

1. less的含义:less是一个英语单词,意为“更少的”、“较小的”,常用于比较级中表示数量或程度的减少。例如,“I have less money than you.”(我的钱比你少。)“She is less talkative than her sister.”(她比她姐姐话少。)

2. less的定义:根据牛津英语词典,less可以作为形容词、副词和介词使用,具有以下几种含义:


- 形容词:更少的、较小的

- 副词:更少地、更小地

- 介词:除了、不到

3. 同义词及例句:

- 同义词:fewer、smaller、reduced

- 例句:

a. Fewer people attended the meeting this time.(这次参加会议的人较少。)

b. The smaller box is cheaper than the bigger one.(较小的盒子比大盒子便宜。)

c. We need to reduce our expenses in order to save money.(我们需要减少开支来节省钱。)

4. less怎么读:less读作/les/,发音与单词“less”中的/e/相同。

5. 幽默解释:

- 如果你找不到一件衣服,你可以说:“I have one less shirt now.”(我现在有一件衬衫没了。)这里的less表示数量的减少,但也可以用来开玩笑地表示衣服被偷了或丢了。

- 当你想要少吃点东西时,可以说:“I'll have less cake, I'm on a diet.”(我会吃少点蛋糕,我在节食。)这里的less表示程度的减少,但也可以用来幽默地表示自己正在努力控制饮食


1. less的发音


2. less的读法


- 作为形容词时,less的读法为/les/,意为“更少的”,表示数量或程度上比较少。例如:“She has less money than her sister.”(她比她妹妹拥有更少的钱。)

- 作为副词时,less的读法仍然是/les/,意为“较少地”,表示程度上比较少。例如:“He talks less than before.”(他说话没有以前那么多了。)

- 作为名词时,less的读法为/les/, 意为“更小”,通常用于比较级结构中。例如:“The car is less expensive than the one I saw yesterday.”(这辆车比我昨天看到的那辆便宜。)

- 作为介词时,less的读法也是/les/,意为“除了…之外”。例如:“I have no choice but to accept the offer, for I have no other options left.”(除了接受这个offer外,我已经没有其他选择了。)

3. less同义词及例句


- fewer:比less更正式的表达方式,意为“更少的”。例如:“There are fewer students in the classroom today.”(今天教室里的学生比较少。)

- not as much:意为“不如…多”,表示数量或程度上比较少。例如:“I don't have as much money as I used to.”(我没有以前那么多钱了。)

- reduced:意为“减少的”,通常指数量或程度上有所减少。例如:“The price of this product has been reduced by 20%.”(这个产品的价格已经降低了20%。)

- diminished:意为“减弱的”,通常指程度上有所减弱。例如:“His enthusiasm for the project has diminished over time.”(随着时间推移,他对这个项目的热情有所减弱。)


1. less的意思是更少,更小。它通常用作形容词或副词来表示数量或程度的减少。


- There is less traffic on the road today compared to yesterday.


- She has less money now after buying a new car.


2. less的读音为/les/,发音时舌尖轻触上颚,发出清晰的/s/音。


- The word "less" is pronounced with a soft "s" sound.


3. less的同义词包括:fewer(更少)、reduced(减少)、decreased(减少)、lower(较低)等。


- I have fewer books in my collection now compared to last year.


4. 在双语例句中,我们可以看到less在中文翻译中常用“更少”的意思。同时,它也可以表示“不那么”,如:


- We need to eat less junk food and more fruits and vegetables.


- I'm not feeling well, so I'll do less work today.



1. Smaller - 较小的

例句:I want to spend less money on clothes this month. (这个月我想花较少的钱买衣服。)

2. Reduced - 减少的

例句:The store is offering a reduced price for the product. (商店为这个产品提供了降价优惠。)

3. Diminished - 减少的

例句:The company's profits have diminished in the past year. (公司的利润在过去一年有所减少。)

4. Lower - 更低的

例句:She has a lower tolerance for spicy food than her sister. (她对辛辣食物的耐受性比她妹妹低。)

5. Decreased - 减少的

例句:The number of students in the class has decreased since last semester. (自上学期以来,班级里学生人数有所减少。)

6. Little - 少量的

例句:There is little time left before the deadline. (截止日期前剩下很少时间了。)

7. Limited - 有限的

例句:We have a limited amount of resources to complete this project. (我们有限的资源来完成这个项目。)

8. Insufficient - 不足的

例句:The amount of food provided was insufficient for all the guests at the party. (提供的食物数量不足以满足所有宾客在派对上。)

9. Scarce - 缺乏的

例句:Water has become scarce in this drought-stricken region. (在这个遭受干旱的地区,水变得缺乏。)

10. Scant - 微小的

例句:He had only a scant amount of knowledge about the subject. (他对这个主题只有微小的知识。)


1. less than: 少于,不到

例句:The total cost was less than we expected. (总费用比我们预期的少。)

2. less and less: 越来越少

例句:She seems to be getting less and less interested in her job. (她似乎对工作越来越没兴趣。)

3. no less than: 不少于,多达

例句:The project involved no less than 100 people. (这个项目涉及到多达100人。)

4. more or less: 多多少少,大致上

例句:I've been feeling more or less tired all week. (整个星期我都感觉有点累。)

5. be nothing/nothing is/less than: 不过是,只不过是

例句:The situation is nothing/nothing is/less than a disaster. (这种情况不过是一场灾难。)

6. for better or for worse: 不管好坏,无论如何

例句:We have to accept the decision, for better or for worse. (无论如何,我们都必须接受这个决定。)

7. have one's hands full with: 忙于做某事

例句:She has her hands full with three kids and a full-time job. (她忙于照顾三个孩子和全职工作。)

8. make the best of a bad situation: 尽力应对困难局面

例句:We may not be able to change the situation, but we can make the best of a bad situation. (我们可能无法改变局势,但我们可以尽力应对困难局面。)

9. less is more: 少即是多

例句:Sometimes, less is more when it comes to interior design. (有时候,在室内设计方面,少即是多。)

10. less talk, more action: 少说话,多行动

例句:We need to stop discussing and start doing - less talk, more action. (我们需要停止讨论,开始行动 - 少说话,多行动。)
