你是否曾经遇到过“look into”这个行业标题?它是什么意思,又有哪些同义词及例句呢?或许你已经听说过“look into”的拼音,但是它的正确读法是什么呢?今天,我将带你一起探索“look into”的奥秘。通过对于其用法和双语例句的介绍,以及相关词组和同义词示例的展示,让我们一起来看看这个行业标题背后隐藏的精彩故事吧!

look into是什么意思,look into同义词及例句

look into的拼音

1. 拼音:[lʊk ˈɪntu:]

2. 意思:look into是一个短语,意为“调查、研究、查看”。通常用于表示对某个问题或情况进行深入了解和分析。

3. 同义词:investigate, examine, explore, probe, scrutinize等。

4. 例句:

- The police are looking into the case of the missing child.


- The government has promised to look into the issue of affordable housing.


- I need some time to look into this matter before making a decision.


- The professor is looking into new ways to improve student learning.


look into是指对某个问题或情况进行深入了解和分析的动作,可以与investigate, examine等同义使用。以上是关于look into的拼音、意思、同义词及例句的介绍,希望能帮助您更好地理解和运用这一短语

look into怎么读

1. look into的含义

Look into是一个动词短语,意为“调查、研究、探究”。它通常用于表示对某个问题或情况进行深入了解和分析,以便做出判断或采取行动。

2. look into的同义词

(1) investigate:调查、研究。例如:The police are investigating the case. (警方正在调查这起案件。)

(2) examine:检查、审查。例如:The doctor examined the patient carefully. (医生仔细检查了患者。)

(3) explore:探索、探究。例如:Scientists are exploring the mysteries of the universe. (科学家们正在探索宇宙的奥秘。)

3. look into的例句

(1) The government has promised to look into the issue of air pollution.


(2) Our company will look into expanding our business in other countries.


(3) I suggest we should look into this matter further before making a decision.


4. 怎么正确读写look into?

look into的读音为[lʊk ˈɪntu],其中l开头的字母l发音类似于中文的“勒”,u发音类似于中文的“呜”,k发音类似于中文的“科”,ɪ发音类似于中文的“衣”,n发音类似于中文的“恩”,tu发音类似于中文的“图”。因此,正确读写look into应该是[lʊk ˈɪntu]。

(2) 它可以与介词for连用,表示为了某个目的而进行调查。例如:We need to look into the reasons for the company's failure. (我们需要调查公司失败的原因。)

(3) 它也可以与介词on连用,表示对某个问题或情况进行调查。例如:The government is looking into the impact of climate change on the economy. (政府正在调查气候变化对经济的影响。)

(4) look into还可以与其他动词形成复合动词,例如:look into sth. (调查某事)、look into sb./sth. (审查某人/物)、look into doing sth. (考虑做某事)等

look into的用法和双语例句

1. 什么是look into?

Look into是一个短语动词,意为“调查”、“研究”、“深入了解”。它通常用来描述对某个问题或情况进行仔细的观察和分析。

2. look into的同义词

其他可以替换look into的短语动词包括:investigate、examine、explore、probe等。

3. look into的双语例句

- The team will look into the matter and report back to the manager.


- I decided to look into the company's financial records to find out what went wrong.


- The government has promised to look into the issue of rising housing prices.


- He urged the police to look into the case more thoroughly.


look into的词组

1. Investigate:调查,研究

例句:The police are looking into the matter.(警方正在调查此事。)

2. Examine:检查,审查

例句:We need to look into the details before making a decision.(我们需要在做出决定之前仔细审查细节。)

3. Explore:探索,探究

例句:The team is planning to look into alternative solutions.(团队正在计划探索替代方案。)

4. Scrutinize:仔细检查,审视

例句:The committee will look into the financial records of the company.(委员会将仔细审视公司的财务记录。)

5. Probe:调查,探究

例句:The journalist promised to look into the corruption scandal.(记者承诺要调查腐败丑闻。)

6. Inspect:检验,视察

例句:The engineer will look into the malfunctioning machine tomorrow morning.(工程师将于明早检验故障机器。)

7. Review:回顾,复习

例句:We need to look into our performance over the past year and make improvements for the next one.(我们需要回顾过去一年的表现,并为下一年做出改进。)

8. Delve into:深入研究,钻研

例句:The professor will look into this topic in his upcoming research project.(教授将在即将开展的研究项目中深入研究这个课题。)

9. Investigate thoroughly:彻底调查

例句:The authorities will look into the allegations of fraud against the company thoroughly.(当局将彻底调查针对该公司的欺诈指控。)

10. Look over:检查,审阅

例句:Please take some time to look over the documents before signing them.(请花些时间审阅文件后再签字。)

look into同义词示例

1. Investigate:调查,例如:The police are going to investigate the crime scene.

2. Examine:检查,例如:The doctor will examine your eyes for any signs of infection.

3. Explore:探索,例如:We decided to explore the old abandoned house.

4. Probe:探究,例如:The journalist wanted to probe into the politician's past.

5. Scrutinize:仔细检查,例如:The teacher will scrutinize your essay for any errors.

6. Delve into:深入探讨,例如:The researcher will delve into the effects of climate change on marine life.

7. Look over:审视,例如:The boss will look over your report before making a decision.

8. Inspect:检验,例如:The mechanic will inspect your car for any problems.

9. Review: 审查,例如: The committee will review the proposal before making a decision.

10. Study: 研究, 例如: The scientist is studying the effects of this new drug on mice

look into是一个非常有用的短语,它可以用来表示“调查”、“观察”、“研究”等含义。通过学习本文,我们不仅可以掌握look into的正确发音和使用方法,还可以了解到一些相关的同义词和例句。希望本文能够帮助大家更好地理解和运用这个短语。如果你喜欢本文,请关注我,我将继续为大家分享更多有趣、实用的英语知识。谢谢阅读!