
The pronunciation of meritocracy

1. What is meritocracy?


Meritocracy is a political and social system in which people are rewarded based on their abilities and achievements rather than their social status or family background. It is derived from the Latin word "meritum" meaning "worth" or "merit" and the Greek word "kratos" meaning "power" or "rule".

2. How to pronounce meritocracy?

The word meritocracy is pronounced as /ˌmerɪˈtɒkrəsi/ in British English and /ˌmerəˈtɑːkrəsi/ in American English. It is a combination of three syllables with the emphasis on the second syllable.

3. Breaking down the pronunciation

- The first syllable, "meri", is pronounced as /meri/ with a short 'e' sound like in the words "merry" or "berry".

- The second syllable, "to", is pronounced as /tə/ with a short 'o' sound like in the words "tomato" or "potato".

- The third syllable, "cracy", is pronounced as /krəsi/ with a long 'a' sound like in the words "crazy" or "lazy".

4. Tips for correct pronunciation

- Pay attention to the stress on the second syllable, which should be emphasized more than the other two.

- Practice saying each syllable separately before putting them together.

- Listen to native speakers pronounce the word and try to imitate their intonation.

5. Other related terms

- Meritocratic: an adjective used to describe something that relates to or supports meritocracy.

Example: The government's new policies aim to create a more meritocratic society.

- Meritocrat: a person who believes in or supports meritocracy.

Example: The CEO of this company is a true meritocrat who values hard work and talent above all else.

6. Meritocracy in society

Meritocracy has been a topic of debate in recent years, with some arguing that it promotes equal opportunities and rewards hard work, while others argue that it perpetuates inequality and disadvantages those from marginalized backgrounds. Regardless of one's stance on the concept, it is important to understand its meaning and pronunciation in order to engage in meaningful discussions about it.

In conclusion, the pronunciation of meritocracy is /ˌmerɪˈtɒkrəsi/ in British English and /ˌmerəˈtɑːkrəsi/ in American English. It is a word that carries significant weight and has sparked many discussions about its role in society. By understanding its pronunciation and meaning, we can better contribute to these discussions and have a deeper understanding of this complex concept

How to pronounce meritocracy

1. Introduction to Meritocracy

Meritocracy is a term that originated from the Greek words "meritos" meaning "merit" and "kratos" meaning "power or rule". It refers to a social system where individuals are rewarded based on their abilities and achievements, rather than their social status or wealth.

2. Pronunciation of Meritocracy

The word meritocracy is pronounced as "meh-rih-tok-ruh-see". The emphasis is on the second syllable, "rih".

3. Tips for Pronouncing Meritocracy

- Start by breaking down the word into smaller syllables: meh-rih-tok-ruh-see.

- Pay attention to the emphasis on the second syllable, "rih".

- Practice saying the word slowly and clearly, making sure to enunciate each syllable.

- Try saying the word in different tones and speeds to get comfortable with its pronunciation.

4. Common Mispronunciations of Meritocracy

Some common mistakes people make when pronouncing meritocracy include:

- Pronouncing it as "meh-tuh-rok-ra-see"

- Emphasizing the first syllable instead of the second one

To avoid these errors, remember to focus on pronouncing each syllable correctly and emphasizing the second one.

5. Examples of Using Meritocracy in Sentences

Here are some examples of how meritocracy can be used in sentences:

- The company prides itself on being a meritocracy, where employees are promoted based on their skills and hard work.

- In a true meritocratic society, everyone has an equal chance to succeed regardless of their background.

- Some argue that our society is not a true meritocracy because certain groups have more opportunities for success than others.

6. Conclusion

In conclusion, meritocracy is a term that refers to a social system where individuals are rewarded based on their abilities and achievements. It is pronounced as "meh-rih-tok-ruh-see" with the emphasis on the second syllable. Remember to practice saying the word correctly to avoid common mispronunciations

Usage and examples of meritocracy



1. 教育系统:在许多国家,教育制度都是基于meritocracy原则。学生通过考试来评估他们的学习成绩和能力水平,并根据这些结果来决定他们是否有资格进入更高级别的学校或获得奖学金。

2. 招聘过程:许多公司也采用meritocracy原则来招聘员工。他们会通过面试、测试或其他评估方式来确定候选人的能力和适应性,并最终选择最合适的人选。

3. 政治领域:在一些国家,政治领导人也是通过民主选举或其他评估方式产生的。这样可以确保领导人具备足够的能力和资格来管理国家事务。

4. 企业晋升:许多企业也采用meritocracy原则来决定员工的晋升。通过评估员工的表现和能力,选择最优秀的人才来担任更高级别的职位。

5. 社会公平:meritocracy也被认为是一种公平的制度,因为它将个人能力和努力作为衡量标准,而不是社会地位或财富。这样可以确保每个人都有平等的机会来实现自己的梦想

Phrases with meritocracy

1. "Rise to the top with meritocracy" - 拥有优秀的能力和表现,可以在职场上获得成功。

2. "Meritocracy over nepotism" - 以能力取胜,而不是靠关系。

3. "A true meritocracy rewards hard work" - 真正的精英制度会奖励努力工作的人。

4. "Breaking through the glass ceiling of meritocracy" - 打破精英制度中的隐形壁垒。

5. "Meritocracy or mediocrity?" - 是追求卓越还是平庸?

6. "The dark side of meritocracy" - 精英制度的阴暗面。

7. "Meritocracy in education" - 教育中的精英制度。

8. "Meritocracy in sports" - 体育界的精英制度。

9. "Challenging the notion of meritocracy" - 对精英制度观念的挑战。

10. "The illusion of a fair meritocracy" - 公平精英制度的幻象

Synonym examples of meritocracy

1. "Equal Opportunity" - Meritocracy is the belief that individuals should be judged based on their abilities and achievements, rather than their social status or background. It promotes the idea of equal opportunity for all, regardless of race, gender, or class.

2. "Achievement-based System" - Meritocracy operates on the principle that success and advancement should be based on merit and competence. This means that those who work hard and excel in their field are rewarded and given opportunities for growth.

3. "Performance-driven Culture" - In a meritocracy, performance is highly valued and recognized. It encourages individuals to strive for excellence and rewards those who consistently deliver results.

4. "Merit-based Society" - Meritocracy promotes the idea of a society where success is determined by one's own efforts and abilities, rather than external factors such as family connections or wealth.

5. "Talentocracy" - This term is often used interchangeably with meritocracy, emphasizing the importance of talent and skill in achieving success. It suggests that those with exceptional abilities should have greater opportunities for advancement.

6. "Effort-reward System" - Meritocracy operates on the belief that hard work should be rewarded. This creates a sense of fairness and motivation for individuals to continuously improve themselves.

7. "Competitive Environment" - In a meritocratic system, competition is encouraged as it drives individuals to strive for excellence and stand out among their peers.

8. "Results-oriented Society" - Meritocracy values tangible results over factors such as seniority or connections. This creates a culture where individuals are constantly striving to achieve their goals and contribute to society.

9. "Egalitarianism" - At its core, meritocracy promotes egalitarianism by valuing individuals based on their abilities rather than their social status or background.

10. "Fairness-driven Philosophy" - Ultimately, meritocracy strives for fairness by providing equal opportunities for all individuals to succeed based on their own merits
