1. "masturbate"的发音是什么意思?
2. “masturbate”一词的词源
3. “masturbate”的定义
根据牛津词典, “masturbate”一词的定义是指“用手或其他物体刺激自己的性器官以达到性欲解放”。它是一个动词,常用于描述人类行为。
4. “masturbate”的同义词和近义词
与“masturbate”意思相近的动词有:self-pleasure, self-stimulate, self-gratify等。而与其同义的动词包括:pleasure oneself, stimulate oneself, gratify oneself等。
5. “masturbate”的不同文化背景下含义
6. “masturbate”的健康影响
7. “masturbate”的社会观点
1. "masturbate"的发音
2. "masturbate"的词性和词源
3. "masturbate"的定义
4. "masturbate"在不同语境下的用法
- 作为及物动词,通常跟随着反身代词(如myself、himself等)或名词(如penis、clitoris等)作宾语。例如:
He masturbates himself every night before going to bed.
- 作为不及物动词,通常跟随着介词with和名词(如hand、sex toy等)作宾语。例如:
She likes to masturbate with a vibrator.
5. "masturbate"与其他同义词的区别
- 比起“手淫”(handjob),"masturbate"更常指通过手部运动来达到性高潮,而不是与他人进行性行为。
- 比起“自慰”(self-pleasure),"masturbate"更强调通过手部运动来达到性高潮,而不是通过其他方式(如阅读色情材料)来刺激自己。
6. "masturbate"的相关词汇
- masturbation:名词,意为“手淫”或“自慰”。
- masturbator:名词,意为“手淫者”或“自慰者”。
- masturbatory:形容词,意为“手淫的”或“自慰的”。
7. "masturbate"在文学作品中的使用
8. 关于"masturbate"的误解
1. "masturbate"是一个动词,意为“自慰”或“手淫”。它通常指的是一种通过刺激自己的性器官来达到性高潮的行为。
例句:He was caught masturbating in public and was arrested by the police. (他在公共场合被抓到正在自慰,被警察逮捕了。)
2. 这个词也可以用作名词,指的是这种行为本身。
例句:Masturbation is a natural and healthy way to explore your own sexuality. (自慰是探索自己性欲的一种自然健康的方式。)
3. "masturbate"通常被认为是一种私密的行为,多数人会选择在私人空间进行。
例句:She locked herself in the bathroom to masturbate without being disturbed. (她把自己锁在浴室里,以免被打扰地进行自慰。)
4. 这个词也可以用来比喻某人过于自我欣赏或沉迷于某事物。
例句:He constantly masturbates his own ego, thinking he is better than everyone else. (他总是过于吹嘘自己,认为比其他人都优秀。)
5. 有些人认为频繁地进行手淫会对身体和心理健康造成负面影响,但也有研究表明适度的自慰对身体有益。
例句:Some people believe that masturbating too often can have negative effects on physical and mental health, but studies have also shown that moderate masturbation can be beneficial for the body. (一些人认为频繁自慰会对身心健康产生负面影响,但研究也表明适度的自慰对身体有益。)
6. "masturbate"这个词源于拉丁语“manus”(手)和“stuprare”(污辱),意为“用手污辱”。它在英语中最早出现于18世纪。
例句:The word "masturbate" comes from the Latin words "manus" (hand) and "stuprare" (to defile), meaning "to defile with the hand". It first appeared in English in the 18th century. (单词“masturbate”来源于拉丁语中的“manus”(手)和“stuprare”(玷污),意为“用手玷污”。它最早出现在英语中是在18世纪。)
1. "自慰":这个词组指的是通过手部或其他身体部位刺激自己的性器官来达到性满足的行为。它是一个非常私密的话题,但也是人类生理上不可避免的一部分。
2. "单手运动":这个词组可以用来形容那些只使用一只手进行自慰的人。虽然看起来有些奇怪,但实际上很多人都有这样的习惯。
3. "独自享受":这个词组强调了自慰作为一种单独行为,与他人无关。它可以带来身心放松和快感,是一种很好的方式来满足自己的性需求。
4. "私密时刻":这个词组指的是在一个安静、私密的环境中进行自慰。对于许多人来说,这样的时刻可以带来更加强烈和愉悦的感受。
5. "解决性压力":有时候,人们会通过自慰来缓解压力和焦虑,特别是在没有伴侣或无法满足性需求时。因此,"解决性压力"也可以被视为自慰的一种作用。
6. "快速放松":自慰可以带来快速的身心放松,释放身体积累的能量。这也是为什么许多人会选择在睡前或者疲劳时进行自慰。
7. "自我探索":通过自慰,人们可以更加了解自己的身体和性欲。它也可以帮助人们发现什么样的刺激方式最适合自己,从而提升性体验。
8. "私密享受":这个词组强调了自慰作为一种个人享受和满足的方式。它不需要任何外界干扰,只需静静地享受属于自己的快感。
9. "单身必备":对于没有伴侣或者长期单身的人来说,自慰可能是满足性需求最方便、安全和可靠的方式。
10. "健康习惯":根据医学研究,适度的自慰可以带来身心健康的益处,比如缓解经痛、改善睡眠质量等。因此,它也可以被视为一种健康习惯
1. Self-stimulation: This term refers to the act of stimulating one's own genitals for sexual pleasure, which is the same meaning as "masturbate".
2. Self-pleasure: Another synonym for "masturbate", this term also describes the act of pleasuring oneself sexually.
3. Solo play: This phrase is often used to describe the act of self-stimulation without a partner, and is another way to say "masturbate".
4. Self-love: While this term can have various meanings, it can also be used as a euphemism for "masturbate".
5. Self-gratification: Similar to self-pleasure, this term also refers to the act of seeking sexual pleasure on one's own.
6. Onanism: This word comes from a biblical story about a man named Onan who spilled his seed on the ground instead of impregnating his brother's wife. It is now used as an old-fashioned synonym for "masturbate".
7. Autoeroticism: This term describes sexual arousal and pleasure through self-stimulation, and can be considered as another way to say "masturbate".
8. Hand-to-gland combat: A humorous slang phrase for "masturbate", which plays on the idea of using one's hand to stimulate their genitals.
9. Jerk off: This informal phrase means the same thing as "masturbate" and is commonly used among young males.
10. Rub one out: Another slang phrase for "masturbate", this expression refers to rubbing or stroking one's genitals until orgasm is achieved.
In conclusion, there are many different ways to refer to the act of self-stimulation for sexual pleasure, with each term carrying its own connotations and nuances. While some may be more formal or humorous than others, they all serve as synonyms for the word "masturbate"