



作为一个人工翻译解释行业的从业者,我们经常会遇到这样的情况:客户给出一段英文文本,并附带一句“look-out for this phrase”。那么我们就需要特别注意这个短语的意思和用法,以便正确地翻译出来。

除了在翻译行业中使用外,look-out这个词也经常出现在日常生活中。比如当我们走路时要注意周围的行人和车辆,就可以说“watch out for pedestrians and cars”,其中watch out就等同于look-out。


那么,在日常使用中如何更加俏皮地表达look-out呢?我们可以用一些幽默的方式来代替。比如,“keep an eye out for that new restaurant, I heard it's amazing!”(保持警戒状态去找那家新餐厅吧,我听说它超级棒!)或者“watch out for that guy, he's a known pickpocket”(小心那个人,他是一个出了名的扒手)


1. "look-out"的读音


2. "look-out"的词性和词义


3. "look-out"的同义词和反义词


- watch:指观看、监视或警戒的行为。

- lookout:指观察、监视或警戒的位置。

- observation:指观察、监视或注视的行为。

- vigilance:指保持警惕和警戒的状态。


- ignore:指忽略、无视或不理着某事物。

- neglect:指忽略、疏忽或不关心某事物。

4. "look-out"在句中的用法示例

- The captain ordered the crew to be on the look-out for any signs of land.


- The security guard was on the look-out for any suspicious activity.


- The hiker climbed to the top of the mountain to get a better look-out of the surrounding area.


5. "look-out"的常见搭配

- keep a look-out:保持警惕

- be on the look-out:注意、留意

- have a good/bad look-out:有好/坏的前景

- be the look-out for:留意、寻找

6. "look-out"与其他词汇的搭配

- lookout tower:瞭望塔

- lookout point:观景点

- lookout post:哨所、岗哨

- lookout duty:巡视任务

7. "look-out"在不同语境下的含义


- 在海上航行时,船员们需要保持警戒,以便及时发现任何危险或海上交通。

(In maritime context, sailors need to be on the look-out for any danger or maritime traffic while sailing.)

- 在军事行动中,士兵们需要在前线巡视并保持警惕,以便发现敌人的活动。

(In military operations, soldiers need to patrol and be on the look-out for any enemy activity on the front lines.)

- 在商业领域,企业需要密切关注市场动态,以便抓住商机。

(In business, companies need to keep a close look-out on market trends in order to seize opportunities.)


1. 什么是look-out?


2. look-out的用法

(1)作为动词使用:当我们想提醒别人留神时,可以用这个短语来表示。例如:“Look out! There's a car coming!”(小心!有辆车过来了!)

(2)作为名词使用:在航海或军事领域,look-out指的是负责观察和监视周围情况的人员。例如:“The look-out on the ship spotted an iceberg ahead.”(船上的观察员发现了前方有一块冰山。)

3. 双语例句

(1)When you cross the street, always remember to look out for cars.(过马路时,一定要记得留心车辆。)

(2)The soldiers were on constant look-out for enemy movements.(士兵们一直保持警惕,留意敌军动向。)

(3)Look out! The floor is wet and slippery.(小心!地板湿滑。)

(4)The look-out on the ship spotted land in the distance. (船上的观察员发现远处有陆地。)

(5)As a lookout, it's important to stay focused and not get distracted.(作为一个观察员,保持专注并且不要分心是非常重要的。)


1. Look-out是指“观察,留意”之意,可用作名词或动词。

2. look out for:留意,注意。例如:Look out for signs of danger.

3. look out on:面向,朝向。例如:Our room looks out on the ocean.

4. look out over:俯瞰,眺望。例如:From the top of the mountain, we could look out over the whole city.

5. look-out tower:瞭望塔,观察塔。例如:The soldiers climbed up the look-out tower to keep watch for enemy movements.

6. lookout point:观景点,瞭望处。例如:We stopped at a lookout point to take in the beautiful view of the valley.

7. lookout post:瞭望哨,岗哨。例如:The soldiers were stationed at various lookout posts along the border.

8. lookout duty:巡逻值班,警戒任务。例如:He was assigned to lookout duty every night to ensure the safety of the camp.

9. keep a lookout (for):保持警惕(寻找)。例如:Keep a lookout for any suspicious activities in the neighborhood.

10. be on the lookout (for):留意(寻找)。例如: We are on the lookout for a new house to rent.

Look-out一词有着多种含义和用法,在日常生活中经常被使用到。它可以指观察、留意、注意的行为;也可以指面向、俯瞰、眺望的方向;还可以指瞭望塔、观景点、瞭望哨等场所。在英语中,还有一些固定搭配词组,如look out for、look out on、look out over等,它们都有着具体的意义和用法。因此,对于学习英语的人来说,掌握这些词组的含义和用法是非常重要的。希望本小节能够帮助读者更好地理解和使用look-out一词


1. Watch out

- 意思:小心,当心

- 示例:When you're walking on the street, always watch out for cars.

2. Be on the lookout

- 意思:保持警惕,留意

- 示例:The police are always on the lookout for suspicious activities in the area.

3. Keep an eye out

- 意思:留意,注意

- 示例:Keep an eye out for any changes in the weather before planning your outdoor activities.

4. Stay alert

- 意思:保持警觉,注意周围情况

- 示例:In a dangerous situation, it's important to stay alert and aware of your surroundings.

5. Be vigilant

- 意思:警惕的,小心谨慎的

- 示例:The security guards were instructed to be vigilant and keep an eye out for any suspicious behavior.

6. Pay attention

- 意思:注意,留心

- 示例:During class, make sure to pay attention to what the teacher is saying.

7. Be cautious

- 意思:谨慎的,小心的

- 示例:When crossing the street, it's important to be cautious and look both ways before stepping off the curb.

8. Keep your eyes peeled

- 意思:睁大眼睛看,密切注意

- 示例: When searching for a lost item, make sure to keep your eyes peeled and check every corner of the room.

9. Stay on guard

- 意思: 保持警戒状态

示例: The soldiers were told to stay on guard at all times during their mission.

10. Be attentive

- 意思: 注意的,专心的

示例: In order to understand the lecture, you must be attentive and listen carefully to what the speaker is saying

look-out是一个常用的词汇,在日常生活中也经常会用到。它的拼音是[lʊk-aʊt],读起来很简单。它可以作为动词和名词使用,意思分别是“观察、留意”和“监视、警戒”。在双语例句中,我们可以看到它在不同场景下的灵活运用。除此之外,还有一些与look-out相关的词组,如keep a look-out(保持警惕)、look out for(留心、注意)、on the lookout(密切注意)等等。如果你想要寻找一些同义词来丰富自己的表达方式,也可以参考本文提供的示例。最后,我是网站编辑小明,希望今天的文章能够帮助到你,并且让你对look-out有更深入的了解。如果你喜欢我的文章,请关注我获取更多有趣、实用的知识。谢谢阅读!