

1. minibus的含义是指小型客运汽车,通常用于城市内的短途运输。


2. minibus也可以被称为“小巴”,是由mini(小型)和bus(公共汽车)两个单词组合而成。

3. 在英式英语中,minibus的发音为['mɪnɪbʌs],而在美式英语中,发音为['mɪnibʌs]。

4. minibus的同义词包括:shuttle bus、commuter bus、van、microbus等。

5. 例如,在伦敦,人们常常乘坐minibus前往机场或者旅游景点


1. minibus的发音


2. minibus的读法


3. minibus同义词

minibus也可以被称作microbus、shuttle bus或者van。它们都指代同一种类型的小型公共汽车。

4. minibus的例句

- We took a minibus to the airport.


- The hotel provides a free shuttle bus service to the nearest shopping center.


- The company bought a new van to transport employees to work.



1. minibus的含义:minibus是一种小型巴士,通常比大型巴士要小,可容纳10-20人左右。它通常用于城市内的短途运输或旅游观光。

2. minibus的发音:[ˈmɪnɪbʌs],其中的重音在第一个音节上。

3. minibus的同义词:van、shuttle bus、commuter bus。

4. minibus的例句:

- I took a minibus to get to the city center, it was much faster than the regular bus.


- The hotel offers a free shuttle service with their minibus, so you don't have to worry about transportation.


- Our group of 15 people rented a minibus for our weekend trip to the countryside.


- The company uses minibuses to transport their employees from the office to the train station.


- The tour guide drove us around in a minibus and showed us all the famous landmarks in the city.



1. 小型巴士:minibus的另一种常见称呼,指的是能够容纳10-20人的小型公共汽车,通常用于城市短途运输。

例句:I took a minibus to get to the city center.

2. 微型客车:与minibus相似的同义词,指的是能够容纳少量乘客的小型客车。

例句:The minibus was the perfect choice for our family trip.

3. 小巴:一种简洁常用的同义词,通常用来指代小型公共汽车或客车。

例句:We took a minibus to explore the countryside.

4. 中巴:与minibus相似,但容量更大一些,可容纳20-30人左右。

例句:The tour group traveled in a comfortable midibus.

5. 小型旅游巴士:特指用于旅游目的地的小型巴士,通常有导游服务和舒适座椅。

例句:We booked a minibus for our day trip to the countryside.

6. 迷你巴士:与minibus意思相同,但更加可爱俏皮的称呼。

例句:The kids were excited to ride in the mini bus for their school field trip.

7. 微型大巴车:类似于midibus,但容量更大一些,可容纳30-40人左右。

例句:The company organized a minibus to transport employees to the team building retreat.

8. 小型公交车:与minibus意思相同,但更常用于城市公共交通系统。

例句:I prefer taking the minibus instead of the crowded city bus.

9. 小型旅游车:指用于旅游目的地的小型巴士,通常有导游服务和舒适座椅。

例句:We rented a minibus for our family vacation in Europe.

10. 迷你客车:与minibus意思相同,但更加可爱俏皮的称呼。

例句:The minibus took us on a scenic tour of the city


1. Minibus的定义

- Minibus是指一种小型巴士,通常用于运送少量乘客或者在城市间进行短距离的运输。

- Minibus源自英文单词mini和bus的组合,意为“小型巴士”。

2. Minibus的同义词

- Microbus:与minibus同义,也是指一种小型巴士。

- Shuttle bus:与minibus相似,但更多用于机场、酒店等场所的短程运输。

- Commuter van:也是指小型巴士,但更多用于通勤或者定点运输。

3. Minibus的发音

- Minibus读作/mɪnɪbʌs/,重音在第一个音节上。

- 有些地方也会将其简化为/minibʌs/。

4. 相关词汇和短语

- Passenger van:乘客货车,与minibus类似但更多用于商业运输。

- Public transport:公共交通,minibus通常也属于此类别。

- City bus:城市公交车,与minibus相比规模更大、载客量更多。

- Private shuttle:私人班车,在旅游或者企业内部使用较多。

- Transit system:交通系统,包括地铁、公交等各种交通工具。

5. Minibus相关例句

1) The minibus was packed with passengers, making it difficult to move around.


2) The company provides a private shuttle service for its employees.


3) The city bus arrived at the stop just as we were about to give up and take a taxi.


4) The transit system in this city is very convenient, with buses and subways connecting every corner.

