




1. 什么是encounter?

Encounter是一个英语单词,意为“遭遇”、“邂逅”、“遇到”等。它可以用作名词或动词,常见的词组有“chance encounter”(偶然的邂逅)、“encounter difficulties”(遇到困难)等。

2. 如何正确读音encounter?


Step 1:注意第二个元音/aʊ/的发音。这个元音是由两个元素组合而成,即开口度较大的/a/和舌位较低、舌尖稍微抬起的/u/。在练习时可以先单独练习这两个元素,然后再结合起来发出/aʊ/这个元音。

Step 2:注意第三个字母/n/与/t/之间的连读。当/n/和/t/相连时,会产生一种浊辅音/d/的发声特点。因此,在读encounter时,要注意将/tər/连读成/dər/。

Step 3:注意整体语调。Encounter是一个重读型单词,重音落在第一个音节上。因此,在读encounter时,要注意将第一个音节的发音加重,并将后面的两个音节略微弱化。

3. 如何正确使用encounter?


- I encountered an old friend on my way to work today.(我今天上班路上偶然遇到了一位老朋友。)

- The explorers encountered many difficulties during their journey.(探险者们在旅途中遭遇了许多困难。)


- Their encounter on the train was the beginning of a beautiful love story.(他们在火车上的邂逅是一段美丽爱情故事的开始。)

- The encounter between the two groups of protesters turned violent.(两组抗议者之间的冲突演变成了暴力事件。)


1. encounter的定义


2. encounter的用法

(1)encounter作为名词时,通常用于表示某种不寻常或令人惊讶的事情发生,如:“I had a strange encounter on my way home last night.”(昨晚在回家的路上我发生了一件奇怪的事情。)

(2)encounter作为动词时,可以用来描述偶然发生的事件或不期而至的情况,如:“I encountered an old friend at the supermarket.”(我在超市里偶然碰到了一个老朋友。)此外,它也可以表示面对困难或挑战时所经历的事情,如:“The team encountered many obstacles during their journey to the summit.”(队伍在登顶过程中遇到了许多障碍。)

3. 双语例句

(1)We were lucky to encounter a group of friendly locals who helped us find our way.


(2)The soldiers were prepared for any possible encounters with the enemy.


(3)During my travels, I had the opportunity to encounter different cultures and customs.


(4)He had a close encounter with a bear while hiking in the mountains.


(5)The two leaders unexpectedly encountered each other at the conference and had a brief conversation.



1. chance encounter - 偶然相遇

2. close encounter - 近距离接触

3. unexpected encounter - 意外的相遇

4. romantic encounter - 浪漫邂逅

5. brief encounter - 短暂的相遇

6. awkward encounter - 尴尬的碰面

7. random encounter - 随机的相遇

8. memorable encounter - 难忘的经历

9. fateful encounter - 命中注定的邂逅

10. chance encounter with destiny - 与命运的偶然相遇


1. Meet:遇见,相遇,常用于描述两个人或物体在某个时间或地点相遇。

例如:I had a chance encounter with my childhood friend at the supermarket.


2. Confront:面对,遭遇,通常指面对困难、挑战或危险的情况。

例如:The soldiers had to confront many obstacles during their mission.


3. Experience:经历,体验,强调通过亲身经历而获得的知识和感受。

例如:I had a frightening encounter with a bear while hiking in the mountains.


4. Come across:偶然碰到,意外发现,在口语中常用来描述偶然的相遇或发现。

例如:I came across an old photo of us while cleaning out my closet.


5. Run into:撞上,巧遇,在口语中也常用来表示偶然的相遇。

例如:I ran into my neighbor at the grocery store yesterday.


6. Encounter with:与...相遇/邂逅,在这种表达中,encounter通常用作名词,表示某人与某物或某个情况的相遇。

例如:She had a romantic encounter with a stranger while traveling in Europe.


7. Brush with:擦肩而过,暂时接触,在这种表达中,encounter通常用作名词,强调短暂的接触。

例如:I had a brief brush with fame when my video went viral.


8. Chance meeting:偶然相遇,在这种表达中,encounter通常用作名词,强调偶然性。

例如:Their chance meeting at the airport led to a lifelong friendship.


9. Encounterment:遭遇,在这种表达中,encounter通常用作名词,强调不期而至的遭遇。

例如:The hikers had an unexpected encounterment with a group of wild animals in the forest.


10. Run-in:冲突,在这种表达中,encounter通常用作名词,指两个或多个人之间的不愉快冲突。

例如:The two politicians had a heated run-in during the debate.


11. Encounterment:遭遇,在这种表达中,encounter通常用作名词,强调不期而至的遭遇。

例如:The hikers had an unexpected encounterment with a group of wild animals in the forest.


12. Brush past:擦身而过,在这种表达中,encounter通常用作动词,指短暂地与某人或物体接触。

例如:I brushed past my ex-boyfriend on the street and pretended not to see him.


13. Tangle with:与...纠缠,在这种表达中,encounter通常用作动词,指与某人或物体发生纠缠或冲突。

例如:He got into a fight after tangling with some rowdy teenagers at the bar.


14. Clash with:与...发生冲突,在这种表达中,encounter通常用作动词,指与某人或物体发生严重的冲突。

例如:The two rival gangs clashed with each other in a violent encounter.


15. Run up against:偶然遇到,在这种表达中,encounter通常用作动词,指偶然地遇到某人或物体。

例如:I ran up against my high school bully at the reunion and couldn't believe how much he had changed.

