



1. 首先,我们可以将这个词分为三个音节:ma-ri-age。记住每个音节的重音是在第一个“ri”上。

2. 第一个音节“ma”读作[mə],类似于汉语拼音中的“么”。注意发音时舌头要放松,嘴唇微微张开。

3. 第二个音节“ri”读作[ˈri],类似于汉语拼音中的“日”。这个音节比较特殊,它由两个字母组成但只读作一个音。所以要注意把握好发音的时长和强度。

4. 最后一个音节“age”读作[ɪdʒ],类似于汉语拼音中的“奇”。这里需要注意的是,末尾的“e”并不发出声音,而是影响前面元素的发声方式。

5. 总结一下,“marriage”的发音就是[məˈriɪdʒ]。记住每个元素的发声方式和顺序,并多练习几次就能轻松掌握啦!



1. 什么是marriage?


2. marriage的起源


3. marriage在不同文化中的含义


4. marriage与爱情之间的关系


5. marriage对个人和社会的影响


6. marriage在当今社会的变化



1. 婚姻的定义:marriage通常指的是两个人在法律上或宗教上结合在一起,成为合法的夫妻关系。例如,“They entered into marriage last year and are now happily married.”

2. 婚姻的形式:marriage可以指不同形式的婚姻,如传统的一夫一妻制、同性婚姻等。例如,“Same-sex marriage has been legalized in many countries around the world.”

3. 婚姻的意义:marriage代表着两个人之间的承诺和责任,也是爱情关系的升华。例如,“Marriage is a sacred bond between two individuals who love each other unconditionally.”

4. 婚姻的仪式:marriage也可以指结婚仪式,包括宣誓、交换戒指等环节。例如,“Their marriage ceremony was held in a beautiful garden with all their loved ones present.”

5. 婚姻生活:marriage也可以指结婚后两个人共同生活的状态,包括相处方式、责任分工等。例如,“After 10 years of marriage, they have learned to compromise and support each other through thick and thin.”

6. 婚姻关系:marriage还可以指夫妻之间的关系,如亲密、理解、信任等。例如,“Their marriage is built on a strong foundation of mutual respect and understanding.”

7. 婚姻状况:marriage也可以指婚姻的状况,如幸福、稳定、不幸等。例如,“Their marriage is going through a rough patch right now, but they are determined to work through their issues together.”

8. 婚姻的影响:marriage也可以指婚姻对个人和社会的影响,如家庭稳定、子女成长等。例如,“Studies have shown that a stable marriage has a positive impact on children’s development.”

9. 婚姻的挑战:marriage也可以指婚姻中可能遇到的挑战,如沟通困难、争吵等。例如,“Every marriage has its ups and downs, but it’s important to communicate and work through challenges together.”

10. 婚姻的解除:marriage也可以指婚姻关系的解除,如离婚、分居等。例如,“After 20 years of marriage, they decided to get a divorce due to irreconcilable differences.”


1. Tie the knot: 意为结婚,指两个人决定要在一起共度一生。

2. Take the plunge: 意为冒险,指决定要结婚并进入婚姻生活。

3. Say "I do": 意为说“我愿意”,通常用于婚礼仪式中接受结婚誓言。

4. Walk down the aisle: 意为走向婚姻,指新娘在婚礼上走向新郎的过程。

5. Happily ever after: 意为幸福地生活在一起,通常用于描述美好的婚姻生活。

6. Lovebirds: 意为恋爱中的情侣,也可以用来形容新婚夫妇。

7. Tying the knot: 意为绑紧结合,也是对结婚的一种幽默说法。

8. For better or for worse: 意为不论是好是坏,在结婚誓言中表示无论发生什么都会相互扶持。

9. Happily married: 意为幸福地结了婚,形容已经步入幸福的婚姻生活。

10. Love and cherish: 意为爱和珍惜,在结婚誓言中表示对伴侣的爱和重视


1. Matrimony - This word is often used in a formal or traditional context to refer to the state of being married. It can also be used as a synonym for marriage, especially in legal or religious contexts.

2. Union - This word is commonly used to describe the joining together of two people in marriage. It can also be used to refer to the relationship between a married couple.

3. Nuptials - This word is often used to describe the act of getting married or the ceremony itself. It can also be used as a synonym for marriage, particularly in a romantic or poetic sense.

4. Wedlock - This word refers specifically to the state of being married and is often used in legal contexts. It can also be used more broadly to describe the institution of marriage.

5. Partnership - This word emphasizes the idea of two people coming together and working as a team in their marriage. It can also be used more generally to describe any close relationship or collaboration.

6. Covenant - This word is often associated with religious or spiritual marriages and refers to a sacred agreement between two people and/or with God. It can also be used more broadly to describe any solemn promise or commitment.

7. Bond - This word highlights the strong emotional connection between two people who are married. It can also be used more generally to describe any close relationship or tie between individuals.

8. Tie - Similar to "bond," this word emphasizes the strong connection between two people who are married and may also imply a sense of obligation or commitment.

9. Commitment - This word refers to the promise and dedication that comes with being married, as well as the willingness to work through challenges and support each other no matter what.

10. Unionization - While not commonly associated with marriage, this term refers specifically to legal recognition of same-sex unions, which have been gaining more acceptance and rights around the world in recent years
