你是否曾经遇到过这样的情况,看到一个行业标题却不知道其含义?今天,我将为大家揭开一个行业标题的神秘面纱——last year。这个词组的拼音是“lɑːst jɪə(r)”,那么它究竟是什么意思呢?让我们一起来探索一下吧!在本文中,我们将介绍last year的发音、用法、双语例句以及相关词组和同义词示例,相信会给您带来全新的认识。接下来,请跟随我的步伐,一起来了解last year吧!

last year的拼音

1. last year的拼音是lāst yìɛr,其中last读作[lɑːst],year读作[jɪr]。

2. “last”是一个英语单词,意为“最后的”,常用来表示时间上的“上一年”或者“过去的”。

last year是什么意思

3. “year”也是一个英语单词,意为“年”,通常用来表示一年的时间单位。

4. 综合起来,“last year”的意思就是“上一年”或者“过去的一年”,指的是过去某一年份所指代的时间段。

5. 在英语中,时间通常以“last + 时间单位”的形式来表达。例如:“last week”表示上周,“last month”表示上个月,“last decade”表示上个十年等等。

6. “last year”的反义词为“next year”,意为“下一年”,用法与“last year”类似。

7. 在口语中,“last year”的缩写形式为LY,常用于书信、邮件等非正式场合。

8. 除了表示时间之外,在某些情况下,“last year”也可以指代某个特定事件或事物所发生的那一年。例如:“Last year's election was full of surprises.”(去年的选举充满了惊喜。)

9. 总之,“last year”的拼音及含义都比较简单易懂,但在实际使用时还需根据具体语境来理解其含义

last year怎么读

1.是不是每次看到"last year"这个词组,你都会想起过去的一年?



4.首先,"last year"可以指代上一年,也就是过去的一年。

5.比如说,如果现在是2020年,那么2019年就是last year。


7.比如说,如果今天是2020年7月1日,那么从去年的7月1日到现在也可以被称为last year。

8.此外,在英语中还有一个常用短语"the last year",它指的是过去一整年的时间段。

9.例如:"The last year has been a rollercoaster ride for me."(过去一整年对我来说像坐过山车一样)

10.最后值得一提的是,在口语中,“last year”经常被缩写为"L-Y"来表示。


last year的用法和双语例句

1. last year的用法

"last year"是一个常见的英语短语,通常用来表示过去的一年。它可以作为一个名词,也可以作为一个形容词。作为名词时,它指的是过去的一整年;作为形容词时,它用来描述某事发生在过去一年内。

2. 双语例句

1) I graduated from college last year.


2) We went on a trip to Europe last year.


3) Last year was a difficult time for our company.


4) He got married last year.


5) I haven't seen her since last year.


3. "last year"与其他时间短语的搭配

"last year"经常与其他时间短语搭配使用,来表示更具体的时间范围。

1) Last month, I visited my grandparents who I hadn't seen since last year's Christmas.


2) She has been working at this company since last year's summer.


4. "last year"与其他短语的区别

"last year"与"past year"和"previous year"都有相似的含义,但它们在用法上有一些细微的差别。

1) "past year"指的是过去的一年,但更强调这段时间已经过去了。

2) "previous year"通常指的是上一年,但它也可以指过去任何一个完整的年份。

3) "last year"则更加具体,只指过去的一整年。


last year的词组

1. "Last year's news" - 去年的新闻,指的是去年发生的重要事件或新闻。

2. "Last year's trend" - 去年的趋势,指的是去年流行或受欢迎的事物。

3. "Last year's memories" - 去年的回忆,指的是去年发生过的美好或难忘的事情。

4. "Last year's resolutions" - 去年的决心,指的是去年立下过但未能实现的计划或目标。

5. "Last year's achievements" - 去年的成就,指的是去年取得过的成功或进步。

6. "Last year's mistakes" - 去年犯下的错误,指的是去年犯过但希望不再重复的错误。

7. "Last year's challenges" - 去年面临过的挑战,指的是去年曾经遇到但最终克服了困难。

8. "Last year's lessons" - 去年学到的教训,指从去年经历中获得到的宝贵经验和教训。

9. "Last year's highlights" - 去年值得关注之处,指去年最引人注目或最精彩纷呈之处。

10. "Last year's adventures" - 去年冒险经历,指去年尝试过并有所收获的冒险或挑战

last year同义词示例

1. Previous year

- Meaning: The year that came before the current one.

- Example: The company's profits were much higher than the previous year.

2. Past year

- Meaning: The year that has just passed.

- Example: In the past year, I have learned a lot about myself.

3. Previous calendar year

- Meaning: The previous full year according to the calendar.

- Example: Our sales have increased by 20% compared to the previous calendar year.

4. Preceding year

- Meaning: The year that came before.

- Example: The production levels were lower in the preceding year due to economic downturn.

5. Bygone year

- Meaning: A past or former year.

- Example: We had a great time reminiscing about our bygone years during our high school reunion.

6. Prior year

- Meaning: The time before the current one.

- Example: Our team won the championship in the prior year's tournament.

7. Antecedent year

- Meaning: A previous or earlier time period.

- Example: We need to analyze the antecedent years' data to understand the trend better.

8. Preceding calendar period

- Meaning: A time period that came before according to the calendar.

- Example: Our company's stocks performed better in the preceding calendar period compared to this one.

9. Last twelve months

- Meaning: A period of twelve months preceding now.

- Example: Our profits have increased by 15% in the last twelve months.

10. Recent past

- Meaning: A recent time period.

- Example: In the recent past, there has been a significant shift in consumer behavior towards online shopping.

11. Prior fiscal period

Meaning :The financial reporting period that came before according to a company's fiscal calendar

Example :The company's revenue was higher in the prior fiscal period due to a successful product launch.

12. Previous financial year

- Meaning: The year that came before according to a company's financial calendar.

- Example: The company's profits were lower in the previous financial year due to unexpected expenses.

13. Last fiscal year

- Meaning: The most recent full financial year.

- Example: Our company's sales have increased by 25% compared to the last fiscal year.

14. Bygone fiscal period

- Meaning: A past or former time period according to a company's fiscal calendar.

- Example: We need to review the data from the bygone fiscal period to make informed decisions for the upcoming one.

15. Preceding accounting period

- Meaning: A time period that came before according to a company's accounting records.

- Example: The expenses were higher in the preceding accounting period due to investments in new technology.

16. Previous reporting year

- Meaning: The year that came before according to a company's reporting cycle.

- Example: Our company's progress has been significant compared to the previous reporting year.

17. Last completed year

- Meaning: The most recent full year that has been completed.

- Example: Our team has achieved great success in the last completed year, and we aim to continue this momentum.

18. Prior statistical period

Meaning :A previous or earlier time period according to statistical records

Example :The crime rate was lower in the prior statistical period, but it has increased in recent years.

19. Last annual cycle

- Meaning: The most recent annual cycle.

- Example: We have seen an improvement in customer satisfaction ratings compared to the last annual cycle.

20. Anterior year

- Meaning :The time before this one; previous or earlier time period

Example :The anterior years' data shows a decline in customer retention rates, and we need to address this issue immediately

我们可以了解到last year是一个常用的短语,它的拼音是“lɑːst jɪə(r)”,读者们可以在日常生活中灵活运用。同时,我们也可以通过双语例句更加深入地理解其用法。除此之外,文章还为大家提供了一些常用的词组和同义词示例,希望能够帮助读者们更加准确地使用last year。最后,我是网站的编辑,如果你喜欢本文,请关注我获取更多有趣且实用的英语知识。谢谢阅读!