

1. “link”的拼音为“lɪŋk”,其中“l”发音为清辅音,舌尖抵住上齿龈,气流从两侧通过;“ɪ”发音为短元音,舌尖放松,嘴唇微微张开;“ŋ”发音为鼻塞擦音,舌尖抵住上齿龈,气流从鼻腔通过。


2. “link”的含义是连接、链接的意思,在英语中常用作名词和动词。作名词时,表示连接的环节或者物品;作动词时,表示连接、联系、关联等。

3. “link”的同义词有connect, join, tie等,反义词有disconnect, separate, unlink等。

4. 在计算机领域,“link”常用来指代超链接(hyperlink),即在网页中点击某个文本或图标可以跳转到另一个网页或者文件的功能。它是构建万维网的重要基础之一。

5. 在商业和市场营销领域,“link”也被广泛使用。比如,“affiliate link”指代联盟链接,即通过推广他人产品或服务赚取佣金的链接;“back link”指代反向链接,即其他网站指向自己网站的链接,对于提升搜索引擎排名非常重要。

6. “link”也可以用作名词来表示关系、联系。比如,“family link”指代家庭关系,表示家人之间的联系;“business link”指代商业关系,表示企业之间的合作或联系。

7. 总的来说,“link”的拼音“lɪŋk”是一个非常常用且重要的词汇,在各个领域都有广泛的应用。它不仅仅是一个简单的单词,更是连接人与人、事物与事物的纽带,具有丰富的含义和深远的意义


1. 什么是“link”


- 名词:指连接两个或多个事物的物理或虚拟连接。在互联网上,link通常指超链接,即通过点击可以跳转到其他网页或资源的链接。

- 动词:指将两个或多个事物连接起来,使其形成关联。

2. “link”的发音


3. “link”的同义词

- noun:connection, tie, bond, relation, association

- verb:connect, join, tie, unite, relate

4. “link”的用法示例

- The link between smoking and lung cancer is well-established.


- Click on the link to access the online form.


- The two companies have formed a strategic link to expand their market share.


5. “link”在短语中的用法

- link up:连接,联合

- link in:加入,参与

- link with:与...相关联,与...联系起来

6. “link”的派生词

- linked:形容词,表示有联系的,相连的

- linkage:名词,指连接,关联

7. “link”在翻译解释行业中的应用


- Please provide the link to the original article.


- The links in this document are not working.


- The translation of this word is linked to the previous one.




1. "lian-"是一个常见的英语翻译解释行业标题,它的含义是"连接"。在翻译中,我们经常会遇到需要连接两个不同语言或文本的情况,而"lian-"就是用来表示这种连接的。

2. 在翻译中,"lian-"通常用作前缀,可以和其他单词结合使用,形成不同的词组。比如:"link up"表示连接起来,"linked to"表示与...相关联。

3. "lian-"也可以用作动词,表示进行连接的动作。例如:"He linked the two ideas together in his speech."(他在演讲中将这两个想法联系在一起。)

4. 除了在翻译领域使用外,在日常生活中我们也经常会用到"lian-"这个前缀。比如:"liang-lian-xian"(两连线)就是指两条线连接在一起。

5. 下面是一些双语例句,帮助你更好地理解和运用"lian-":

- Can you link these two documents together for me?(你能帮我把这两份文件连接起来吗?)

- The two cities will be linked by a high-speed railway soon.(这两座城市很快就会通过高铁相连。)

- The company's success is directly linked to its innovative ideas.(公司的成功直接与其创新理念相关联。)

- The two countries have linked their economies through a trade agreement.(这两个国家通过贸易协定将经济联系在了一起。)

- She linked arms with her best friend as they walked down the street.(她和她最好的朋友挽起手臂走在街上。)


1. "Link up": 意为链接,可以用来表示两个事物之间的连接,也可以指人与人之间的联系。

例如:We need to link up our ideas to come up with a better solution. (我们需要把想法联系起来,以得出更好的解决方案。)

2. "Linked in": 意为加入,可以用来表示加入某个团体或组织。

例如:I recently linked in to a local volunteer group and it's been a great experience. (我最近加入了当地的志愿者团体,这是一次很棒的经历。)

3. "Linking arms": 意为携手合作,可以用来表示共同努力达成某个目标。

例如:We need to start linking arms and work together if we want to make a difference. (如果我们想要有所改变,就需要开始携手合作。)

4. "Link the dots": 意为连接点滴,可以用来表示理解事物之间的关联性。

例如:Once you start linking the dots, you'll see how everything is connected. (一旦你开始连接点滴,你就会看到所有事物之间的联系。)

5. "Missing link": 意为缺失环节,可以用来指某个重要部分缺失导致整体不完整。

例如:The missing link in this project is proper communication between team members. (这个项目缺少的重要环节是团队成员之间的有效沟通。)

6. "Chain link": 意为链条,可以用来指连接多个环节或事物的重要组成部分。

例如:Each team member is a vital chain link in the success of this project. (每个团队成员都是这个项目成功的重要链条。)


1. Connect

- Definition: to join or bring together; to establish communication or relationship between two things

- Example: The new bridge will connect the two cities, making travel easier for the residents.

2. Tie

- Definition: to bind or fasten together; to link or connect in some way

- Example: The two companies have decided to tie up their resources and work on a joint project.

3. Bond

- Definition: a strong connection or relationship between people, groups, or things

- Example: The siblings share a special bond that cannot be broken.

4. Associate

- Definition: to connect or link in the mind; to be related or connected in some way

- Example: Many people associate success with wealth and fame.

5. Relate

- Definition: to show or make a connection between two things; to have a connection with something else

- Example: The professor tried to relate the new concept with real-life examples for better understanding.

6. Join

- Definition: to bring together and combine; to become connected or united with something else

- Example: The two clubs decided to join forces and organize a charity event together.

7. Attach

- Definition: to fasten, join, or connect one thing with another; to feel an emotional connection with something/someone

- Example: Please attach your resume along with your job application.

8. Unite

- Definition: to bring together for a common purpose; to join forces and become one entity

- Example: The citizens united against the government's decision and protested peacefully.

9. Linkage

- Definition: the act of linking; a connection between two things

Example - There is a clear linkage between smoking and lung cancer.

10. Correlation

-Definition :a mutual relationship between two things

Example - There is a strong correlation between exercise and good health
