The meaning of "loom"
1. Loom的含义
2. Loom的发音
3. Loom的同义词
Loom最常见的同义词是"loom large",意思是“显得重要”或“令人担忧”。另外,也可以用"emerge"、"appear"或"surface"来替换loom这个动词。
4. Loom的例句
- The dark clouds loomed in the distance, signaling an approaching storm.
- The deadline is looming and I haven't even started my project yet.
- The issue of climate change looms large in today's society.
How to pronounce "loom"
1. 发音:首先,让我们来学习一下“loom”的正确发音。它的发音为/luːm/,其中的“oo”读作/uː/,类似于“zoo”中的发音;而最后的“m”则要轻轻地吐气。
2. 同义词:除了正确地发音,“loom”的同义词也是我们需要了解的。它可以指代“织布机”,也可以表示某种悬而未决或即将到来的事情。因此,它的同义词可以包括:weaving machine(织布机)、impending(即将到来)、approaching(临近)等。
3. 例句:为了更加深刻地理解“loom”的含义和用法,让我们来看几个例句吧。
- The old lady sat by the window, her knitting needles clicking away as she worked on the loom.
- With the deadline looming, the team worked tirelessly to finish the project on time.
- The dark clouds on the horizon loomed ominously, signaling an approaching storm.
Usage and examples of "loom"
1. What does "loom" mean?
Loom is a verb that means to appear or come into view in a large, threatening or impressive way. It can also refer to the process of weaving cloth on a loom.
2. How do you pronounce "loom"?
The correct pronunciation of "loom" is [luːm], with a long "oo" sound.
3. Synonyms for "loom"
Some synonyms for "loom" include emerge, appear, arise, and threaten.
4. Examples of usage
- The dark clouds loomed over the horizon, signaling an approaching storm.
- As the deadline for the project drew near, the looming pressure to finish on time became overwhelming.
- The majestic castle loomed in front of them as they approached it.
- She could see her future looming ahead of her, filled with endless possibilities.
- The old woman sat by the loom, weaving intricate patterns into the fabric.
In conclusion, "loom" can be used to describe something that appears suddenly or threatens to happen in a big way. It can also refer to the traditional method of weaving fabric. Remember to pronounce it as [luːm] and use synonyms like emerge or appear to add variety to your writing!
Phrases with "loom"
1. Looming large - 意思是“显得很大”,常用来形容某件事物或问题非常重要或严重。
例句:The issue of climate change is looming large in the upcoming election.
2. Loom over - 意思是“笼罩在…之上”,常用来形容某种不良影响或威胁。
例句:The threat of war loomed over the country for months.
3. Loom large in someone's mind - 意思是“在某人的心中占据重要地位”,常用来指某人非常关注或担忧的事情。
例句:The fear of failure loomed large in her mind as she prepared for the exam.
4. Loom up - 意思是“突然出现”,通常指突然出现的困难、问题、威胁等。
例句:As the deadline approached, the project's many challenges began to loom up.
5. In the loom of time - 意思是“在时间的纺织机中”,通常用来指随着时间的推移。
例句:In the loom of time, our memories become woven into our life story.
6. Loom and doom - 意思是“灾难性的前景”,通常用来形容某种不祥的预感或前景。
例句:The media has been filled with stories about the looming and doom of an economic recession.
7. Looming deadline - 意思是“临近的截止日期”,常用来指某项任务或工作的最后期限即将到来。
例句:With the looming deadline, the team worked tirelessly to finish the project on time.
8. Looming crisis - 意思是“迫在眉睫的危机”,常用来指某种问题或挑战即将爆发。
例句:The government is facing a looming crisis as the economy continues to decline.
9. Looming threat - 意思是“潜在的威胁”,常用来指某种可能性带来的危险。
例句:The looming threat of a natural disaster prompted the evacuation of the entire town.
10. Looming presence - 意思是“令人不安的存在”,常用来形容某种令人不安或压抑的氛围。
例句:The looming presence of the dictator's statue in the town square was a constant reminder of their oppressive regime
Synonyms of "loom" with example sentences
1. Synonyms for "loom"
- Appear: The dark clouds loomed over the horizon, signaling an approaching storm.
- Emerge: As we sailed closer to the island, its magnificent volcano loomed in front of us.
- Materialize: The figure seemed to materialize out of thin air, looming over me with its menacing presence.
2. Other ways to say "loom"
- Tower: The skyscraper loomed above the city, casting a shadow over everything in its vicinity.
- Hover: The helicopter hovered above us, its blades creating a deafening noise.
- Impend: A sense of doom seemed to impend as the deadline for our project loomed closer.
3. Examples of "loom" in a sentence
- The possibility of failure looms over every decision we make.
- Despite their small size, the mountains still loom large and majestic in the distance.
- As I walked through the abandoned house, I couldn't shake off the feeling that someone was looming behind me