1. 标记:Marks作为名词时,可以表示物体上的标记或印记。比如,“There were marks on the wall where the picture used to hang.”(墙上有画曾经挂过的地方留下的痕迹。)此外,marks也可以指代某个地方的特定标志物。例如,“The old tree is a mark for the entrance to the park.”(那棵老树是公园入口处的标志物。)
2. 痕迹:Marks也可以指代人或动物留下的痕迹。比如,“The detective found marks on the ground that led him to the thief's hideout.”(侦探发现了地上的痕迹,带他找到了小偷藏匿的地方。)此外,marks也可以表示某种影响或印象。“His words left a deep mark on her heart.”(他的话在她心里留下了深刻的印象。)
3. 分数:Marks作为名词时还可以表示分数或成绩。“I got high marks on my math test.”(我在数学考试中得了高分。)此外,marks也可以指代某个标准或界限。“That performance didn't meet the mark.”(那次表演没有达到标准。)
1. 发音篇
2. 意思篇
3. 名词解释
作为名词时,marks可以指物体上的印记、标志或痕迹。例如:There were marks on the wall where the picture used to hang.(墙上有画挂过的痕迹。)此外,marks也可以指某种特定的评分方式或等级制度。例如:She got top marks in her exams.(她考试得了最高分。)
4. 动词解释
作为动词时,marks可以指在物体上做出标记或痕迹。例如:He marked the page with a pencil.(他用铅笔在书页上做了个标记。)此外,marks也可以指给予评分或打分数。例如:The teacher marked the students' essays quickly.(老师很快就给学生们的文章打了分数。)
5. 幽默篇
6. 总结篇
1. Marks的含义
2. Marks的用法
在日常生活中,Marks通常用于描述物体上的标记或痕迹,比如:“There are marks on the wall.”(墙上有痕迹)。在学校教育中,Marks指代学生在考试或作业中获得的分数,也可以用来表示成绩等级,如“A+”、“B-”。此外,在商业领域也常用到这个词,比如:“The company made a record profit last year.”(公司去年创造了历史最高利润)。
3. 双语例句
1) The teacher asked us to put our names and marks on the top of the test paper.
2) He left his marks on the sand as he walked along the beach.
3) I got full marks in my English exam.
4) The company's financial report shows a marked improvement from last year.
5) The detective found some fresh marks at the crime scene.
6) The artist's unique style is his trademark.
7) She marked the important dates on her calendar.
8) The teacher marked the students' essays with a red pen.
9) The singer's performance left a lasting mark on the audience.
10) His behavior in class has improved, but there is still room for improvement in his marks.
1. 打分:marks是指对某件事或某人的评分,通常用于学校作业、考试或其他评估活动。
2. 痕迹:marks也可以指物体上的印记或痕迹,比如衣服上的污渍、书本上的笔记等。
3. 标记:marks还可以表示标记或标识,比如在地图上标记出重要地点、在文件中做出标记等。
4. 成绩单:在学校教育系统中,marks也可以指学生的成绩单,记录着他们在各科目中取得的分数和等级。
5. 特征:有时候我们也会用marks来形容某人或某物的特征或特点,比如“她脸上有许多美丽的marks”。
6. 路标:当我们说“follow the marks”,意思是要按照路标前进,也可以理解为遵循某种指导方针。
7. 指示符号:在电子设备中,我们经常会看到一些小图标或符号,这些就是marks,在操作时会起到指示作用。
8. 价格标签:当我们购物时,商店里都会有各种各样的价格标签(marks),告诉我们商品的名称和价格。
9. 印记:除了物体表面的痕迹,marks也可以指内心深处的印记,比如经历过的事情或人生阅历都会留下一些marks。
10. 奖励:在一些游戏或竞赛中,我们会看到获得高分或达成目标后会有一些奖励(marks),激励我们继续努力
1. Symbols - marks can be used as symbols to represent something, such as a check mark representing completion or a question mark representing uncertainty.
2. Signs - marks can also be used as signs to convey information, such as punctuation marks indicating the end of a sentence or quotation marks indicating dialogue.
3. Indicators - marks can serve as indicators, showing the presence or absence of something, like birthmarks on a person's skin or tire marks on the road.
4. Impressions - marks can leave impressions, whether physical like fingerprints or emotional like scars.
5. Grades - in an academic setting, marks are often used to indicate grades or scores on assignments and exams.
6. Labels - certain marks can act as labels to categorize or identify something, such as brand logos or trademarks.
7. Stains - marks can also refer to stains left on surfaces from spills or accidents.
8. Notations - in music, marks are used to indicate dynamics and other notations for performers to follow.
9. Characteristics - some characteristics of a person's appearance can also be referred to as marks, such as beauty marks or birthmarks.
10. Points - in sports and games, points earned by players are often referred to as marks.
11. Targets - targets for shooting practice can also be called marks.
12. Insignias - military ranks and badges are sometimes referred to as marks of honor and achievement.
13. Traces - footprints and other traces left behind by animals can also be called marks in the natural world.
14. Impressions - similar to leaving physical impressions, one's actions and behavior can also leave a mark on others' perceptions of them.
15. Reminders - sometimes we use notes or reminders written down on paper called "post-it" notes which are sometimes referred to simply as "marks".
16. Scores- similar to grades in an academic setting, scores in a game or competition can also be referred to as marks.
17. Targets - in archery, the center of the target is called the "bull's eye" or "mark".
18. Milestones - significant events or achievements in one's life can also be referred to as marks, such as a marriage or graduation.
19. Trackers - marks can also be used as trackers, such as tally marks to keep count of something.
20. Characteristics - certain characteristics of a product can also be referred to as marks, such as the "Made in" mark on goods indicating their country of origin