究竟less than是什么意思?你是否经常在学习英语时遇到过这个词汇,但却不太清楚它的含义和用法?不用担心,今天我将为你揭开这个谜团。在本文中,我将为你详细解释less than的定义、读法以及用法,并且还会给出双语例句和同义词示例,让你对这个词汇有更深入的了解。此外,我还会分享一些less than常见的搭配短语,帮助你更好地掌握它。准备好了吗?让我们一起来探索less than吧!

less than的定义

1. less than的含义

Less than是一个英语短语,意为“少于、不到、小于”。它通常用来表示数量、程度或者大小上的比较,表示某物或某事物比另一物或另一事物更少或更小。

less than是什么意思,less than同义词及例句

2. less than的同义词

在英语中,除了使用less than来表达“少于”的含义外,还可以使用以下同义词来替换:

- under:与less than的意思相同,指数量、程度或大小上的比较,表示某物或某事物更低于另一物或另一事物。

- below:与under的意思相近,也是指数量、程度或大小上的比较,表示某物或某事物更低于另一物或另一事物。

- lower than:与less than的意思相近,也是指数量、程度或大小上的比较,表示某物或某事物更低于另一物或另一事物。

- inferior to:与less than的意思相似,也是指数量、程度或大小上的比较,表示某物或某事物质量不如另一物或另一事物。

3. less than的例句

为了更好地理解less than这个短语,在下面列举几个例子供参考:

- The temperature is less than 20 degrees Celsius. (温度小于20摄氏度。)

- The population of this city is less than 1 million. (这个城市的人口少于100万。)

- She earns less than her husband. (她的收入比她丈夫少。)

- This car is priced lower than the other one. (这辆车的价格比另一辆低。)


less than的读法

1. less than的发音

less than的发音为/les ðən/,其中“less”发音为/les/,而“than”发音为/ðən/。

2. less than的词性及含义

less than是一个常用的英语短语,可以作为形容词、副词或介词使用。作为形容词时,意为“比…少”,表示数量、程度或质量上不如另一事物。作为副词时,意为“不到”,表示数量、程度或时间上达不到某一标准。作为介词时,意为“少于”,表示比某一数量或程度更少。

3. less than的同义词

less than的同义词包括:below、under、lower than、not as much as等。这些同义词都可以用来表示数量或程度上不如另一事物。

4. less than的例句

(1) The price of this dress is less than $50.


(2) She earns less than her husband.


(3) I have less than 10 dollars in my wallet.


5. less than在句中的用法

a. 作形容词时,通常位于名词前修饰该名词。

例如:I have less money than you do.


b. 作副词时,通常位于动词或形容词前修饰该动词或形容词。

例如:I can run less than 5 miles.


c. 作介词时,通常与数量、程度或时间相关的短语连用。

例如:She earns less than $100 a day.


6. less than的反义词

less than的反义词为more than,意为“多于”,表示数量、程度或时间上超过某一标准

less than的用法和双语例句

1. less than的意思是“少于”,常用来表示数量、程度或价值低于某个标准或期望。


- The price of this dress is less than $50.


- His performance was less than satisfactory.


2. less than的同义词包括below、under、lower than等,它们都可以用来表示“少于”的含义。


- The temperature today is below freezing.


- Her score in the exam was under 80%.


- The population of this city is lower than that of the capital.


3. 除了表示数量或程度低于某个标准外,less than也可以用来表示“不到”的意思。


- The meeting lasted less than an hour.


- He arrived at the airport less than ten minutes before his flight took off.


4. 在口语中,less than也可以用来表示“远非”、“一点也不”。


- That movie was less than entertaining, it was boring!


- She's not just a little angry, she's less than furious!


5. less than也可以用来表示“不如”、“比不上”。


- Her cooking skills are less than impressive.


- This hotel is less than satisfactory, we should find another one.


less than的同义词示例

1. Not as much as - "I have less than ten dollars in my wallet."

2. Lower than - "Her score was less than mine in the exam."

3. Below - "The temperature is less than zero degrees Celsius."

4. Under - "He earns less than his colleagues at work."

5. Inferior to - "His skills are less than average for someone in his field."

6. Subpar - "The quality of this product is less than satisfactory."

7. Not up to par - "Her performance was less than impressive during the competition."

8. Short of - "We are still a little less than our fundraising goal."

9. Inferior - "Their team is clearly less skilled compared to ours."

10. Fewer than - "There are fewer than 50 seats left for the concert."

less than常见搭配短语

1. less than a year:不到一年

例句:He has been working here for less than a year.

2. less than ideal:不理想的

例句:The weather conditions were less than ideal for the outdoor event.

3. less than satisfactory:不令人满意的

例句:The service at the restaurant was less than satisfactory.

4. less than perfect:不完美的

例句:Her performance in the play was less than perfect.

5. less than expected:低于预期的

例句:The company's profits were less than expected this quarter.

6. less than honest:不诚实的

例句:His actions were seen as less than honest by his colleagues.

7. less than thrilled:并不兴奋的

例句:She was less than thrilled about the idea of moving to a new city.

8. more or less equal to:几乎相等于

例句:Her salary is more or less equal to her husband's.

9. no more or no less than:正是,恰好是

例句: The situation is no more or no less complicated now compared to before.

10. nothing could be further from the truth:与事实相去甚远

例句: His statement is nothing could be further from the truth, as he was present during the incident.

11. much/ far/ a lot/ significantly/ considerably/ substantially/ appreciably/ marginally (less) :比...少得多,远远少于,大大减少,明显减少,显著减少,大幅度减少,微小减少(量词可以根据具体情况选择)

例句:The company's profits were much less than expected this quarter.

12. less than half:少于一半

例句:Less than half of the students passed the exam.

13. less than a third/ quarter/ fifth/ tenth:少于三分之一/四分之一/五分之一/十分之一

例句:Less than a third of the population has access to clean drinking water.

14. less than one percent:少于百分之一

例句:The chances of winning the lottery are less than one percent.

15. no more or less important than:与...同等重要

例句:All employees are considered no more or less important than others in the company

less than是一个常用的词组,在日常生活和学习中都能经常遇到。它不仅有着多种含义和用法,还有许多同义词可以替代。希望通过本文的介绍,读者们对less than有了更深入的了解,并能够在使用时更加准确地表达自己的意思。作为网站的编辑,我会继续为大家带来更多有趣、实用的知识,希望大家能够关注我,一起学习进步!