今天我们要探讨的主题是“measure up”,这个行业标题可能会让你感到陌生,但它却是一个非常重要的概念。它不仅仅是一种测量的方式,更是一种标准和衡量的方法。那么,它具体指什么呢?让我们一起来揭开这个谜团吧!在本文中,我们将为您介绍“measure up”的发音、意思、用法和双语例句以及相关词组和同义词示例。让我们一起来探索这个引人入胜的话题吧!

measure up的发音

嘿,你知道吗?“measure up”这个词的发音可不简单哦!它的正确发音是 [ˈmɛʒər ʌp],其中的“measure”读作 [ˈmɛʒər],而“up”则读作 [ʌp]。不过别担心,下面我会给你更多关于这个词的解释和例句,让你更加熟悉它的用法。

measure up是什么意思,measure up同义词及例句

首先,“measure up”的意思是“达到标准、符合要求”。它可以用来描述一个人或物品是否符合某种标准或期望。比如,如果你想表扬一个人工作者做得很好,可以说:“He really measures up as a great worker.”(他真的做得很好,是一个优秀的工作者。)又比如,如果一件产品符合所有安全标准,可以说:“This product measures up to all safety requirements.”(这个产品符合所有安全要求。)

除了“measure up”,还有一些同义词可以用来表达相同的意思。比如,“live up to”、“meet the standards of”、“fulfill the expectations of”等等。例如,“She always lives up to her parents' expectations.”(她总是能够达到父母的期望。)

哇,看到这里你是不是已经掌握了“measure up”的发音和用法啦?希望我的解释能够帮助你更加轻松地使用这个词哦!

measure up是什么意思

你是否曾经在工作或学习中遇到过“measure up”这个词?它的意思是什么呢?让我们一起来探究一下吧!

首先,让我们来看一下“measure up”的字面意思。根据字典的解释,它的意思是“符合标准”、“达到要求”。从这个意思来看,我们可以将“measure up”理解为达到某种标准或要求的能力或水平。

那么,“measure up”可以用在哪些场景呢?它可以用来描述一个人是否胜任某项工作、是否具备某种能力,也可以用来评价一个产品或服务是否符合消费者的期待。例如,你的老板可能会问你:“Are you confident that you can measure up to the challenges of this new project?”(你有信心能够应对这个新项目的挑战吗?)又或者,当你购买了一件衣服后发现质量不佳时,你可能会说:“This shirt doesn't measure up to the price I paid for it.”(这件衬衫不值得我花这么多钱。)

除了以上的常见用法外,根据具体语境,“measure up”还可以有其他含义。例如,在某些情况下它也可以表示“比较”,如“I can't wait to measure up my new car against my friend's.”(我迫不及待想要把我的新车和朋友的进行比较了。)此外,它还可以表示“量取”、“测量”,如“Can you help me measure up the length of this room?”(你能帮我测量一下这个房间的长度吗?)

除了“measure up”,还有哪些同义词可以用来表达相同的意思呢?一些常见的同义词包括“meet the standards”、“fulfill the requirements”、“live up to expectations”等。例如,我们可以将上面提到的句子改为:“Are you confident that you can meet the standards of this new project?”(你有信心能够达到这个新项目的标准吗?)又或者,“This shirt doesn't fulfill the requirements for its price.”(这件衬衫不符合它所标价的要求。)

measure up的用法和双语例句

1. measure up的意思是符合标准或期望,达到要求。例如:You need to work harder if you want to measure up to your boss's expectations.(如果你想达到老板的期望,就需要更加努力工作。)

2. 同义词包括:meet the standard, live up to, be up to par等。

3. 例句:

- She always measures up to her parents' high expectations.


- The new employee is struggling to measure up to the company's standards.


- The team captain needs to make sure that all players measure up on the field.


4. 双语例句:

- The candidate's qualifications and experience did not measure up to the job requirements.(候选人的资历和经验不符合工作要求。)

- 我们必须确保我们的产品质量能够达到国际标准。

We must ensure that our product quality measures up to international standards

measure up的词组

1. Match up - 匹配,相符

例句:The candidate's skills and qualifications didn't match up to the job requirements.

2. Live up to - 达到,实现

例句:It's important to set realistic goals that you can actually live up to.

3. Measure against - 与...相比较

例句:We need to measure our progress against our competitors in order to stay ahead in the market.

4. Come up to - 达到,符合

例句:The new product needs to come up to our quality standards before we can release it.

5. Meet with - 符合,满足

例句:The new regulations will meet with resistance from some companies.

6. Reach up to - 达到,达标

例句:The company's sales have reached up to $1 million this quarter.

7. Fulfill - 实现,完成

例句:It's important for employees to fulfill their job responsibilities in order for the company to succeed.

8. Achieve - 实现,达成

例句:The team worked hard and was able to achieve their goal of winning the championship.

9. Satisfy - 满足,符合要求

例句:Our products must satisfy the needs and expectations of our customers in order for them to be successful.

10. Measure out - 测量出,分配出

例句:Please measure out two cups of flour for the recipe.

11. Step up - 加快步伐,加大力度

例句:The company needs to step up its marketing efforts in order to increase sales.

12. Keep pace with - 与...保持同步,跟上...的步伐

例句:It's important for companies to keep pace with the changing market and consumer trends.

13. Rise to - 适应,应付

例句:The new manager was able to rise to the challenges of the job and lead the team successfully.

14. Conform to - 符合,遵守

例句:All employees must conform to the company's code of conduct in order to maintain a positive work environment.

15. Adhere to - 遵守,坚持

例句:It's important for companies to adhere to ethical business practices in order to maintain a good reputation

measure up同义词示例

1. Meet the standard: 符合标准

- Example: If you want to get a promotion, you need to meet the standard set by your boss.

2. Fulfill requirements: 履行要求

- Example: In order to pass the exam, you must fulfill all the requirements set by the teacher.

3. Live up to expectations: 达到期望

- Example: As a star player, he always lives up to expectations and leads his team to victory.

4. Measure against: 与...相比较

- Example: We need to measure our progress against our competitors in order to improve our performance.

5. Match up with: 与...相匹配

- Example: The color of your shirt doesn't match up with your pants, you should change one of them.

6. Compare favorably with: 与...相比有优势

- Example: Our product compares favorably with other similar products in terms of quality and price.

7. Be on par with: 与...同等水平

- Example: Our company's customer service is on par with the best in the industry.

8. Keep up with: 跟上步伐

- Example: In order to succeed in this fast-paced world, you need to keep up with the latest trends and technologies.

9. Rise to the occasion/challenge/task:应对场合/挑战/任务

- Example:He always rises to the occasion when faced with difficult situations at work.

10. Perform well/satisfactorily:表现良好/令人满意地完成

- Example:The new employee has been performing well and meeting all her targets since she joined our team

measure up是一个十分常用的词汇,它可以表示“符合标准”、“达到要求”等含义。无论是在日常生活中还是工作学习中,我们都可以用到这个词来表达自己的想法。希望通过本文的介绍,大家能更加了解和熟悉measure up,并且能够灵活运用它。最后,我是网站编辑小李,喜欢就关注我吧!也欢迎大家提出宝贵意见和建议,让我们一起共同学习进步。谢谢阅读!