1. migrate的含义
2. migrate的定义
根据牛津词典,migrate的定义为:“to move from one country or place to live or work in another”。也就是说,migrate指的是从一个国家或地方搬迁到另一个国家或地方居住或工作。
3. migrate的同义词
除了migrate之外,还有一些其他与之意思相近的同义词,比如:move, relocate, shift, transfer等。这些词都可以用来表示从一个地方到另一个地方的迁移。
4. migrate的例句
a) Many birds migrate to warmer climates during the winter.
b) The company decided to migrate its headquarters to a bigger city.
c) The tribe had to migrate due to the drought and lack of resources.
5. 其他含义
除了上述主要含义外,migrate还可以指“转变”,“改变”等。比如:The company is planning to migrate to a new software system. (公司计划转换到一种新的软件系统)。这里的migrate指的是从旧系统转变到新系统。
6. migrate的读音
7. 迁徙与迁移
1. “migrate”一词的发音为[mahy-greyt],重音在第一个音节。
2. 读法为“迈-格雷特”,可以简单地记忆为“迈路过去”。
3. 同义词包括“move, relocate, shift, transfer”等,都表示移动、迁移的意思。
4. 例如:“The birds migrate to warmer climates during the winter.” (这些鸟类在冬天迁移到更温暖的地区。)
5. 总之,migrate是一个形容人或动物移动到新地方生活的动词,读起来也不难记忆哦!
1. migrate是什么意思?
2. migrate怎么读?
3. migrate同义词
- Move:指人或物从一个地方到另一个地方。
- Relocate:强调改变住所或工作地点。
- Shift:指移动位置或改变立场。
- Transfer:指将人员或物资从一个地点转移到另一个地点。
4. migrate的例句
- Many birds migrate to warmer regions during the winter.
- The company decided to migrate its headquarters to a bigger city.
- The family migrated from the countryside to the city in search of better opportunities.
1. Relocate
- Meaning: to move or establish in a new place
- Example: The company decided to relocate its headquarters to a bigger city.
2. Move
- Meaning: to change one's place of residence or work
- Example: The family decided to move to a warmer climate for health reasons.
3. Transfer
- Meaning: to move from one place, position, or job to another
- Example: The employee was transferred to the company's branch office in another state.
4. Shift
- Meaning: to move or cause (someone or something) to move from one place, position, activity, etc., to another
- Example: The company had to shift its production overseas due to rising costs.
5. Emigrate
- Meaning: leave one's own country in order to settle permanently in another.
- Example: Many people emigrated from Europe to America in search of a better life.
6. Relocate
- Meaning: settle or establish in a new place.
- Example: The refugees were relocated in a safer area with better living conditions.
7. Resettle
- Meaning: move (someone) from one place and establish them in another.
- Example: The government is working on resettling the displaced families after the natural disaster.
8. Depart
- Meaning: leave, especially in order to start a journey.
- Example: She departed from her home country and started a new life abroad.
9. Roam
- Meaning: wander or travel without any definite destination.
- Example: After retiring, they decided to roam around the world and explore different cultures.
10. Trek
- Meaning: make a long journey across difficult country on foot.
- Example : They trekked through the mountains for days before reaching their destination
1. 迁移 (migrate)
2. 搬迁 (relocate)
3. 移居 (resettle)
4. 转移 (transfer)
5. 迁徙 (move)
6. 调动 (shift)
7. 迁移到 (move to)
8. 移民 (immigrate)
9. 移动 (move around)
10. 调整 (adjust)