被...所爱)

例句:She is adored by everyone in the office.

2. adored for (因为...而受到喜爱)

例句:He is adored for his charming personality.

3. absolutely adored (绝对喜爱的)

例句:The children absolutely adored their new puppy.

4. universally adored (普遍受到喜爱的)

例句:The singer is universally adored by fans all over the world.

5. deeply adored (深深地被喜爱)

例句:The elderly couple deeply adored each other after 50 years of marriage.

6. endlessly adored (无尽地被喜爱)

例句:The actress was endlessly adored by her fans, even after her retirement.

7. secretly adored (秘密地被喜爱)

例句:He secretly adored his neighbor, but was too shy to express his feelings.

8. unconditionally adored (无条件地被喜爱)

例句:The child was unconditionally adored by her grandparents, who spoiled her with love and gifts.

9. widely adored (广泛被喜爱的)

例句:The author's books are widely adored by readers of all ages.

10. constantly adoring (不断地热爱着)

例句:She is constantly adoring her boyfriend, praising him for his kindness and intelligence.

11. forever cherished and loved (永远珍惜和热爱着的)

例句:Her grandmother's memory will forever be cherished and loved by her family.

12. adored beyond measure (被无尽地喜爱)

例句:The actor was adored beyond measure by his loyal fan base.

13. adored from afar (远远地被喜爱)

例句:She had always adored the famous singer from afar, never expecting to meet him in person.

14. adored by all (被所有人所喜爱)

例句:The politician was adored by all for his charisma and leadership skills.

15. constantly showered with love (不断地被爱护着)

例句:The new baby was constantly showered with love and affection by her doting parents
