materia的拼音是“mǎi tè lì yà”,它来自拉丁语,意为“物质”。在英语中,materia通常被翻译为“material”或“matter”,指的是构成世界万物的实体。但在翻译解释行业中,materia更多的是指具体的材料或物质,如文本、图像、声音等。它是指翻译或解释所涉及的实际内容,而非抽象概念。因此,在翻译解释行业中,“materia”的含义更加具体和实用
1. 首先,让我们来了解一下这个单词的发音。materia的发音为/məˈtɪərɪə/,其中重音在第二个音节上。
2. 如果你觉得这个发音有点复杂,也可以简化为/məˈtɪər/。这样读起来更加流畅,而且也不会改变单词的意思。
3. 不要忘记,在英语中,“a”通常是一个弱元音,所以在读materia时,不要太重读这个音节。
4. 如果你想更加准确地掌握这个单词的发音,可以去网上搜索“materia发音”,找到相关的视频或者语音示范来帮助你练习。
5. 另外,在英语中,“ia”通常被连读成一个长音/iə/。所以当你读materia时,可以把最后两个字母连在一起快速地念出来。
6. 最后,记住练习是关键!多听多说多练习,相信很快就能掌握正确的发音啦!
1. materia是什么意思
2. materia的用法
- This laboratory is equipped with all the necessary materias for our experiments.
- The artist used various materias to create this sculpture.
在学术领域,materia常被用作拉丁语短语“materia medica”的简称,指药物或药材。例如:
- The study of materia medica has a long history in traditional Chinese medicine.
3. 双语例句
- The store offers a wide range of materias for DIY enthusiasts.
- According to ancient Greek philosophers, the four elements - earth, air, fire, and water - are the basic materias that make up the universe.
- The materia medica used in traditional Chinese medicine is often derived from natural sources such as plants and minerals.
1. Materia prima - 原材料
Materia prima是拉丁语,意为“第一物质”,通常指制作某种产品所必需的原始材料。在工业生产中,materia prima是非常重要的一部分,它决定了最终产品的质量和成本。
2. Materia medica - 药物学
Materia medica是药物学的一个分支,研究各种药物的性能、功效、用法和用量等。它对于保障人类健康起着重要作用,也是医学领域必不可少的一部分。
3. Materia oscura - 暗物质
Materia oscura是天文学中的一个概念,指宇宙中存在但无法直接观测到的物质。它对于解释宇宙结构和运行方式具有重要意义,但目前仍然是一个未被完全理解的领域。
4. Materia gris - 灰质
Materia gris是大脑皮层中灰色部分的统称,主要由神经细胞组成。它在人类认知和情感方面发挥着重要作用,也是研究神经科学时必须考虑的因素。
5. Materia fecal - 粪便
Materia fecal是指人和动物排泄物中的固体部分,也称为粪便。它是身体代谢产生的废物,对于环境和健康都有一定的影响。
6. Materia viva - 生命物质
Materia viva是指具有生命活力的物质,如细胞、组织和器官等。它们在生命进化和生态系统中发挥着重要作用,也是生物学研究的核心内容。
7. Materia candente - 炽热物质
Materia candente指具有高温、高能量的物质,如太阳、火山岩浆等。它们在地球形成和自然界变化过程中起着至关重要的作用。
8. Materia inorganica - 无机物质
Materia inorganica指不含碳元素的化合物,如水、氧气等。它们在自然界中广泛存在,并且对于地球上生命系统具有重要影响。
9. Materia comburente - 氧化剂
Materia comburente是指与可燃物接触后能促使其燃烧的化学品,通常也称为氧化剂。它们在工业生产、医药领域都有广泛应用。
10. Materia heterogenea - 杂质
Materia heterogenea指混合了不同成分的物质,通常也称为杂质。它们在化学反应和物质分离过程中起着重要作用
1.物质 (substance)
Materia is the Latin word for "matter" or "substance". It refers to anything that has mass and takes up space.
2.材料 (material)
In the field of materials science, materia is often used to refer to the raw materials used in manufacturing, such as metals, plastics, and ceramics.
3.原料 (raw material)
Similar to "material", materia can also be used to describe the basic substances or ingredients used in production processes.
4.成分 (component)
In chemistry, materia can be seen as a synonym for "component", as it refers to the elements or compounds that make up a substance.
5.要素 (element)
Just like how elements make up matter, materia can also be used to describe the essential parts or factors that make something what it is.
6.组成部分 (constituent)
Materia can also be used as a synonym for "constituent", which refers to the individual components that make up a larger whole.
7.实质 (essence)
In a more abstract sense, materia can be seen as the essence or fundamental nature of something.
8.本质 (nature)
Similar to "essence", materia can also refer to the inherent nature or characteristics of something.
9.主题 (subject)
In literature and art, materia is sometimes used as a synonym for "subject" or "theme".
10.素材 (source material)
Lastly, in creative fields such as writing and filmmaking, materia can refer to source material or inspiration for a project