1. 定义
2. 词源
3. 同义词
4. 例句
(1) The marginal notes in the book are very helpful for understanding the main text.
(2) The company's profits have been declining due to the increase in marginal costs.
(3) She only has a marginal role in the movie, but her performance is outstanding.
1. “marginal”的发音为 [ˈmɑːdʒɪnəl],重音在第二个音节。
2. 读法:可以将单词分为两部分来读,先读“mar”再读“ginal”,注意要将“r”发出来。
3. 同义词:peripheral, borderline, minimal, slight
4. 例句:
- The company's profits have been marginal for the past few years.
- She has only a marginal understanding of the subject.
- The book's success was only marginal, it didn't become a bestseller.
1. marginal的意思
2. marginal的发音
3. marginal的同义词
4. marginal的例句
(1) The company's profit margins have been decreasing due to rising costs.
(2) He only has a marginal role in the company, but he is happy with it.
(3) The book's sales were only marginal, but it gained a cult following.
(4) The government needs to address the issue of marginal workers in the labor force.
5. 双语例句
(1) The company's profit margins have been decreasing due to rising costs.
(2) Marginal land is often used for grazing animals.
(3) The marginal cost of producing one more unit is too high.
(4) He only has a marginal role in the company, but he is happy with it.
(5) The book's sales were only marginal, but it gained a cult following.
(6) The government needs to address the issue of marginal workers in the labor force.
1. Marginal cost: 边际成本,指增加一单位产品所需的额外成本。
例句:The company needs to reduce its marginal cost in order to increase profits.
2. Marginal revenue: 边际收益,指增加一单位产品所带来的额外收益。
例句:The marginal revenue from the new product is expected to be high.
3. Marginal profit: 边际利润,指每售出一单位产品所获得的额外利润。
例句:The marginal profit for this product is lower than expected.
4. Marginal analysis: 边际分析,指通过比较边际成本和边际收益来决定最优产量或售价的方法。
例句:We need to conduct a marginal analysis before making any pricing decisions.
5. Marginal utility: 边际效用,指增加一单位商品所带来的额外满足感。
例句:As the price increases, the marginal utility of the product decreases.
6. Marginal benefit: 边际收益,指从购买或采取某项行动中获得的额外好处。
例句:The marginal benefit of investing in this project is worth considering.
7. Marginal tax rate: 边际税率,指最后一个被征税收入单位所需要缴纳的税款比例。
例句:High earners often have a higher marginal tax rate than lower income individuals.
8. Marginal propensity to consume (MPC): 消费边际倾向,指每增加一单位收入所消费的比例。
例句:The MPC for this demographic is expected to increase in the coming years.
9. Marginal propensity to save (MPS): 储蓄边际倾向,指每增加一单位收入所储蓄的比例。
例句:The MPS for this age group is higher than the average population.
10. Marginal effect: 边际效应,指某个因素对结果的微小影响。
例句:The marginal effect of advertising on sales was not significant
1. Negligible - 可忽略的
例句:The impact of the new policy on the company's profits is negligible.
2. Insignificant - 微不足道的
例句:The changes made to the product were insignificant and did not affect its overall quality.
3. Minor - 轻微的
例句:There were only minor differences between the two versions of the report.
4. Peripheral - 边缘的
例句:His role in the project was peripheral and did not contribute much to its success.
5. Marginalized - 边缘化的
例句:The marginalized group fought for their rights to be recognized and valued in society.
6. Inconsequential - 不重要的
例句:The details mentioned in the meeting were inconsequential and did not affect the main decision-making process.
7. Trivial - 琐碎的
例句:She complained about trivial matters that had no real impact on her work.
8. Irrelevant - 不相关的
例句:His comments during the discussion were irrelevant and did not contribute to finding a solution.
9. Superficial - 肤浅的
例句:Her understanding of the topic was superficial and lacked depth.
10. Fringe - 边缘的,次要的
例句:He belonged to a fringe group within the organization that had little influence on major decisions