

1. What is the meaning of "below" in English?

"Below" is a preposition that means at a lower level or position than something else, or in a lower place.

How to say ”below” in English, the English translation of below is: ListenClassroom

2. How do you pronounce "below" in English?

The correct pronunciation of "below" is bih-LOH, with the stress on the second syllable. The first syllable is pronounced as "bih", with a short "i" sound, and the second syllable is pronounced as "loh", with a long "o" sound.

3. Tips for pronouncing "below" correctly

- Make sure to stress the second syllable and pronounce it with a long "o" sound.

- Pay attention to the vowel sound in the first syllable, it should be pronounced as a short "i".

- Practice saying it slowly and then gradually increase your speed.

- Listen to native speakers pronounce it and try to imitate their pronunciation.

- Record yourself saying it and compare it to the correct pronunciation.

4. Common mistakes in pronouncing "below"

Some common mistakes when pronouncing "below" include:

- Pronouncing the first syllable with a long vowel sound instead of a short one (e.g. BEE-low).

- Stressing the first syllable instead of the second one (e.g. BEE-loh).

To avoid these mistakes, make sure to pay attention to both the stress and vowel sounds when practicing.

5. Examples of using "below"

Below are some examples of how to use this word correctly in sentences:

- The temperature dropped below freezing last night.

- Please sign your name below mine on the document.

- The answer can be found in the paragraph below.

In these examples, we can see that "below" is used to indicate something at a lower level or position than something else.

6. Other ways to say "below"

There are some other words that can be used instead of "below" depending on the context, such as:

- Underneath

- Beneath

- Lower than

- Less than

It's important to understand the meaning and usage of these words in order to choose the most appropriate one.

7. Conclusion

In conclusion, "below" is a commonly used preposition in English that means at a lower level or position than something else. To pronounce it correctly, make sure to stress the second syllable and pronounce it with a long "o" sound. Practice and listen to native speakers for better pronunciation. Remember to also pay attention to the context and use other words if necessary


1. "Below"是一个常见的英语单词,它通常用作副词或介词,具有多种含义和用法。

2. 在最基本的意思上,"below"可以表示在某物或某人的下方,比如:"The book is below the shelf."(这本书在架子下面。)"The temperature dropped below freezing."(气温降到了冰点以下。)

3. "Below"还可以表示在某个位置、地点或水平线之下,例如:"The city lies below the mountains."(城市位于山脉之下。)"The water level is below the safety mark."(水位低于安全标准。)

4. 另外,"below"也可以表示在次要或较低的等级、地位、程度或数量上,类似于"less than"(少于)、"lower than"(低于)的意思。例如:"His salary is below average."(他的薪水低于平均水平。) "She scored below her classmates on the test."(她在考试中得分比同学们低。)

5. 同时,作为介词,"below"还可以用来引导一个范围或界限,在这个范围内的事物都符合某种条件或标准。比如:"Children below the age of 18 are not allowed to watch this movie."(18岁以下的孩子不允许观看这部电影。)"The temperature should be kept below 25 degrees Celsius."(温度应保持在摄氏25度以下。)

6. 此外,"below"也可以表示比某个标准或目标低,例如:"The company's profits were below expectations."(公司的利润低于预期。)"Her grades are below average."(她的成绩低于平均水平。)

7. 最后,"below"还可以用来表示在某种情况、状态或行为之下,通常与介词"to"连用。例如:"She is not below lying to get what she wants."(她不会在谎言面前屈服以获得自己想要的东西。) "He is not below asking for help when he needs it."(他需要帮助时不会犹豫开口求助。)

8. 总的来说,"below"是一个非常常用且多功能的英语单词,在不同的语境中具有不同的含义和用法。因此,在学习和使用英语时,我们应该注意掌握它的各种意思,并根据具体情况合理运用,避免出现错误或歧义


1. "Below"的基本用法

- "Below"是一个介词,表示在某个位置、水平或程度的下方。

- 它可以用来描述物体的位置关系,也可以用来表示数量、温度、等级等方面的比较。

- 在句子中通常位于动词之后,名词之前。

2. 双语例句

- The temperature is below freezing, so make sure to wear warm clothes. (温度低于冰点,所以一定要穿暖和的衣服。)

- The water level is below the safety mark, please be careful when swimming. (水位低于安全标志,请游泳时小心。)

- The price of this product is below average in the market. (这个产品的价格低于市场平均水平。)

3. "Below"的同义词

- Underneath: 表示在某物体或地点的下方。

- Beneath: 与"underneath"意思相同,但更常用于抽象概念。

- Under: 表示在某物体或地点的下方,也可以表示在某个数量或程度以下。

4. "Below"与其他介词搭配使用

- Below + noun: 表示在某物体或地点的下方。

- The cat is sleeping below the table.

- The treasure is buried below the ground.

- The temperature is dropping below zero.

- Below + verb-ing: 表示低于某个程度或水平。

- The company's profits are below expectations.

- Her performance is below average.

- The noise level is below the legal limit.

- Below + adverb: 表示低于某个程度或水平。

- The temperature is well below freezing.

- The price is slightly below budget.

- He scored just below the passing mark.

5. "Below"的常见错误用法

- "Under"和"below"的区别:两者都表示在某物体或地点的下方,但"under"更强调物体之间的接触,而"below"则更强调位置关系。

- "Below"和"bellow"的区别:两者发音相同,但意思完全不同。前者是介词,后者是动词,表示大声喊叫。



1. Underneath it all: This phrase means "beneath or below the surface" and can be used in a literal or figurative sense. For example, "Underneath it all, she was still struggling with her emotions."

2. Down below: This phrase refers to something that is located at a lower level or beneath something else. It can also be used to describe a place that is lower in altitude. For instance, "The treasure was hidden down below the old oak tree."

3. Below the belt: This idiomatic expression is often used to describe something that is unfair or cruel. It comes from the sport of boxing where hitting below the belt is against the rules. For example, "His comments about her appearance were really below the belt."

4. Below par: This phrase comes from golf and refers to something that is not up to standard or below average. It can also be used to describe someone who is not feeling well or performing at their best. For instance, "Her performance at work has been below par lately."

5. Below the surface: This phrase means that there is more to a situation than what appears on the outside. It can also refer to hidden emotions or thoughts that are not immediately apparent. For example, "Below the surface, she was struggling with feelings of insecurity."

6. Below zero: This phrase describes a temperature that is lower than freezing point and can also be used figuratively to mean extremely cold or unwelcoming conditions. For instance, "The temperature dropped below zero last night."

7. Sink below: This phrase means to fall beneath a certain level or standard and can refer to both physical objects and abstract concepts like morals or expectations. For example, "Her grades have started to sink below passing level."

8. From beneath: This phrase means from under something and can also be used metaphorically to mean from a hidden position or source. For instance, "The voice seemed to come from beneath the bed."

9. Below the radar: This phrase refers to something that is not being noticed or detected, often intentionally. It can also mean to operate secretly or discreetly. For example, "The company was able to launch their new product below the radar of their competitors."

10. Sink or swim: This phrase means to either succeed or fail without any help or support. It can also refer to a situation where one must adapt and survive on their own. For instance, "In this internship, it's sink or swim – you either learn quickly or you don't make it."


1. Underneath - This word is often used to describe something that is directly below or underneath another object or surface. For example, "The keys are underneath the newspaper on the table."

2. Beneath - Similar to "underneath," this word also refers to something that is located below or under something else. However, it can also be used in a figurative sense to mean "lower in rank or importance." For instance, "The truth lies beneath all the lies and excuses."

3. Under - This is a more general term that can be used to indicate something that is below or beneath another object or surface. It can also be used in phrases like "under the table" or "under the sea."

4. Lower - This word can be used as an adjective to describe something that is situated below another object, such as "the lower shelf." It can also be used as a verb, meaning to move something downwards, for example, "Lower the blinds."

5. Nether - This word has a more poetic connotation and is often used in literature or formal writing. It means "lower in place" and can be seen in phrases like "the nether regions" or "netherworld."

6. Inferior - Similar to "beneath," this word can also have a figurative meaning of being lower in rank or quality compared to something else. For instance, "The quality of this product is inferior to our previous one."

7. Subordinate - This word refers to something that is lower in rank or position compared to another thing. It can also mean being under someone's authority or control.

8. Lowermost - This term specifically refers to the lowest part of something, such as the bottom layer of a cake.

9. Belowground - Used as an adjective, this word describes something that is situated beneath the surface of the ground.

10. Underneath/Under/Beneath it all - These phrases are often used to indicate the underlying or hidden truth or meaning behind a situation or person's actions. For example, "Underneath it all, she was just trying to impress her boss."

"below"是一个常用的英语词汇,它的发音为[bɪˈloʊ],意思是“在...下方”。在句子中,它可以作为介词、副词或形容词使用。例如,在句子中作为介词时,它可以表示“在...之下”;作为副词时,可以表示“在更低的位置”;作为形容词时,则可以表示“低于某个位置或水平”。除了以上用法外,"below"还可以与其他单词组成一些常用的短语,如"below zero"表示“零度以下”,"below average"表示“低于平均水平”,等等。同时,在文章中还举了几个例子来帮助读者更好地理解和使用这个单词。最后,我是这篇文章的编辑,希望大家能够喜欢并关注我的网站。如果你有任何关于英语学习的问题或建议,请随时联系我。谢谢阅读!