

manito的拼音是mǎn yī tóu,它来自于西班牙语中的“manito”,意为“小手”或“小手指”。在英语中,manito也可以被翻译为“little hand”或“little finger”。它通常用来形容一个人的最好朋友或最亲密的伙伴。在韩国文化中,manito也有着特殊的含义,指代一种秘密交换礼物的游戏。无论是西班牙语还是韩语,manito都具有亲密、友谊和欢乐的意味



1. manito的发音是[ma-NEE-toh],其中的重音在第一个音节上。

2. manito是一个西班牙语词汇,意为“小神”或“小神灵”。

3. 在西班牙语中,manito是mano(手)的变体形式,意为“小手”。

4. 在拉丁美洲的一些地区,manito也可以指代“好朋友”或“兄弟”。

5. manito一词也有时被用来指代某个人的昵称或绰号。

6. 在美国南部地区,manito也可以作为对男性朋友或家人的亲密称呼。

7. 在一些印第安部落中,manito指代着一种超自然力量或神秘力量。它们被认为是自然界中各种现象和事物背后的掌控者。

8. 根据不同文化和宗教背景,manito还可能有其他不同的含义和解释。

9. 总的来说,manito是一个多义性很强、含义丰富的词汇,在不同语境下可能会有不同的解释和用法


1. manito的含义


2. manito的用法


3. manito的双语例句

- He is considered the manito of this village, everyone looks up to him for guidance and leadership.


- The CEO of the company is known as the manito in the business world, with his innovative ideas and successful strategies.


- The ancient temple was believed to be a sacred place where the manitos resided and were worshipped by the locals.


- The manito of this tribe is said to have the power to communicate with the spirits and heal the sick.



1. Manito是一个来自西班牙语的词汇,意为“小老板”或“小领导”。它通常用来形容一个年轻或不成熟的领导人,也可以指代一个有权力但不够成熟的人。

2. Manito也可以指代一种亚洲文化现象,在韩国和日本流行的“偶像文化”中,Manito是指被认为最受欢迎或最受尊敬的偶像。这个词也经常用来形容粉丝们对偶像的热情和支持。

3. 在西班牙语中,Manito还有一种特殊的含义,指代手掌。这个词可以用来形容某人的手掌大小或形状。在拉丁美洲地区,Manito也可以用来称呼朋友或同事。

4. Manito还有一个衍生词组“manita”,意为“小手”。这个词经常用来表示亲密关系和友谊,比如说两个人之间握手时可以说“manita”。

5. 另外,Manito也是一种姓氏,在西班牙、菲律宾和拉丁美洲地区都能见到。这个姓氏源自拉丁语单词“manus”,意为“手”。

6. 最后,Manito也可以用来形容一种动物,即北美洲原住民传说中的“小人”。这种小人被认为是守护森林和自然的精灵,也被称为“Manito”。



1. Patron - This term comes from the Spanish word "patrón" which means boss or master. It is often used to refer to someone who is a protector or benefactor, similar to the concept of "manito" in Spanish.

2. Mentor - A mentor is someone who guides and advises another person, often in a professional or educational setting. This term can also be used as a synonym for "manito" as both imply a sense of guidance and support.

3. Guardian - A guardian is someone who takes care of and protects another person, especially if they are young or vulnerable. This term can be used interchangeably with "manito" as both convey a sense of protection and care.

4. Ally - An ally is someone who supports and stands by another person, often in difficult situations. This term can be used as a synonym for "manito" as both imply a strong bond and mutual support.

5. Sponsor - A sponsor is someone who supports and promotes another person's endeavors, often in a financial or professional capacity. This term can also be used to describe the role of a "manito" as both involve providing assistance and opportunities.

6. Advocate - An advocate is someone who speaks on behalf of another person's interests or rights. This term can be used interchangeably with "manito" as both involve standing up for someone else's well-being.

7. Protector - A protector is someone who defends and safeguards another person from harm or danger. This term can also be used as a synonym for "manito" as both imply the idea of protection and safety.

8. Guide - A guide is someone who leads and advises others on a journey or path towards a specific goal or destination. This term can be used interchangeably with "manito" as both involve providing guidance and direction.

9. Supporter - A supporter is someone who encourages and assists another person, often in their pursuits or endeavors. This term can be used as a synonym for "manito" as both convey a sense of support and encouragement.

10. Friend - A friend is someone who shares a close bond and mutual affection with another person. This term can also be used to describe the relationship between "manito" and "manita" (female form of manito) as both involve a strong bond and camaraderie
