你是否曾经想过,当别人问你“milk 是什么意思”时,你是否能够给出一个清晰的回答?或许你知道它是一种饮品,但却不知道它还有其他的含义。今天,我将带你一起探索这个行业标题背后的秘密。从milk的发音开始,到它的词性、用法和例句,再到它的短语搭配和同义词示例,让我们一起来揭开这个神秘词汇的面纱。让我们一起来探索“milk”的世界吧!



milk 是什么意思

1. “mi”部分的发音


2. “l-”部分的发音


3. “k”部分的发音



1. milk的词性是名词。

2. milk是指从哺乳动物的乳房中提取的白色液体,通常用作食品和饮料。

3. milk也可以用作动词,表示从动物身上提取乳汁。

4. 在英语中,milk还有其他一些特殊的词性用法,下面将详细介绍。


5. 作为名词,milk指的是含有营养物质的乳液,通常来自于母兽或雌性哺乳动物。它是一种重要的营养来源,含有大量的蛋白质、钙和维生素等营养成分。

6. 在日常生活中,我们常说的牛奶、羊奶、豆浆等都属于milk这个范畴。


7. 作为动词,milk指的是从动物身上挤出乳汁。这个动作通常由人类来完成,比如农民挤牛奶、母亲喂哺婴儿等。

8. 在英语中,还有一个常见的短语“to milk someone”,意思是“榨取某人”的财产或资源。例如:“The corrupt politician was accused of milking the country's wealth for his own benefit.”(这位腐败的政治家被指控榨取国家财富谋取私利。)


9. 除了名词和动词,milk还可以作为形容词和副词使用。

10. 作为形容词,milk通常用来描述颜色,表示“乳白色的”。例如:“She wore a milk-colored dress to the party.”(她在聚会上穿了一件乳白色的裙子。)

11. 作为副词,milk表示“像牛奶一样地”,常用于比喻语境中。例如:“The artist's paintings were selling like hotcakes, he was milking his talent for all it was worth.”(这位艺术家的画作像热香饼一样畅销,他正在充分发挥自己的才华。)

12. 综上所述,milk的主要词性是名词,在英语中有着广泛的应用。除此之外,它还可以作为动词、形容词和副词使用,在不同语境下有着不同的含义和用法。希望本小节能够帮助您更好地理解“milk是什么意思”这个问


1. 什么是milk?


2. milk的用法


3. milk的例句

a) I drink a glass of milk every morning.


b) The farmer milks the cows every day.


c) The baby is crying, he must be hungry, let's milk him.


4. milk与其他词汇搭配

a) milkshake:牛奶冰沙

b) soy milk:豆浆

c) condensed milk:炼乳

5. 对于中国人来说,milk还有其他含义吗?



1. "Milk it" - 指利用某种情况或机会来获得利益,类似于中文的“榨取”

例如:He always tries to milk it when he sees an opportunity.

2. "The milk of human kindness" - 指人性中的善良和同情心

例如:Despite his tough exterior, he still has the milk of human kindness in him.

3. "Cry over spilled milk" - 指为已经发生的事情而后悔和伤心,类似于中文的“覆水难收”

例如:There's no point crying over spilled milk, let's just move on.

4. "Milk run" - 指简单而易办的任务或事情

例如:That task was just a milk run, I finished it in no time.

5. "Sour milk" - 指不愉快或令人失望的结果

例如:His performance in the game was sour milk for his team.

6. "Milk and honey" - 指极其富裕和幸福的生活,也可以用来形容某个地方非常美好

例如:She moved to the city with dreams of a life of milk and honey.

7. "Cream of the crop" - 指最优秀、最出色的人或物,类似于中文的“精英”

例如:He is definitely the cream of the crop in our company.

8. "Milk teeth" - 指婴儿时期长出来但会在成长过程中脱落的牙齿

例如:My son lost his last milk tooth yesterday.

9. "Milk and cookies" - 指小孩子喜欢吃的零食,也可以用来形容一种简单而愉快的生活方式

例如:We had a lovely evening, just watching movies and having milk and cookies.

10. "Milk of magnesia" - 指一种治疗胃部不适的药物

例如:I always carry some milk of magnesia with me in case of stomachache


1. Dairy - This term refers to any product made from milk, including milk itself. It can also be used to describe a farm or business that produces milk and dairy products.

2. Cow's Milk - This is the most common type of milk consumed by humans and comes from cows. It is a good source of calcium and protein.

3. Goat's Milk - Similar to cow's milk, goat's milk is also consumed by humans. It has a slightly different taste and is often used in cheese-making.

4. Soy Milk - This is a plant-based alternative to cow's milk, made from soybeans. It is popular among those who are lactose intolerant or follow a vegan diet.

5. Almond Milk - Another plant-based alternative, almond milk is made from ground almonds and water. It has a slightly nutty flavor and is also popular among those with dietary restrictions.

6. Coconut Milk - Made from the grated flesh of coconuts, this type of milk has a thicker consistency and is commonly used in Asian cuisines.

7. Condensed Milk - This type of milk has been heated to remove water, resulting in a thick and sweet product that is often used in desserts.

8. Evaporated Milk - Similar to condensed milk, evaporated milk has had some water removed but not as much as condensed milk. It can be used as a substitute for regular milk in recipes.

9. Skim Milk - Also known as fat-free or non-fat milk, this type of milk has had all cream removed, resulting in a lower fat content than whole or 2% milk.

10. Whole Milk - This refers to unaltered cow's milk with all its natural fat content intact.

11. Buttermilk - Traditionally made by adding bacteria culture to skimmed cow's milk, buttermilk has a tangy flavor and is often used in baking or as an ingredient in dressings and marinades.

12. Raw Milk - This is milk that has not been pasteurized, meaning it has not been heated to kill bacteria. It is a controversial topic as it can pose health risks.

13. Breast Milk - The natural source of nutrition for human infants, breast milk is produced by lactating women and contains antibodies and other beneficial components.

14. Powdered Milk - This type of milk has been dehydrated and turned into a powder form. It is often used in emergency situations or for long-term storage.

15. Lactose-free Milk - As the name suggests, this type of milk has had the lactose removed, making it suitable for those with lactose intolerance.

16. Non-dairy Milk - This term refers to any type of milk that does not come from an animal source, such as soy milk, almond milk, or coconut milk.

17. Plant-based Milk - Another term for non-dairy milk, this refers to any type of milk made from plants instead of animals.

18. Flavored Milk - This refers to any type of milk that has been flavored with ingredients such as chocolate, strawberry, or vanilla.

19. Ultra-pasteurized Milk - This type of milk has been heated to a higher temperature than traditional pasteurization methods, resulting in a longer shelf life.

20. Organic Milk - Produced from cows that have been raised without the use of antibiotics or growth hormones and have been fed organic feed, organic milk is becoming increasingly popular among health-conscious consumers
