你是否曾经遇到过这样的情况,看到一个不熟悉的标题,却又无从下手?今天,我们就来揭开行业标题“loosen up是什么意思”的神秘面纱。或许你已经猜到了其中的含义,但是它的拼音、读法、用法和双语例句、词组以及同义词示例还有哪些精彩内容等待着我们一起探索。让我们一起来解读这个令人好奇的标题吧!

loosen up的拼音

1. 拼音:lǒng sān yī

2. 解释:loosen up是一个英语短语,意为放松、松弛或放开。通常用来指一个人或物体从紧张、拘束或牵绊中解脱出来,变得轻松自在。

loosen up是什么意思

3. 例句:After a long day at work, I like to loosen up by taking a hot bath and listening to some soothing music. (工作一整天后,我喜欢通过泡澡和听舒缓的音乐来放松自己。)

4. 来源:这个短语起源于20世纪初期的美国英语,最初是指让马匹从紧绷的绳索中解脱出来,放松肌肉。后来也被引申为人类行为的比喻。

5. 同义词:relax, unwind, let go, chill out

6. 反义词:tense up, tighten up, stress out

7. 常见搭配:

- Loosen up your muscles before starting the workout. (开始锻炼前先放松肌肉。)

- Let's loosen up and have some fun tonight! (今晚让我们放松一下,玩得开心点吧!)

- The company needs to loosen up its strict rules and regulations in order to attract more young talents. (公司需要放宽严格的规章制度,以吸引更多年轻人才。)

- The therapist taught me some techniques to help me loosen up when I feel anxious. (治疗师教我一些技巧,帮助我在焦虑时放松自己。)

8. 相关词汇:

- Loosen: 动词,解开、放松

- Loosening: 名词,放松、缓和

- Loosened: 形容词,放松的、松弛的

9. 注意事项:loosen up通常用于非正式场合,比如朋友之间、家庭聚会或休闲时。在正式场合或商务场合,可以使用更正式的表达方式,如"relax"或"unwind"

loosen up怎么读

1. 解释:loosen up是一个常用的英语短语,意思是放松或松弛。它可以用作动词短语,也可以用作形容词短语。

2. 发音:loosen up的发音为[luzən ʌp],其中第一个单词“loosen”的发音为[luːs(ə)n],意为“放松”,第二个单词“up”的发音为[ʌp],意为“向上”。

3. 词性变化:loosen up是一个不及物动词短语,在句子中通常作为谓语动词使用。它的过去式和过去分词形式均为loosened up。

4. 同义词:loosen up的同义词包括relax、unwind、let go等,它们都有放松、解除压力的意思。

5. 搭配短语:在日常生活中,我们经常会听到以下搭配短语:

- loosen up one's muscles: 放松肌肉

- loosen up a tight knot: 解开紧绷的结

- loosen up one's schedule: 放松时间安排

- loosen up one's grip: 放松抓握力度

6. 实例应用:

- I need to loosen up after a long day at work.


- She always loosens up by doing yoga in the morning.


- The therapist helped me loosen up my tense muscles.


7. 注意事项:

- 不要把loosen up和relax混淆,前者侧重于解除压力、放松身心,后者侧重于缓解紧张、舒展肌肉。

- 在口语中,loosen up也可以用作一种鼓励或建议,意为“放轻松”、“别紧张”。

8. 总结:loosen up是一个常用的英语短语,意为“放松”或“松弛”,它的发音为[luzən ʌp],词性变化为动词,在搭配短语和实例应用中可以更好地理解它的含义和用法。记住不要把它和relax混淆,在口语中也可以用作一种鼓励或建议

loosen up的用法和双语例句

1. 用法解释

Loosen up是一个常用的英语短语,意为“放松”、“松弛”、“轻松”的意思。它可以作为动词短语,也可以作为形容词短语使用。

2. 动词用法举例

- I need to loosen up after a long day at work. (我需要在一天工作后放松一下。)

- She likes to loosen up by dancing. (她喜欢通过跳舞放松。)

- The coach told the players to loosen up before the game. (教练告诉球员们在比赛前要放松身心。)

3. 形容词用法举例

- He's usually very serious, but he's really loosened up on this vacation. (他通常很严肃,但在这次假期中他真的变得轻松了起来。)

- The atmosphere at the party was very relaxed and everyone was really loosened up. (派对上的气氛非常轻松,每个人都变得非常放松。)

4. 双语例句

- He needs to learn how to loosen up and have some fun once in a while.


- After a stressful week, she decided to loosen up and go on a spontaneous road trip with her friends.


- The strict teacher finally loosened up and allowed the students to have a free period.


- He used to be very uptight, but he's really loosened up since he started practicing yoga.


loosen up的词组

1. Relax and unwind - 放松和解压

2. Take it easy - 轻松一下

3. Chill out - 冷静下来

4. Let your hair down - 放开自己

5. Unwind and de-stress - 放松和减压

6. Loosen your grip - 放松你的控制力

7. Ease up - 松弛下来

8. Lighten up - 轻松一点

9. Unclench your fists - 放开你的拳头

10. Release tension - 释放紧张情绪

loosen up同义词示例

1. Relax: 放松,放宽

例如:After a long day at work, I like to relax and loosen up by taking a hot bath.

2. Unwind: 放松,解除紧张

例如:Stressful situations can make it difficult to unwind and loosen up.

3. Chill out: 冷静下来,放松

例如:Let's just chill out and loosen up with some music and snacks.

4. Let go: 放下,释放

例如:It's time to let go of all your worries and loosen up for the weekend.

5. Ease off: 松弛,放轻松

例如:After finishing all my assignments, I can finally ease off and loosen up.

6. Loosen one's grip: 放开某人的控制力,放松

例如:Sometimes we need to loosen our grip on things and just let them be.

7. Unclench: 松开,放松

例如:Take a deep breath and unclench your muscles to loosen up after a stressful day.

8. Lighten up: 放轻松,轻松一下

例如:Don't take everything so seriously, just lighten up and loosen up a bit.

9. Take it easy: 轻松一下,不要太认真

例如:It's Friday, time to take it easy and loosen up with some friends.

10. Unburden oneself: 解除负担,释放压力

例如:Talking to someone can help you unburden yourself and loosen up your mind

相信大家已经对loosen up有了更深入的了解。它是一个常用的英语短语,意思是放松、松懈。在生活中,我们经常会遇到各种压力和紧张的情况,此时可以使用loosen up来提醒自己放松心情。同时,也可以利用loosen up这个词组来表达自己想要放松的意愿。除此之外,文章还列举了一些与loosen up意思相近的同义词示例,帮助读者更好地理解和运用这个短语。作为网站编辑,我非常感谢大家阅读本文,并希望能够为大家带来有益的信息。如果您喜欢我的文章,请关注我获取更多精彩内容!祝愿大家生活愉快、工作顺利!