1. "knowledgeable"一词的发音为[knɒlɪdʒəbəl],其中重点发音为第二个音节的"lɪdʒ"。
2. "knowledgeable"一词是由三个音节构成的单词,分别为"know-ledge-a-ble"。
3. 在英语中,重读通常会落在单词的第一个音节上,因此在发音时要注意将重点放在"lɪdʒ"这个音节上。
4. 需要注意的是,在英语中,有些单词的发音可能会因地区、口音或者语境而有所差异,因此读者可以根据自己的习惯和环境来调整发音方式。
5. 除了重点发音外,还需要注意将每个音节都清晰地表达出来,特别是第一个和最后一个音节。
6. 在英语中,“knowledgeable”一词通常用于形容一个人具有广博的知识、丰富的经验和深厚的学识。因此,在阅读或听到这个单词时,可以联想到“知识渊博”的意思。
7. 如果想要更准确地掌握“knowledgeable”一词的发音,可以通过查阅英文字典或者听母语人士朗读来进一步学习和练习。
8. 除了单词本身的发音外,还需要注意在连读时将单词与单词之间的边界清晰地划分出来,避免发音模糊或者混淆。
9. 最后,提醒读者在学习英语发音时要保持耐心和坚持,通过不断地练习和反复听写来提高自己的口语表达能力
1. knowledgeable的意思
2. knowledgeable的发音
3. knowledgeable的用法
(1) 作表语,表示某人“有知识、博学”:She is very knowledgeable about art.(她对艺术非常有见地。)
(2) 作定语,修饰名词:a knowledgeable teacher(一位博学的老师)
(3) 可以加副词very, highly等来加强程度:highly knowledgeable in history(在历史方面非常博学)
4. 双语例句
1) She is a very knowledgeable person when it comes to history and literature.
2) The tour guide was very knowledgeable about the local culture and traditions.
3) He is highly knowledgeable in the field of science and technology.
4) It's important to have a knowledgeable mentor to guide you in your career.
5) The panel was made up of knowledgeable experts in the field.
1. "a knowledgeable person" - 一个有知识的人
2. "highly knowledgeable" - 高度有知识的
3. "well-informed and knowledgeable" - 知情且有知识的
4. "a knowledgeable expert" - 一个有知识的专家
5. "knowledgeable in a variety of subjects" - 在多种学科上有知识
6. "deeply knowledgeable about a topic" - 对某个主题非常了解
7. "a team of knowledgeable professionals" - 一群有知识的专业人士
8. "knowledgeable about current events" - 对当前事件了解的人
9. "a culturally knowledgeable individual" - 一个具有文化知识的个人
10. "a well-read and knowledgeable person" - 一个博览群书且有知识的人
1. Well-informed: 指知识渊博,了解广泛,对某一领域有深入的了解和理解。
例如:She is a well-informed expert in the field of psychology.
2. Knowledgeable: 指具有广泛知识和经验,能够准确地回答各种问题。
例如:The professor is very knowledgeable about ancient history.
3. Educated: 指受过良好教育,具有高等学历或专业知识。
例如:He comes from an educated family and has a degree in engineering.
4. Informed: 指掌握了必要的信息和知识,能够做出明智的决定。
例如:Before making a decision, it's important to be well-informed about the situation.
5. Versed: 指对某一领域或主题非常熟悉,具备丰富的知识和经验。
例如:She is well versed in classical literature and can quote Shakespeare at any time.
6. Proficient: 指在某一领域或技能上有很高的水平,能够熟练地运用所学知识。
例如:He is proficient in multiple languages and can easily communicate with people from different countries.
7. Skilled: 指具备专业技能和经验,在某一领域内表现出色。
例如:The surgeon is highly skilled and has successfully performed many complex operations.
8. Expert: 指在某一领域内具有专业知识和经验,被认为是权威人士。
例如:She is an expert in environmental science and has published numerous research papers on the subject.
9. Well-read: 指阅读广泛,对各种书籍和文学作品有深入的了解。
例如:He is well-read in philosophy and can discuss various philosophical theories with ease.
10. Cultured: 指受过良好教育,具备广泛的知识和修养。
例如:The cultured gentleman is knowledgeable about art, music, and literature