What is the meaning of male?
除了male外,还有哪些同义词可以表示男性呢?常见的同义词包括man、gentleman、guy等。例如,He is a kind and gentle man.(他是一位善良温文的绅士。)
1. 在医学领域:医生会根据病人的性别来进行诊断和治疗,例如Male patients are more likely to develop heart disease.(男性患者更容易患上心脏病。)
2. 在动物界:雄性动物通常比雌性动物更具有攻击性和领导力,例如Male lions are responsible for protecting the pride.(雄狮负责保护群体。)
3. 在职场:male一词也可以用来指代工作场所中的男性员工,例如The company has a higher percentage of male employees.(该公司男性员工比例较高。)
How do you pronounce male?
1. Male的意思
2. Male的读音
a. 首先,将嘴唇微微张开。
b. 然后,将舌头放在牙齿后面。
c. 接着,发出长音的“e”,同时将舌头抬起。
d. 最后,加入第一个音节的重音。
3. Male的同义词
- Man:这是最常用来指代男性的单词。
- Gentleman:这个单词通常用来指代有教养、有修养、有风度的男性。
- Guy:这个单词比较口语化,通常用来指代年轻人或朋友。
- Boy:这个单词通常用来指代未成年男孩。
4. Male的例句
- He is a male and she is a female.(他是一名男性,她是一名女性。)
- The male lion is the leader of the pride.(雄狮是狮群的领导者。)
- The doctor asked about your family history on both the male and female sides.(医生询问了你的家族史,包括男性和女性方面。)
- He is such a gentleman, always holding the door open for others.(他真是一个绅士,总是为别人开门。)
Usage and examples of male
1. Definition of male
Male is a term used to refer to the gender of a human or animal that is typically characterized by having XY chromosomes, producing sperm, and possessing masculine physical traits. In most species, males are responsible for fertilizing the female's eggs in order to reproduce.
2. How to pronounce male
The word "male" is pronounced as /meɪl/ in American English and /mɑːl/ in British English. The "e" at the end of the word is silent.
3. Synonyms for male
- Man: A male human being.
- Boy: A young male human.
- Gentleman: A polite and well-mannered man.
- Masculine: Having qualities traditionally associated with men.
- He: A pronoun used to refer to a male person or animal.
4. Examples of male in sentences
- The lion is considered the king of the jungle and is known for its majestic mane, which only males possess.
- In some species of birds, it is the males who have bright and colorful feathers to attract females during mating season.
- The company's board of directors is predominantly made up of males, with only one female member.
- John was raised by a single mother but he still grew up to be a strong and confident male figure.
- The doctor asked the patient if he had any history of heart disease in his family since males are more prone to it.
5. Usage tips for using "male"
When using "male" as an adjective, it should come before the noun it modifies (e.g. male lion). When using it as a noun, it can be used as either singular or plural (e.g. There were two males and three females in the group).
6. Cultural significance of being male
In many cultures around the world, being male often comes with societal expectations and roles such as being the breadwinner, protector, and leader of the family. However, these traditional gender roles are being challenged and redefined in modern society.
7. Male vs Female
Male and female are two distinct genders with different biological characteristics and societal expectations. While males are typically associated with strength and assertiveness, females are often associated with nurturing and emotional intelligence. However, it is important to recognize that individuals can possess traits from both genders regardless of their biological sex.
In conclusion, male is a term that refers to a specific gender with its own unique characteristics, roles, and expectations. It is important to understand and respect the diversity within genders and not make assumptions based on societal norms or stereotypes
Phrases with male
1. The male of the species: 物种中的雄性
例句:In many animal species, the male is responsible for attracting a mate and protecting the family.
2. Male-dominated: 男性主导的
例句:The business world is still largely male-dominated, with fewer women in leadership positions.
3. Male chauvinism: 男性沙文主义
例句:His outdated views on gender roles reeked of male chauvinism.
4. Male bonding: 男性间的情谊
例句:The annual fishing trip was a chance for some much-needed male bonding time.
5. Male ego: 男性自我
例句:His fragile male ego couldn't handle being rejected by a woman.
6. Male pattern baldness: 男性型脱发
例句:Many men dread the onset of male pattern baldness as they get older.
7. Alpha male: 领袖型男子
例句:He was always the alpha male in any group, commanding attention and respect from others.
8. Male gaze: 男性视角
例句:The film was criticized for its objectification of women through the male gaze.
9. Male privilege: 男性特权
例句:Society needs to recognize and address the issue of male privilege in order to achieve true gender equality.
10. Male role model: 男性榜样
例句:He looked up to his father as a strong and caring male role model in his life
Synonyms for male with examples
1. Definition of male
Male is a term used to describe the sex or gender of a person or animal that typically has XY chromosomes, produces sperm, and is able to fertilize female reproductive cells. It is the opposite of female, which describes the sex or gender that typically has XX chromosomes and is able to bear offspring.
2. How to pronounce male
Male is pronounced as /meɪl/ in American English and /mɑːl/ in British English.
3. Synonyms for male
- Man: This is a commonly used synonym for male, referring to an adult human male.
Example: The man walked confidently down the street.
- Masculine: This word describes traits or characteristics that are traditionally associated with males.
Example: He had a very masculine appearance with broad shoulders and strong jawline.
- Gentleman: This term refers to a polite, well-mannered man.
Example: The gentleman held the door open for the lady behind him.
- Boy: This word can be used to describe a young male or as a casual term for any male.
Example: The boy was excited to start his first day of school.
- Guy: Similar to "boy," this word can be used casually to refer to any male.
Example: The guys went out for drinks after work.
- Lad: This term is often used in British English and refers to a young man or boy.
Example: The lads were playing soccer in the park.
- Male person/human being: These phrases are more formal ways of referring to males without using gender-specific terms like "man" or "boy."
Example: The male person sitting next to me on the bus was reading a book about history.
4. Examples of using synonyms for male
- Instead of saying "The male lion roared," you could use "The masculine lion roared."
- Instead of saying "The man walked his dog," you could use "The gentleman walked his dog."
- Instead of saying "The boy was playing with his toys," you could use "The lad was playing with his toys."
- Instead of saying "The guy at the store helped me find what I needed," you could use "The male person at the store helped me find what I needed."
In conclusion, male is a common word used to describe the gender of a human or animal that is typically associated with masculinity. It is pronounced as "meyl" and has various synonyms such as man, gentleman, and boy. As an editor of this website, I hope this article has helped you understand the meaning and usage of male better. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to leave them in the comments section below. Thank you for reading and don't forget to follow me for more interesting articles!