今天,我们要探讨的是一个行业标题——“leave behind”。这个词似乎很简单,但它却有着丰富的内涵。它可以指代不同的意思,让人们联想到不同的场景。那么,你知道“leave behind”是什么意思吗?它又有哪些同义词及例句呢?让我们一起来揭开这个谜团。

leave behind的意思是什么

随着社会的发展,我们经常会遇到一些新奇的词语,比如“leave behind”。那么,这个词究竟是什么意思呢?其实,它的意思就是“留下”,可以用来指留下某物或某人。比如,我忘记带我的钱包了,但是我不想浪费时间回去拿,所以我决定把它留在家里。这种情况下,我们可以说“I left my wallet behind”(我把我的钱包留在家里了)。除了这种情况外,在旅行中也经常会用到这个词。比如,在参观名胜古迹时,我们可能会忘记带走一些东西。这时候,我们可以说“I left my souvenir behind”(我把纪念品留在那里了)。总之,“leave behind”的意思就是在某处或某人身边留下某物或某人。

leave behind是什么意思,leave behind同义词及例句

同时,还有一些同义词可以替代“leave behind”,比如“abandon”、“forget”、“omit”等。但是要注意的是,“abandon”通常指放弃或抛弃某物或某人,“forget”则指遗忘或忘记,“omit”则指无意中漏掉或省略。因此,在使用时要根据具体情况选择最合适的词语

leave behind的发音

你知道吗?leave behind这个词组的发音是[liːv bɪˈhaɪnd],其中“leave”的发音为[liːv],意为“离开”,“behind”的发音为[bɪˈhaɪnd],意为“在后面”。


现在让我们来看看一些与leave behind相关的同义词及例句吧!

1. Synonyms for leave behind:

- Abandon: She abandoned her old job to pursue her dream of becoming an artist.

- Forget: Don't forget to leave your keys behind before you leave.

- Leave: He decided to leave his past behind and start a new life.

2. Examples of using leave behind:

- The train had already left the station, leaving him behind.

- She left her worries behind and enjoyed the peacefulness of the beach.

- Don't forget to leave your troubles behind when you go on vacation.


leave behind的用法和双语例句

1. leave behind的意思

Leave behind是一个动词短语,指的是“留下,遗留”。它可以用来表示物理上的遗留,也可以用来表示情感或记忆上的遗留。

2. leave behind的同义词

Leave behind有许多同义词,常见的有:abandon, desert, forsake, discard, neglect等。它们都有着相似的意思,即“离开并且不再关心”。

3. leave behind的双语例句

- She was so caught up in her new life that she didn't want to leave anything or anyone behind.


- The old man was determined to leave his past behind and start a new life in the city.


- The traveler left behind a trail of footprints in the sand as he made his way through the desert.


- Despite their differences, they promised to never leave each other behind and always stick together.


4. leave behind在句子中的用法

Leave behind通常作为及物动词短语,后面跟宾语。它的宾语可以是人、物或抽象概念。例如:He left behind his family to pursue his dreams. (他离开家人去追寻梦想。)

在被动语态中,leave behind的宾语变为主语,被动结构为be left behind。例如:The old house was left behind by the new owners. (这座老房子被新主人遗弃了。)

5. leave behind的用法注意事项

- Leave behind通常指的是有意识地离开某物或某人,而不是无意识的遗忘。

- 它也可以用来表示留下某物作为礼物或纪念品。

- 在口语中,leave behind也可以简写为"leave sb/sth"。

Leave behind是一个常用的动词短语,表示“留下,遗留”。它有许多同义词,并且可以用来表示物理上和情感上的遗留。在句子中作及物动词短语使用,在被动结构中变为be left behind。使用时需要注意其含义和用法

leave behind的词组

1. Abandon: 意为“抛弃”,与leave behind的意思相似,但更强调主动性和彻底性。例如:He abandoned his family and left them behind.

2. Forget: 意为“忘记”,可以用来表示某人或某物被留在了后面。例如:I forgot my phone and left it behind.

3. Neglect: 意为“忽视”,可以用来表示某事物被遗漏或被忽略。例如:Don't neglect to take your belongings with you, make sure you don't leave anything behind.

4. Discard: 意为“丢弃”,与leave behind的意思相似,但更强调将某物扔掉或抛弃。例如:The travelers discarded their old map and left it behind.

5. Forsake: 意为“抛弃”,语气比abandon更加严厉,含有背叛的意味。例如:She forsook her hometown and left it behind to pursue her dreams in the big city.

6. Disregard: 意为“忽视”,可以用来表示对某事物不予理着或不在意。例如:He disregarded his past mistakes and left them behind, focusing on a better future.

7. Drop/Leave off: 这两个短语都可以表示将某人或某物留在后面,但drop更多指无意识地遗漏,而leave off则更多指有意识地将某物留下。例如:I dropped my keys and left them behind, but luckily someone found them and returned them to me.

8. Abide by: 意为“遵守”,可以用来表示某人或某物被留在了后面。例如:I will abide by the rules and make sure I don't leave anything behind.

9. Pass up: 意为“错过”,可以用来表示某机会或某事物被遗漏。例如:Don't pass up this chance, you don't want to leave it behind and regret it later.

10. Disinherit: 意为“剥夺继承权”,可以用来表示某人被排除在继承人之外。例如:He was disinherited by his father and left behind with nothing

leave behind的同义词示例

1. Abandon - 指放弃或抛弃某物或某人,与leave behind的意思相似。例如:He abandoned his old car and bought a new one. (他放弃了旧车,买了一辆新车。)

2. Forget - 指忘记或遗忘某事物或某人,也可以用来表示leave behind的意思。例如:I forgot my phone at home this morning. (我今天早上把手机忘在家里了。)

3. Leave - 指离开某地或某物,也可以用来表示leave behind的意思。例如:She left her umbrella on the bus. (她把雨伞落在公交车上了。)

4. Discard - 指丢弃或抛弃某物,与leave behind的含义相近。例如:Please discard any expired products from your fridge. (请将冰箱中过期的产品丢弃。)

5. Abnegate - 指放弃自己的权利、利益或责任等,也可以用来表示leave behind的意思。例如:He abnegated his position as CEO to spend more time with his family. (他放弃了CEO的职位,以便更多时间陪伴家人。)

6. Relinquish - 指放弃、交出或让渡某物,与leave behind有着相似的含义。例如:She had to relinquish her dream of becoming a doctor due to financial constraints. (由于经济压力,她不得不放弃成为医生的梦想。)

7. Desert - 指离开或抛弃某人、某物或某地,也可以用来表示leave behind的意思。例如:He deserted his family and moved to another city for a new job. (他抛弃了家人,为了一份新工作搬到另一个城市。)

8. Neglect - 指忽视或疏忽某事物,也可以用来表示leave behind的含义。例如:Don't neglect your health while focusing on your career. (在专注于事业的同时,不要忽视健康。)

9. Abjure - 指公开放弃或否认某事物,与leave behind的意思相近。例如:He abjured his former beliefs and adopted a new religion. (他公开放弃了以前的信仰,转而接受了新的宗教。)

10. Forgo - 指放弃、舍弃或拒绝某事物,也可以用来表示leave behind的含义。例如:I had to forgo my vacation this year due to work commitments. (由于工作上的承诺,我今年不得不放弃度假计划。)

leave behind是一个非常常用的短语,它可以表示留下,抛弃或忘记等意思。它的发音也很简单易懂,大家可以在平时多加练习。在使用中,我们也可以结合一些词组来丰富表达。同时,leave behind也有许多同义词,我们可以根据具体语境来选择使用。希望本文能够帮助到大家,并且让大家对leave behind有更深入的了解。如果你喜欢本文,请关注我网站的编辑,并且欢迎留言分享你对leave behind的理解和使用经验。祝愿大家能够在英语学习中取得更好的成绩!