







1. 在英语中,manhood通常被用来指代男子气概、勇气和成熟。它也可以表示男性身体上特有的特征,如生殖器官。

2. 在某些文化中,manhood也可以指代成年男子所应具备的责任和义务。

3. Manhood也可以用来表示一个男人所属于的群体或社会阶层。

4. 在一些文学作品中,manhood也被用来指代男主角或主要角色。

5. Manhood这个词也经常出现在与性别相关的讨论中,如探讨男性身份认同等话题。


1. manly:形容词,表示具有典型男子气概和勇气的。

2. manliness:名词,表示具有典型男子气概和勇气。

3. masculinity:名词,表示男性特征或特质。

4. malehood:名词,表示男性的身份或状态


1. 男子气概,男子汉的标志


2. 人生阶段,成年期

除了指代男性特质外,manhood也可以表示一个人生阶段,即成年期。这种用法通常带有一种成熟、责任感的含义。例如,“He has reached manhood and needs to start taking care of himself.”(他已经到了成年期,需要开始照顾自己了。)

3. 勇敢、坚强的品质

在某些情况下,manhood也可以表示勇敢、坚强的品质。这种用法通常与面对挑战或困难时的勇气相关联。例如,“It takes real manhood to face your fears and overcome them.”(面对恐惧并克服它们需要真正的勇气。)

4. 尊严、尊重

另外,manhood也可以表示尊严和尊重,在这种情况下通常指对他人或社会的尊重和关爱。例如,“He showed great manhood by standing up for what he believed in.”(他通过坚持自己的信念表现出了伟大的尊严。)

5. 幽默的说法


1. 用法:manhood是指男子气概、男子汉气质的意思,通常用来形容男性的成熟和勇气。它可以作为名词使用,也可以作为形容词使用。


- He showed great manhood when he saved the drowning child.


- She admired his manhood and bravery in the face of danger.


2. 双语例句:

- His father always told him to act with manhood and never back down from a challenge.


- The ancient Greeks valued manhood above all else and believed it was a key virtue for a successful life.


- As he matured, he began to understand the true meaning of manhood and the responsibilities that came with it.



1. Definition of manhood - "男子气概"

Manhood is the state or quality of being a man, typically associated with qualities such as strength, courage, and responsibility. In Chinese, manhood can be translated as "男子气概", which encompasses the traditional values and characteristics expected of a man.

2. Manly virtues - "男子美德"

Manhood is often associated with certain virtues that are considered masculine, such as bravery, honor, and loyalty. These virtues are often referred to as "男子美德" in Chinese.

3. Masculine identity - "男性身份认同"

Manhood also refers to one's sense of identity as a man. This can include societal expectations, cultural norms, and personal beliefs about what it means to be a man. In Chinese, this concept can be expressed as "男性身份认同".

4. Coming of age - "成年仪式"

In many cultures, manhood is marked by a coming of age ceremony or ritual that symbolizes the transition from boyhood to manhood. This can also be referred to as "成年仪式" in Chinese.

5. Male maturity - "男性成熟"

Manhood is often associated with maturity and the ability to take on responsibilities and make important decisions. In Chinese culture, this can be expressed as "男性成熟".

6. Brotherhood - "兄弟情谊"

The concept of brotherhood is an important aspect of manhood in many cultures. It refers to the strong bond between men who share common experiences and support each other like brothers. In Chinese, this can be described as "兄弟情谊".

7. Father figure - "父亲形象"

In traditional societies, men are often seen as the head of the family and the provider and protector of their loved ones. This role is associated with manhood and can be referred to as "父亲形象" in Chinese.

8. Male role models - "男性榜样"

Manhood is often shaped by the examples set by male role models, such as fathers, grandfathers, or other respected figures in the community. In Chinese, these individuals can be described as "男性榜样".

9. Test of manhood - "男子汉考验"

In some cultures, there are specific challenges or tasks that men must overcome in order to prove their manhood. This can be referred to as a "男子汉考验" in Chinese.

10. Masculine energy - "男性能量"

Manhood is often associated with strength, vigor, and vitality. In Chinese culture, this can be expressed as "男性能量", which refers to the physical and mental energy that is expected of men


1. Masculinity: This term refers to the qualities or attributes traditionally associated with being a man, such as strength, courage, and assertiveness.

2. Virility: This word describes the physical and sexual characteristics of a man, including his ability to reproduce.

3. Manliness: Similar to masculinity, this term encompasses the traditional traits and behaviors associated with being a man, such as bravery and honor.

4. Machismo: This word is often used to describe exaggerated or aggressive displays of masculinity.

5. Courage: This quality is often seen as a defining characteristic of manhood, representing bravery in the face of danger or adversity.

6. Bravado: Similar to machismo, this term refers to exaggerated displays of courage or confidence.

7. Fortitude: This word describes strength and resilience in the face of challenges or difficulties.

8. Chivalry: Often associated with medieval knights, this term refers to the code of conduct that emphasizes honor, courtesy, and respect towards women.

9. Grit: This quality embodies determination and perseverance in the face of obstacles or setbacks.

10. Honor: A sense of integrity and moral responsibility is often seen as an important aspect of manhood
