你是否曾经好奇过“marc”一词的含义?或者在阅读中遇到过这个词,但却不知道如何正确发音?不用担心,今天我将为你揭开这个行业标题的神秘面纱。从“Meaning of marc”到“Synonyms for marc with examples”,本文将为你逐一解析,让你对这个词有一个全面的认识。让我们一起来探索marc的奥秘吧!

Meaning of marc

1. Marc是一种英文名字,源自马克(Mark)的缩写,通常指代男性。

2. 在法语中,Marc也有“马克西姆”的意思,是一个流行的男性名字。


3. 在医学领域,MARC是“Major Histocompatibility Complex Antigen Related Complex”的缩写,指代一类免疫系统相关的蛋白质。

4. 在图书馆学中,MARC指的是机器可读目录(Machine Readable Cataloging)的简称,是一种用于图书馆资料管理和检索的标准格式。

5. 另外,在服装行业中,MARC也可以指代Marc Jacobs品牌,该品牌由知名设计师Marc Jacobs创立。

6. 同义词:Mark、Marcus、Marco等。

7. 例句:

- My friend's name is Marc, but he prefers to be called Mark.


- The doctor explained that the patient's condition was caused by a mutation in the MARC gene.


- The library uses MARC format for cataloging all their books and materials.


- Have you seen the new collection from Marc Jacobs? It's amazing!

(你看过Marc Jacobs的新系列了吗?太棒了!)

How to pronounce marc

1. Marc是一个英文名字,发音为[mɑːrk],类似于中文的“马克”。

2. 它的意思是“战神”,源自于古罗马神话中的战争之神Mars。

3. 同义词有Mark,Marcus,Marcellus等。

4. 例如:“Marc is a strong and brave man, just like the god of war.”

5. 在翻译解释行业中,Marc也可以指代一种元数据格式,发音为[mɑːrk]

Usage and examples of marc

1. Definition of marc

Marc is a term that refers to a standardized format used for bibliographic records in libraries. It stands for Machine-Readable Cataloging and was developed by the Library of Congress in the 1960s. Marc records contain information about books, journals, audiovisual materials, and other resources held in a library's collection.

2. How to pronounce marc

The correct pronunciation of marc is "mark." It is important to note that this term should not be confused with the French word "marc," which means "the residue left after pressing grapes for wine."

3. Synonyms for marc

Other terms that are commonly used to refer to Marc include MARC21 (which stands for MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data), MARC record, and MARC format.

4. Examples of using marc

a) A librarian uses Marc records to catalog new books that have been added to the library's collection.

b) Researchers can search for specific books or resources using Marc records in a library's online catalog.

c) A library technician uses specialized software to create and edit Marc records for new materials.

d) An archivist uses Marc records to organize and preserve historical documents in a library or archive.

5. Benefits of using marc

a) Standardization: The use of Marc ensures consistency and uniformity in bibliographic records across different libraries.

b) Efficiency: With the use of specialized software, librarians can easily create, edit, and manage large numbers of Marc records.

c) Accessibility: Researchers can search for resources using keywords or specific fields within a Marc record, making it easier to find relevant materials.

d) Compatibility: Marc is compatible with other library systems and formats, allowing for easy sharing and transfer of bibliographic data.

In conclusion, marc is an essential tool used in libraries to organize and manage bibliographic information. Its standardized format allows for efficient access and retrieval of resources, making it a valuable asset for both librarians and researchers

Phrases with marc

1. "Marc"的意思是什么?

- "Marc"是一个男性名字,源自拉丁语,意为“战士”或“军队的领导者”。

2. 如何正确地读取"Marc"?

- "Marc"的正确发音为[mɑːk],其中[a]发音类似于英语单词"car"中的"a"。

3. 与"Marc"同义的词汇有哪些?

- "Mark", "Marcus", "Marcel", "Marco", "Marcellus", "Marquis".

4. 例句:

- My brother's name is Marc, but we call him Mark for short.


- Marcus Aurelius was a famous Roman emperor.


- The marquis led his troops into battle.


- Marcel Proust was a French novelist and essayist.


Synonyms for marc with examples

1. Definition of marc

Marc is a French term that refers to the residue left over from the pressing of grapes during winemaking. It is also known as pomace or grape marc.

2. Synonyms for marc

- Pomace: This term refers to the solid remains of fruits, such as grapes, after they have been pressed for juice or oil extraction.

- Grape marc: This is another term used to describe the residue left over from pressing grapes for winemaking.

- Press cake: This refers to the solid mass remaining after pressing fruits or seeds for their oils.

- Marc de raisin: This is a French term that translates to "grape marc" and is used in reference to the residue left over from winemaking.

3. Examples of using marc in a sentence

- The winemaker used a press to extract juice from the grapes, leaving behind a pile of marc.

- After pressing olives for their oil, the farmers were left with a large amount of pomace.

- She added some grape marc to her compost pile to help enrich the soil in her garden.

- The distillery uses press cake from various fruits, including grapes, in its production process.

4. Other terms related to marc

- Must: This refers to freshly pressed fruit juice that has not yet undergone fermentation.

- Lees: These are deposits of dead yeast cells and other solids that settle at the bottom of wine barrels during fermentation.

- Dregs: This term can be used interchangeably with lees and refers to sediment that settles at the bottom of a container.

5. Conclusion

In conclusion, marc is a term used in winemaking and refers to the residue left over from pressing grapes. It can also be referred to as pomace or grape marc and has synonyms such as press cake and grape must. Understanding these terms can help deepen your knowledge about winemaking processes and terminology

In summary, marc refers to a unit of measurement used in the textile industry, as well as a type of brandy and a French name. It is pronounced as "mark" and can be used in various phrases and contexts. Some synonyms for marc include residue, dregs, and sediment.